Ge Guang was so frightened that his face turned pale, and his eyeballs almost protruded.

My heart trembled even more, because in the end He Zhi said that he was stupid, which really surprised me.

This technique, the after-effects are so serious? !

I raised my hand to stop He Zhi's movement. This method is too harsh, it hurts people's souls, and there must be retribution!

Ge Guangren is here, there must be other ways to make him speak.

Liu Tianniu originally looked at Ge Guang sharply, but suddenly raised his eyebrows.

The next moment, he shot directly and grabbed He Zhi's wrist!

Obviously, although Liu Tianniu is strict, he does justice for the sky and saves lives. He Zhi's method is too cruel, and he can't watch He Zhi use it.

But He Zhi's movements became more and more rapid!

Seeing that He Zhi was about to hit Ge Guang's forehead...

"I said!" Ge Guang was completely frightened, and screamed in horror.

"Crack! Crack!" With two soft sounds, Liu Tianniu and I grabbed He Zhi's wrist and elbow almost simultaneously.

Ge Guangteng fell to his knees on the ground, shaking like chaff.

He looked even more terrified, and said tremblingly: "I said... Daoist Liu, Mr. Li... you let me go... I said..." I understood at once, this Ge Guang thought that Liu Tianniu and I were the same Want to do it?

But I didn't explain anything, and Liu Tianniu didn't open his mouth either.

It's just that He Zhi grunted in pain.

I quickly let go of my hand, and at the same time reminded Liu Tianniu in a low voice, and he only let go.

He Zhi took out a cloth, wiped the blood on his five fingers, and looked at Ge Guang coldly.

Ge Guang continued with a miserable face: "Hou Qianshu also has a daughter. When he was ordered by the official to be hung up, he was sent away by someone. I was ordered by the official to arrest her..."

"Afterwards, the official left, but Qian Shu's daughter didn't follow her, and she disappeared... No one else knew about this... I think he might have secretly hidden him away for fear of being seen..."

After Ge Guang finished speaking, Zhang Quan's expression changed, and he looked at him in astonishment.

I felt a chill in my heart.

These years, although there is a lot of chaos, but there is a saying, the disaster is not as good as the family!

Even a paper maker like Xu, who digs graves and digs corpses, and eats the dead, knows to warn me that it is a mistake to want to arrest people!

Hou Qianshu encountered an accident that year, and his daughter was intercepted and arrested?

That official could break Hou Qianshu's legs because his words were too direct and unpleasant, and tied him up for three days without food or drink.

One can imagine what would happen if a girl fell into his hands!

He Zhi even grabbed Ge Guang's collar directly. She is thin and thin, but she has a lot of strength, and she even lifted Ge Guang quite a bit!

She stared at Ge Guang angrily, reached out and "slapped" Ge Guang's face with a slap!

This crisp sound resounded in my ears, and Liu Tianniu didn't try to stop it.

Ge Guang mourned and explained tremblingly, saying that there was nothing he could do back then, if he hadn't done this, the whole town would have suffered together, and the official was holding a gun and pointing at his son's head to give the order ...

The room immediately fell silent, only Ge Guang's crying explanation remained.

My heart is cold...

Because I think that the daughter of Qian Shu should not have been taken away...

At first, I also felt that although Hou Qianshu was in a difficult situation, there was a reason for the incident after all, and it was too extreme for him to directly kill the entire Xuanhu Town.

But now that I know the process, I feel that there is a reason for waiting for Qian Shu...

Moreover, I also thought of the time of the Great Yin, when there was a murderous atmosphere in the yard, but we couldn't see where the ghouls were.

If that place is a haunted house, then naturally the whole house will have the same murderous aura, and it is normal that the compass cannot tell the direction.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that my analysis is right.

And as a fortune teller, Hou Qianshu must be able to calculate some...

It must have been carefully calculated that he could wait for so many years to come back!

Whether he has learned Fengshui himself, or he is accompanied by a Fengshui master, this is definitely a fierce fight!

"He should be in the house during the day. His daughter, [-]% is not taken away, it is a haunted house."

I took a deep breath, and then looked up at Liu Tianniu, my tone became quite hoarse.

Suddenly, there was a muffled "bang", and it was Zhang Quan who kicked Ge Guang heavily in the back of the heart. Ge Guang screamed and fell to the ground.

"I'll take you back, he's not human at all!" Zhang Quan's eyes were full of resentment, and his cheeks, which had been flushed by the wind and sand, now looked more like pig's liver.

Zhang Quan turned around and began to lead the way.

Ge Guang got up from the ground, stumbled and followed us.

All the way back to Xuanhu Town, I kept thinking about how to deal with this matter...

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel.

By the time we returned to Xuanhu Town, it was already very late.

He Zhi returned the big black wooden box and pocket watch to me on the way.

I took out my pocket watch and checked the time, it was almost three o'clock in the morning.

After entering the town, Ge Guang, who was following us, ducked into a side street and disappeared without a trace.

On the road, Zhang Quan walked with the wind, and his eyes were full of resentment.

Now on the town road, he was always in a state of panic, and started to walk cautiously.

Under my signal, Zhang Quan took us back to the courtyard where we had been during the day.

At this time, the night sky is colder and more lonely, there are no stars in the sky, and a pale full moon hangs obliquely on the horizon.

The bluestone in front of the yard is still there.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with it.

But after taking another look, I noticed something strange...

There was a gloomy atmosphere in the whole yard, and even some cracks appeared on the wooden threshold, which seemed to be oozing blood.

Liu Tianniu made a blocking motion, blocking me and He Zhi.

Zhang Quan also stopped, and carefully hid behind me.

The big yellow ox mooed, forming quite an echo.

Liu Huayan walked a few steps forward, and when she reached the threshold, she looked around the courtyard carefully, and finally looked above the threshold, and said anxiously: "Master, the An Wujing Town Talisman has been broken, and the yellow stone in the courtyard is broken. , the things inside are so fierce."

Liu Huayan's words were full of surprise and worry.

I immediately guessed that Liu Tianniu's talisman should be rarely broken, and Liu Huayan was the one who reacted like this...

"Go in and have a look." Liu Tianniu said in a deep voice.

He directly raised his leg forward, stepped into the courtyard gate.

Liu Huayan also followed into the courtyard.

He Zhi followed into the courtyard gate, and I hurried to catch up with her.

When I crossed the threshold, I subconsciously looked up, only to find a piece of paper pasted under the eaves of the courtyard.

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