It was a broad piece of yellow paper with mysterious runes drawn on it.

My face immediately changed.

Because in this rune, there are several words that almost ooze blood.

"Hou Tu Hou Qian." Subconsciously, I quickly raised my hand and grabbed it, trying to tear down the talisman paper!

The strange thing is that when a gust of wind blows, it floats upwards, and the entire piece of talisman sticks to the eaves of the courtyard, and I can't reach it at all.

A lot of goose bumps appeared on my body, and my heart sank.

This yard is a big problem!

And it was on that talisman!

Because this is not a simple talisman, but a talisman!

Most of what Jiang Yihong taught me was geomantic omen, which was recorded in the Zhaijing.

The Zhaijing also collects the essence of geomantic omen from all over the world, which was perfected by Mr. Yin and Yang who have been geologists in the past dynasties.

To this day, there are countless Fengshui survey methods that have been lost in geology.

This talisman is a kind of feng shui technique that is almost lost!

This talisman draws the land as the mansion, and classifies a piece of land in the yang world as belonging to the yin people.

In this realm, if an external evil enters, it will break the rules of the underworld, and it will definitely be punished by heaven.

The dead in the talisman have indescribable control over this land.

Jiang Yihong once told me that if you see a place with a contract, don't go in.

Whether it is Mr. Yinjutsu or Mr. Yinyang, as long as the talisman is used, the deceased has a great relationship with him.

Try not to offend these people, otherwise, it will definitely be the result of endless death!

At this moment, I am more sure that this place is a haunted house, and I also know the girl's name...

Her name is Hou Qian!

In the blink of an eye, I was about to call out to Liu Tianniu and the others, we can't just stay here rashly.

But the group of them has already walked into the main room...

What's even weirder is that the courtyard started to fog up. The fog came very fast, and it was about to cover the entire courtyard in a blink of an eye.

My face suddenly changed, and I raised my legs to move forward.

But Zhang Quan's trembling and fearful voice came from behind: "Mr. Li, this ghost fog is so penetrating, do you want to come out?" My eyelids twitched slightly, and I looked sideways at Zhang Quan. With a moo, he kicked his hoof uncomfortably.

"You take Lao Huang and find a safe place to stay. We will come to you later. Watch it carefully, and don't let anyone hurt it." As soon as I finished speaking, Zhang Quan was about to pull up the rope.

I also plan to hurry to the main room and call them out.

But the big yellow ox suddenly mooed again, kicked the ox's hooves, and went straight into the yard.

I can only follow quickly.

After entering the mist, it seemed that in the white mist in all directions, there were invisible little hands pulling my clothes from various positions.

The cool wind lingers in my ears, which makes me feel like I want to turn back.

But I am very clear that if I look back at this place, I am afraid that something will happen...

The rustling sound of the fixed compass at the waist has changed a little, and it has become that kind of hissing sound.

When I walked into the main room, Liu Tianniu was holding his hands behind his back, looking sharply at the mist in the courtyard.

Liu Huayan held a mahogany sword and scanned her surroundings vigilantly.

Holding the mourning stick tightly, He Zhi stood at the entrance, obviously waiting for me.

I looked hesitant, but Liu Tianniu said in a deep voice: "Li Yinyang, find it, this evil spirit is haunting, first subdue it, then you won't be afraid that the money book won't come out."

Liu Tianniu paused for a moment, then said again: "You should be able to find it, right?"

Immediately, I understood what Liu Tianniu meant. He thought that if he hurt Hou Qianshu's daughter, would Hou Qianshu still come out?

Between my thoughts, I also had a calculation in my heart.

Breathing out a bad breath, I told Liu Tianniu in a low voice, saying that we should retreat from the courtyard first, there is a deed in the courtyard, and Qian Shu will definitely not be easy at that time.

If it weren't for his own superb Feng Shui skills, there would be an extremely powerful Feng Shui master following him.

Before I finished speaking, Liu Tianniu interrupted me, saying that I had already said this before.

Why was I fine before, but now I'm afraid of that person?

After speaking so far, Liu Tianniu's tone has become a bit cold.

I froze for a moment, and after sorting out my thoughts, I said cautiously that it was different from before, and there was a talisman hanging on the front of the courtyard.

If Hou Qianshu can draw this talisman, then his Feng Shui skills are already very strong!Coupled with his yang calculation ability, it is enough to be called Mr. Yin Yang!

If it weren't for him, the person who drew this talisman must also be a powerful Mr. Yin.

According to the rules of our industry, if you see a talisman, you must be cautious, otherwise, you will definitely die forever!

After a short pause, I explained the talisman to Liu Tianniu again.

Liu Tianniu narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was thinking.

Just at this moment, suddenly, there was a crisp sound of "pop" in the courtyard.

The sound was so hollow that it even echoed in the courtyard.

Immediately afterwards, there was another "pop", and when the sound became coherent, it was applause.

And amidst the applause, there was even the faint sound of footsteps.

I stared at the white mist in amazement.

Liu Tianniu's slightly squinted eyes became sharper, Liu Huayan's expression became more vigilant, and He Zhi had already pulled out the mourning stick from his waist, ready to strike at any time!

In the white mist, a human-shaped shadow appeared, but the shadow flickered, obviously lame.

There was already fine sweat on my forehead.

I originally thought that after we all leave first, I will come to Qian Shu alone to see if I can have a talk with him and solve this matter in another way.

But I never expected that he would walk out without dodging? !

After a while, the shadow broke through the fog and came close to us!In sight was a man in his early 40s, dressed in a Tang suit.

His complexion was dark and his eyes were cloudy.

He kept clapping his hands so hard that his hands turned red.

In Liu Tianniu's slightly squinted eyes, a hint of murderous intent suddenly appeared.

He Zhi was even more vigilant and suspicious, and half-carrying the mourning stick with full vigilance, ready to strike at any time.

My eyes quickly swept over the man and found that he was limping on his left leg.

"Waiting for money?" I suppressed the beating of my heart and lowered my voice to ask.

The man moved his head and seemed to answer me with a nod.

His cloudy eyes also swept across my body, and suddenly moved his lips.

An extremely hoarse smoked voice came into my ears.

"You are twenty years old, and you recognize Fu Qi. It seems that you are not an ordinary Feng Shui master."

"A Taoist priest riding a yellow ox, a ghost woman carrying a lightning strike tree, and the small Xuanhu Town has people like you here."

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