Zhang Quan also nodded vigorously, and he added: "Xu Li is not a good person, he has money in his family, and he earned it by digging graves."

"Some time ago, he dug the grave of an old wealthy family in the county town. When he was selling the stolen goods, he was caught straight away, and he was immediately arrested by the official in the city, saying that he was going to be shot..."

At this point, Zhang Quan's expression was full of doubts, saying that he didn't know why Xu Li could appear here...

Then, Zhang Quan asked us cautiously, didn't we remove the murderous corpse?That murderous corpse got rid of?

Obviously, Zhang Quan's words were made with the courage to ask.

My pupils constricted several times in a row, and I turned my head to look at Liu Tianniu again.

Liu Tianniu, on the other hand, had a sharp expression on his face, and gave me a signal look.

I see what he means.

Similarly, I already have a lot of things I want to ask.

First of all, the reactions of Zhang Quan and Ge Guang, as well as their words, have confirmed my previous guesses and inferences with Liu Tianniu.

Taking a deep breath, I opened my mouth and said that we didn't find the murderous corpse below, only Xu Li's. He should have entered the grave.

This sentence obviously frightened Zhang Quan and Ge Guang again.

Without a pause, I continued to ask, did they offend someone in Xuanhu Town? Is that person a Feng Shui master, or is he related to him?

I explained very carefully that Xu Li had no ability to enter the grave alone.

It should be that a gentleman drove Xu Li to open the way. After using Xu Li, he killed him and threw him in the grave below.

And I also made it clear that the murderous corpse below is related to Xuanhu Town, and after it comes out, it will definitely kill the entire town.

Xuanhu Town must have offended some high-ranking person, otherwise that person would not have used this method to harm the townspeople.

After I finished speaking, both Zhang Quan and Ge Guang were sweating profusely.

From their expressions, I found at least one thing...

It's the matter of this murderous corpse, indeed they don't know about it.

I calculated the time, and the inscription left by Jiang Yihong was 22 years ago, a long time ago...

It's not surprising that they don't know about it.

I didn't open my mouth to interrupt the two of them.

About half a cup of tea later, Ge Guang suddenly took off the dog fur hat on his head, and he said uneasily: "In our town, something really happened that annoyed a gentleman..."

My eyelids twitched slightly, and I squinted, letting Ge Guang speak.

Only then did Ge Guang open his mouth, saying that it happened several years ago. In Xuanhu Town, there has always been a fortune teller living there.

Once, the official master in the county town asked him for a fortune-telling, trying to figure out when his concubine would give birth to a son.

When the gentleman first calculated it, he refused to talk about it, saying that the secret of the sky should not be leaked...

In the end, he let go when the gun was pointed at the forehead by the official, but in the end he said that the official had killed too many people, and the retribution was not good, so he wanted to do nothing.

When the words came to this point, Ge Guang's face flashed with lingering fear, and he said with a pale face: "At that time, the official was furious, and he limped the gentleman's legs with one shot, and let us tie him up at the entrance of the town. Hanging up for three days before putting it down..."

"After that, the gentleman said that the people in our town were cold-blooded. He helped the townspeople so much, but when something happened, he was ignored immediately, and even killed him together!"

"He survived, and he will never take care of Xuanhu Town's affairs again, and he also said that the revenge of the broken leg is on Xuanhu Town's head, and he will take revenge one day sooner or later."

As he spoke, Ge Guang wiped the sweat from his forehead, and took the dog fur hat back.

In the end, he said that the gentleman disappeared after that. It has been five or six years in a blink of an eye, and there is no letter.

They thought this matter was nothing... I brought it up and asked if I had offended my husband, so he remembered it.

After a pause, Ge Guang said with a sad face again: "If that gentleman comes back...he wants to harm people, who can resist it."

I frowned, and first asked Ge Guang, what is the name of the gentleman?

Ge Guang immediately told me that the man was called Hou Qianshu.

I squinted my eyes slightly and wrote down the name, while my heart was beating wildly.

Because of the name, I can use the gossip method!

It seems that there are not many clues about this matter, but this gossip method is very accurate in finding someone!

I asked Ge Guang again, did they know what happened in Xuanhu Town more than 20 years ago?

And I also made it clear that the murderous corpse at Xuanhukou was buried more than 20 years ago.

As a result, Ge Guang and Zhang Quan looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally shook their heads at the same time.

I hummed to show that I understood.

At this time, He Zhi said unnaturally: "Then why is Mr. so stupid? Do you have to say that the man has lost his sons and grandchildren? Just say a few nice words... Isn't it okay?"

"It won't be broken by someone's leg... The townspeople are also afraid of power, so they will obey orders to tie him up... There is no other way."

I sighed softly, and told He Zhi that whether it was a Fengshui surveyor or a fortune teller, there were rules.

We can't talk to people, let alone talk to ghosts.

If he had said at the time that the man could have children, but he would not be able to give birth to children later, he would also suffer retribution, and even be asked for trouble.

It's like Mr. Feng Shui can't call the evil tomb a good tomb, and let people mistakenly bury the evil hole!

This is karma, and one must bear retribution!

After saying that, I squinted my eyes slightly, and my gaze fell to the downstream side of the river.

Thoughts were running fast in my mind, I told Liu Tianniu in a low voice, it must be right, it was the lame fortune teller who was waiting for Qian Shu and came back to take revenge.

Now that I have a way to find his people, I can go to the dark place downstream to see if the murderous corpse is there.

If there is, we'll get rid of it immediately!

If the corpse is not there, it may be taken to another place by that person. If it is delayed for a day, it will be a day of trouble. More than a dozen people have died in Xuanhu Town. Maybe those people are used to increase the viciousness of the corpse. change!

After I finished speaking, Liu Tianniu said in a deep voice, "Lead the way."

I took a deep breath, walked out of the stands without hesitation, and walked quickly towards the direction of the hanging river where the waterfalls converge.

[The author has something to say]

Lao Luo:: Secrets must not be leaked,

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