Zhang Quan shook his head immediately, and there was more sweat on his forehead.

Just at this moment, He Zhi suddenly raised his finger to the center of the water whirlpool, and hurriedly said: "Li Yinyang! Look quickly! There is another person under the corpse!"

My heart skipped a beat, and I immediately looked in the direction of He Zhi's finger.

At this glance, the hairs all over my body stood upside down.

At this time, more corpses surfaced.

No, she didn't float out, but was pushed out of the water by something!

From under her back, there is another person's body clinging...

With the woman's corpse on his back, his body gradually floated to the surface of the water.

Her hair was long and messy, like countless pitch-black tentacles swaying on the water.

The scary thing is, her limbs are frantically struggling and flapping in the swirl of water!

Between the crackling sounds, the swirl of water splashed out a lot of water!

This is clearly a woman!

"She's not dead?" A trembling voice came from Ge Guang's mouth: "Damn it... This big belly woman has been missing for more than ten days, and they say she's drowned... Why isn't she dead yet? A corpse..."

Ge Guang's words immediately woke me up from my boredom!

I stared straight at the struggling female corpse, and then at the pregnant corpse on its back...

A gust of cold air rushed into my limbs and bones in an instant, and my whole body was covered with goose bumps.

My heart sank to the bottom of the valley all of a sudden, and I murmured uneasily: "Under the fierce water, there is a fierce situation. In the fierce situation, the mother and son of the living corpse would rather die than die, and the evil girl with the arrow blade on her back. More fierce... I don't have the ability to pick them up,... whoever enters the water will surely die..."

A few more seconds passed.

The struggling female corpse suddenly raised her head, her messy hair was scattered on both sides of her cheeks!

Reflected by the moonlight, that pale dead face, with a pair of eyeballs staring straight at us on the shore.

The next moment, she suddenly sank towards the water...

The Arrow Blade Demoness on her back stayed on the water for a while before sinking...

After they were submerged, I noticed some hair floating around the swirl.

With the swaying of the water swirl, those hairs were also swaying, and they jumped out of the water from time to time, revealing a small half of the stiff body...

I could see right away that these corpses were walking corpses in the eyes of corpse hunters.

Walking corpses are the same as dead ones, but the difference between them is that walking corpses will gather into groups, guarding the place where the yin gathers, or something with deep yin energy that can give the corpse some benefits...

Here, I'm afraid they are guarding the Arrow Blade Demon...

With a bang, Ge Guang suddenly slumped on the ground, his face was extremely pale, his lips were buzzing, as if he had read a few names.

Zhang Quan's face was even uglier than crying, and the next moment he knelt down straight on the ground.

He trembled and said that he had suffered a great crime, those dead people were the ones who disappeared in the town these days and were tricked out.

They originally thought that if they found their husband, they would find people quickly, and they might not all be killed.

Unexpectedly, all the people are really dead now, they are all old and young, what will this do for the wives and children in their family?

I'm afraid that if the news spreads back, more than a dozen households will hang themselves...

Liu Tianniu's face was ugly, it was as heavy as dripping water.

I also frowned tightly, as if a big stone was pressing on my heart.

Although I can understand that Zhang Quan and the others were lucky before, but the facts are in front of me, and I never thought that these people would survive.

They have all become walking corpses... In addition, the mother and son of living corpses are carrying the arrow-blade evil girl on their backs.

This ferocity is no longer simply superimposed, but multiplied exponentially.

There is even a possibility that when Qian Shu did this thing, he had already calculated it?

First kill a pregnant woman, then trick other townspeople to kill them, and use them as "tools" for him to protect and carry the corpse.

Thinking of this makes me shudder even more.

If not, how could a woman who was pregnant in October bring a carp to such a dangerous place to release it in the middle of the night?

Just as I was thinking rapidly in my mind, Liu Tianniu suddenly said hoarsely: "Her time on the water is too short, and the rune of Jiqianmo... has failed."

The moment his voice fell, as expected, all the walking corpses whose heads were poked out by the water flow from time to time were all submerged in the water...

All this happens in just a few breaths.

I noticed that Liu Tianniu was holding a long whip in his hand.

He was clearly prepared to do something just now, but these corpses sank too fast, and he had no chance to do it at all.

"Master needs a little time to behead the corpse. Li Yinyang, can the methods you used to retrieve the corpses allow the two female corpses to float?" Liu Huayan said solemnly.

My temples twitched twice, I shook my head and said that I just said, I can't, the water is so fierce, whoever goes in will die.

Then I explained a few more words, saying that although Daoist Liu is superb in Taoism, water and water are completely two concepts.

I'm afraid we alone can't deal with this Arrow Blade Fiend...

Pausing for a moment, I wiped the sweat from my forehead, turned my head and glanced at the Xuanhukou Waterfall again.

There was a faint throbbing in my heart, and I said uneasily: "I'm afraid that the Arrow Blade Demon is here, it will be a foregone conclusion...we can only find the fortune teller and wait for the money book..."

"Your feng shui skills can't help?" Liu Tianniu opened his mouth, his brows were tightly frowned.

I shook my head, and said helplessly that I really had no idea, and I didn't know how to change the Feng Shui situation here.

He Zhi suddenly said: "To untie the bell, one must tie the bell. That fortune-teller can get the Arrow Blade Demon out of the grave and put it into this swirl of water, and can kill other people like this. He should Is there a way to get this corpse out again?"

I immediately nodded in agreement with He Zhi's speculation.

But my heart sank even more.

After thinking for a moment, I still expressed my concerns.

Even if we can find Mr. Feng Shui, I am afraid it will be a fight to the death, because he has done a great job, even if he is caught by us in the end, he will not be able to say anything, even if we end his life , I'm afraid they won't be able to deal with the corpses in this whirlpool.

Liu Tianniu's expression became more serious, and Liu Huayan's expression was also serious.

Taking a deep breath, I don't want to delay anymore, and now I can only find him first, so as not to cause another accident.

I squatted down, picked up a stone, and was about to split the eight characters in the title of Qian's book.

He Zhi suddenly came up to me and told me in a low voice that there is a trick among ghost women, which is worse than the so-called torture to extract confessions.

As long as we can find someone, she's sure to get him to talk!

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