He Zhi's words made me feel at ease immediately.

Liu Tianniu's eyes also flashed with brilliance and murderous intent, he hummed and said "very good".

I didn't hesitate anymore, and directly started to split the name of Hou Qianshu and analyze its location.

The moonlight was cold, and the water whirlpool returned to normal.

It's just that the sound of rushing water is even more hazy.

It seemed that at any moment a hand would come out of the swirl and drag me into the water.

In addition, the mountain across the river gave me a feeling.

It looks like a man squatting by the water, he has lost his soul, and is staring at us in a daze...

I bit the tip of my tongue hard to clear my mind.

I immediately reminded everyone in a low voice to keep them vigilant, the feng shui of this place is very bad, if you don't concentrate, you may slip and fall into the water.

As soon as I finished speaking, the mayor, Ge Guang, suddenly fell towards the water's edge!

His action was too sudden, there was no warning at all, and my expression changed suddenly.

In an instant, Liu Tianniu pulled out his fly whisk violently, hooked Ge Guang's waist directly, and pulled him back vigorously.

After Ge Guang was pulled back, he was dumbfounded, and was so frightened that his legs and feet kept shaking.

Liu Huayan hurriedly motioned them to stay back and not get too close to the water.

I quickly put aside all the messy thoughts and concentrated on analyzing the man's name.

In about half a cup of tea, I have already deduced a direction!

At this time, there is gold in the title of Qian's book, and the gossip is doing it!

Qianfang is a place of great shape, the largest is Kyoto, the second is the big city, and the third is the place of high-spirited towns.

I squinted my eyes slightly and got up, and said in a deep voice: "If nothing else happens, he is in Xuanhu Town." At this point, my face changed slightly, because this party is too big, it is a whole town, even if we go back Now, it will be even more difficult to find the waiting money book...

In addition, I also realized one thing, that is, Hou Qianshu should be a fortune teller, and he knows positive fortunetelling.

But this series of things is all about Feng Shui...

Or there is someone beside him who is proficient in Feng Shui.

Or in the past few years, Hou Qianshu has had the opportunity to learn Feng Shui, then he is not a fortune teller, but a Mr. Yin and Yang.

Thinking of this, my heart trembled even more.

No matter what kind it is, Qian Shu might not be easy to deal with at this time.

He frowned and asked, "It can only be confirmed that it is in Xuanhu Town? Where is it, and there is no hexagram?"

I exhaled heavily, shook my head, and said that the hexagram can only be determined to that extent.

We can only find it, or there are other clues...

Liu Tianniu paused for a moment, then said something and went back first.

Without delaying on the shore, Ge Guang and Zhang Quan led the way, and we headed towards Xuanhu Town again.

On the way, Liu Tianniu asked me again, what effect will those corpses have now?

Will they come out after we leave?

Obviously, Liu Tianniu is superb in Taoism, but he doesn't know enough about Feng Shui and the habits of fierce corpses.

After thinking about it for a while, I explained to him that what was formed here was only a feng shui bureau, and the feng shui bureau was used to harm people, not murderous corpses.

The townspeople of Xuanhu Town were panicked before, because they thought that someone was playing tricks, but in fact, those townspeople were tricked into murdering and drowning, and it was all written by Qian Shu.

After pausing for a moment, my heart became more and more uneasy, and finally said: "The murder of a murderous corpse is terrifying, and it is a danger to face directly. But Feng Shui harms people, but it is invisible, and it may be a coincidence, which will make people do something unexpected. What happened, triggered a series of reactions, and finally hurt people's lives..."

When the voice came to this point, I still couldn't hold back my breath, saying that I had no choice but to find the waiting money book as soon as possible.

But if Hou Qianshu runs away again when we return to Xuanhu Town, then all the townspeople in Xuanhu Town will either relocate with their families, or they will wait to be killed by the feng shui bureau of the Arrow Blade Demon...

Ge Guang, the mayor, was frighteningly pale, and Zhang Quan was even more so.

What I said was not complicated at all, and they obviously understood it.

Ge Guang gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Li, as soon as I enter the town, I will immediately get all the militiamen out of the town and let them guard the exits of every place! Not a single fly will be let out!"

I squinted my eyes slightly and asked Ge Guang, was Qian Shu's residence still there at that time, did he know someone in the town, maybe let him hide?

At this moment, Ge Guang was obviously hesitant to speak but stopped. As he was walking, his eyes actually averted a bit.

This immediately made my heart tremble.

I stopped immediately and grabbed Ge Guang's skinny shoulder.

He turned his head with difficulty, his expression even more disturbed and panicked.

"Don't hide anything, or you'll kill a whole town."

"Say." My voice was extremely low.

Ge Guang's vicissitudes of face turned blue and white.

He hesitated for a long time before he said: "The yard you entered today used to be the house waiting for Qian Shu, but now it has been turned into the mayor's office. My family lives there. Isn't it haunted during the day? , the Taoist priest sealed it."

As he spoke, Ge Guang glanced at Liu Tianniu.

But it was obvious that Ge Guang's eyes were a little dodgy.

"What else is there? Tell me quickly!" My tone suddenly became a lot heavier.

Because I already felt that there must be something else wrong here!

There was a fierce grudge in that yard during the day, but I couldn't find it, and Liu Tianniu had no clue...

If this is Hou Qianshu's house, then it makes sense...

Either there was a problem there many years ago, or he came back recently and made a problem.

As I was thinking, my eyes were somewhat stern.

"No...no more..." Ge Guang was startled.

My eyebrows are even more depressed.

Suddenly, Ge Guang asked tremblingly, if we find Hou Qianshu, can we kill him directly?

He killed many people in the town, and the townspeople hated him to the bone. If such a person stays, he will definitely kill again.

The dodge in Ge Guang's eyes was suppressed a lot, and now it was more ruthless.

But I see a problem.

This Ge Guang, is he changing the topic?

I was asking him what he was hiding, but he was saying that Qian Shu would harm people?

I stopped talking, but my eyes became colder.

There was not a single fool in the room, except for Zhang Quan who looked dazed.

Liu Tianniu's eyes were sharp, like a knife, able to penetrate people's hearts.

Liu Huayan was puzzled, his brows were furrowed, and his eyes were fixed on Ge Guang's face.

At this moment, He Zhi suddenly raised his hand.

I don't know what she did just now, her five slender fingers were covered in blood.

"You don't need to ask him. For a person like him, no matter how you ask, you won't open your mouth. Even if you open your mouth, you won't tell the truth."

"The ghost woman has a technique, just pull out his soul and ask again."

"Let him wake up after the questioning. He will be weak for a few days at most. If he is unlucky, he is just a fool. At least he won't lie." When He Zhi said this, his tone was calm and indifferent.

The moment her words fell, Ge Guang was so frightened that his legs gave way and he was about to fall down.

However, He Zhi didn't stop moving, and his five bloody fingers were about to press down on Ge Guang's forehead!

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