I walked in the forefront, He Zhi almost clinging to me, and the rest followed behind us.

At this time, He Zhi's face showed a sudden look, and he glanced at the choppy Xuanhe next to him from time to time.

I walked very steadily on my feet. The road surface in this section is not smooth, but rather rough.

The bright moonlight sprinkled on the water surface, fragmented in the water waves.

The two banks, which were originally on a high terrain, went down along the direction of the water flow and became a slope, gradually leveling with the water surface.

In a blink of an eye, we walked hundreds of meters away.

Although the water was still turbulent, the rumbling sound was slightly smaller.

This entire hanging river flows straight down from the downstream channel where the waterfalls converge!

I have been paying attention to the front, and about tens of meters away, the river channel shows signs of bending, and the water flow is slightly shifted to the right side of the terrain.

And on the other side of that location, there is a hill!

The strange thing is that we didn't seem to see the mountain from the stand just now, but we could see it clearly after we walked down.

"It's strange..." He Zhi also murmured, "Why did a mountain suddenly appear?" I glanced at the other people from the corner of my eye.

Liu Tianniu's complexion didn't change much, Liu Huayan looked suspicious, but Ge Guang and Zhang Quan were normal.

"Mr. Li, this mountain is a bit strange. Whether it's day or night, when you walk upstream, it's hard to see. You can see it clearly after you come down. We don't know why." Zhang Quan explained.

Ge Guang nodded vigorously, shaking the sides of the dog fur hat.

I took a deep breath and quickly thought about the description of sand and water in the house scriptures.

Soon I had an inference, and said in a deep voice: "In terms of Feng Shui, there is indeed an explanation for this."

Immediately, everyone's eyes fell on me.

Even Liu Tianniu's eyes were somewhat curious.

I settled down, cleared my mind and explained: "There is only one in Taishi. It is not before the water, and the water is turbid, and then it becomes a river. There is a saying in the ancient scriptures that the one who is qi is the mother of water, and the one who is water is the son of qi. When the water follows, the water stops and the breath stops..."

Speaking of this, I paused, because the eyes of the people behind me were full of doubts, obviously unable to understand what I said at all.

I was also a little embarrassed, because what I subconsciously said was the description of the water dragon in the Zhaijing.

If it wasn't for the successor of Geographical Gemology, or a Feng Shui master with deep skills, others would definitely not understand it.

Pausing for a moment, I briefly explained that the mountain is air, intertwined with water, and the formation of that mountain is inseparable from the water here.

The water rushes down, taking away the mountain air, and the mountain becomes formless, like an empty shell.

This is why you can't see the mountain when you are a little further away.

Ge Guang and Zhang Quanquan looked at each other, while Liu Tianniu shook his head, saying that there is no need to explain so much, first look for the murderous corpse, and see if the dead big belly woman's corpse is also here.

I smiled wryly and gave up continuing to explain.

During this period, our group has already reached the place where the water bends to the right.

On the other side of the rushing river is the mountain.

In the wide river water, the bend is more turbulent and swift, forming a huge water whirlpool.

Looking carefully at the direction of the mountains and rivers, my heart trembled suddenly. At this time, I remembered a Fengshui pattern that fits the water and the shape of the mountains here.

Its name is Chongxinshui!

Rushing to the heart, the master is fierce, and there is no exact form of retribution, in short, it is fierce.

Regardless of whether it is on that mountain or in this water, any dead person will definitely turn into a vicious ghost!

If it is a ferocious corpse, it will become even worse.

I stared intently at the whirlpool in the middle of the river, without taking my eyes off it.

Not only me, but the rest of the people also looked at the whirlpool.

But the water swirls are too big, the waves are too fast, I can't see anything...

At this moment, Liu Tianniu's cold words suddenly came from beside him.

"Fierce, but hiding underwater, you can't hide your whereabouts even if you don't show your head!" I was startled, and turned to look at Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan.

Liu Huayan is currently taking out a roll of white cloth from his bag!

She spread the white cloth on the ground, and rolled out the remaining half roll. After the whole white cloth was unrolled, it was more than ten meters long.

Immediately afterwards, she took out another ink tray, which was much larger and almost occupied her entire package.

She placed the ink tray on the ground and immediately began to rub the ink quickly.

Liu Tianniu spread out his left hand and held it flat on the ink tray, and took out a mahogany sword with his right hand, and cut horizontally.

It was obviously a mahogany sword, but it pierced Liu Tianniu's palm, and a stream of blood flowed down and merged into the ink plate.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, the ink in the ink tray instantly turned black and red.

Liu Tianniu suddenly pulled out his waist whisk, and rolled it over the ink tray.

With his left hand behind his back, he waved the dust whisk with his right hand, and with a flick of it, a streak of ink fell on the white cloth!

A sonorous voice burst out from his lips: "Fu Yuan Siwei, God's mighty five ways, mastering all realms of evil! Knowing the hidden soul, it is peaceful and stable and attached to the original world! For generations to come, enjoy the auspiciousness forever ! said the god of the five roads and low roads."

During the spell, Liu Tianniu's figure flickered, and the whisk in his hand quickly sketched on the white cloth, every stroke was vigorous and powerful!

Within a few breaths, the white cloth of more than ten meters was covered with mysterious runes, and it turned into a huge rune!

Liu Tianniu stopped suddenly, put the whisk on his waist, grabbed the white cloth with both hands, and threw it towards the water surface!

This big talisman flew in mid-air, and then fell quickly after being tense, unexpectedly just landed in the water vortex.

The rotation speed of the water whirlpool was so fast that the talisman cloth was also spinning rapidly, and soon submerged underwater!

I was shocked by this scene.

Such a big talisman, the visual impact is too strong...

But it sank?


Out of the corner of my eye, I glanced at Liu Tianniu.

He is holding his hands behind his back, with a solemn expression on his face!

It doesn't look like the talisman is useless...

The next moment, a weird scene happened.

In the center of the vortex, a shadow suddenly floated up...

In the blink of an eye, the shadow surfaced, and it was a female corpse!

And the female corpse had a towering abdomen, clearly a pregnant corpse!

My face tensed, stunned.

Liu Tianniu said in a deep voice: "The big talisman of offering sacrifices to the rice fields can suppress evil spirits. If the talisman falls into the water, the things below it will not be able to stay." My eyelids twitched wildly, and my chest thumped even more.

This female corpse is that big belly woman?

But I always feel, why is this a bit weird?

The clothes she was wearing were a set of bright red mortuary clothes, soaked in water, the red of the mortuary clothes was as bright as blood.

Her body was straight, giving the intuitive feeling that she had been dead for a long, long time.

I looked sideways at Ge Guang and Zhang Quan, both of them had terrified expressions on their faces, and their eyes were still a bit dazed.

I took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice, "Is this the pregnant woman who drowned in your town?"

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