It's just a row of headers with a description below.

And this letter on the head actually said the identity of the corpse buried here!

My heart was even colder. The corpse here was actually buried by a descendant of geologists?

Because Liuding's sky is cloudy, and this snowy November Festival is a special burial method in the Zhaijing!

Could it be that the burial person was Jiang Yihong? !

Burial of a murderous corpse?

Contacts are the auspicious place for burial and suppression of murderous corpses, where is the reason for burial of murderous corpses...

There are more doubts in my mind, and I am staring at the inscription below with all my heart!

The more I read it, the more startled I became. The inscription is not long, but it clearly explained the origin of the murderous corpse in the tomb.

"In the summer solstice, the river is full of floods, and the mouth of the pot is hard to support. The townspeople asked Mr. Bai to open an altar and choose a girl to send off to the river god."

"However, this girl was born in the year of the pig, and she threw herself into the river for a kiss in the four waste days, and she became an arrow-blade evil girl."

"The people of Xuanhu town do not have much to live with. I passed by here and subdued them, but I couldn't find Sanhe, Liuhe, and Tianyi nobles, so it was difficult to suppress corpses. Therefore, I chose the fierce cave where the foot was cut, and used a fierce bull to carry the corpse to suppress them. .”

"Whoever sees this inscription must not be insulted, and his body must not be touched, otherwise he will die in Shuihe. Jiang Yihong left his words."

When I saw Jiang Yihong's name at the end, my heart skipped a beat.

This turned out to be the burial chamber where he left behind the dead body!

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have imagined that there would be such a thing as a deadly cave.

Beside me, Liu Tianniu didn't leave either, obviously it was my action just now that caught his attention.

At this moment, not only I saw the inscription, but Liu Tianniu also looked solemn.

"Send a living person to throw a river into the river god? Ask him to bless the flood? It's simply absurd!" Liu Tianniu's tone was extremely difficult to hear.

His anger also made me silent.

Because this is not the first time I have seen giving a daughter to the river god.

Isn't Miss He the woman who was worshiped to the God of the River in a certain village?Later, she was salvaged in Miaojia Village, but she still caused so many misfortunes in Miaojia Village.

This Xuanhu Town is the murderous corpse that he brought out to the God of the River after seeing off his relatives... This is his own fault.

Because of the existence of the river god, it is a long-lived and spiritual monster in the water.

Give them something, at most, keep them from making trouble, how can they have the ability to change the flood?

"The murderous corpse is Arrow Blade Demon. She won't leave Xuanhu Town and will stay in the water, but she hasn't made trouble yet. I don't know who made her go out. She must be a Feng Shui master now. He also definitely saw the inscription."

"This person will never do anything good by getting the corpse out..." I said in a hoarse voice, and at this time I had already guessed a little bit about it.

I also thought of one more thing...

That is why Jiang Yihong couldn't destroy the corpse back then. He also wrote it on the inscription, which I can understand.

Now that he asked Liu Tianniu to come, I am afraid that Liu Tianniu's fate should be one of the three lives.

After my thoughts settled down, I signaled Liu Tianniu to go out first.

And I told Liu Tianniu that I was sure I could find where the corpse was.

But we still have to know who took the corpse away.

Otherwise, there will definitely be hidden dangers.

The reason is simple, that person may not know that I can find the corpse now, it would be fine if he was next to the corpse, we will work together to take it down.

What if he is not there?

If relying on Liu Tianniu to subdue that corpse, but let that person escape, it would bring a great hidden danger to Xuanhu Town.

There is a saying that the arrow blade soars to the sky, and if you don't die, you will be disabled!

He brought out the Arrow Blade Demon from the tomb, with the purpose of harming Xuanhu Town.

He must have a big enemy in Xuanhu Town!Otherwise, he wouldn't have used such a method to do such a great job!

That's my guess!

Liu Tianniu's face was serious, and he looked at me with obvious approval at this moment.

I carried the corpse on my back, while he walked forward.

The edge of Shicao Mountain is not that slippery. After reaching the stone platform in front, Liu Tianniu held my shoulders to help me keep steady.

We followed the stone platform and walked to the edge of the cliff.

The waterfall behind washed down, and the water roared.

I carried the corpse on my back, and the corpse was even more dead and cold, because the evil spirit had been removed with a fixed compass, so the corpse was not so stiff, but like dead pork.

Liu Tianniu let go of my shoulders, and I stood still.

He told me again, saying that he would drag me up, and told me to carry the corpse firmly.

I nodded heavily to show that I understood.

I thought Liu Tianniu would take out the two bronze swords just now, use them as chisels, and climb up the cliff.

But he didn't expect that when he wiped his hands around his waist, what was caught between his fingers were more than ten copper swords like willow leaves!

Suddenly, Liu Tianniu flicked his elbow upwards!

Those more than ten bronze swords were embedded into the rock wall like "Ceng! Ceng! Ceng!"!

Spread out at a height of tens of meters, there is a sword of about a few meters, and only the hilt is exposed outside the rock wall.

Liu Tianniu let out a hoot, jumped up, flew two or three meters into the air, and stepped on a sword hilt, and he used this force to jump up!

The rope was wrapped around his waist. At this moment, he was pulling the rope with one hand, and he was also pushing upwards.

I just felt a strong pull on my chest and shoulders.

The rope tied my upper body extremely firmly. Being pulled like this at this moment did not bring too much burden to my waist, but the sudden flight made me feel weightless.

I kept Liu Tianniu's advice in mind, and held the corpse tightly with my backhand, not daring to let go.

The sound of the crashing water and Liu Tianniu's drinking could be heard from time to time.

He took me jumping on the rock face, and in a blink of an eye, we were halfway up!

As for Liu Tianniu's strength, I was so shocked that I lost my mind. I don't know how strong he is...

It's just that I have a feeling that I'm afraid I won't be able to meet someone more powerful than Liu Tianniu...

It only took half a cup of tea in total, Liu Tianniu went up the cliff, and I was dragged up abruptly.

After putting my feet on the ground, the cold wind blew on my body, and I shivered from the cold.

The moon in the sky is covered with a faint layer of mist, forming a ghost moon.

Liu Tianniu held my shoulder with one hand and walked quickly towards the stands.

After I came up, I was relieved a lot, but it was still the edge of the cliff along the way, which still made my legs weak.

Liu Tianniu's speed was still fast, but a little slower than during the day.

At this moment in the stands, He Zhi, Liu Huayan, Zhang Quan and Ge Guang were looking at us eagerly.

After a dozen or so breaths, we returned to the stands.

Liu Tianniu let go of me, and I also let go of my hands.

With a muffled bang, the dead body fell to the ground.

Both He Zhi and Liu Huayan stared at the corpse vigilantly, and it was obvious that Liu Huayan had more suspicion in his eyes.

" this that vicious corpse? No, it didn't transform evil..." Liu Huayan asked hastily.

Both Ge Guang and Zhang Quan were terrified. Zhang's face turned pale, and he said two words tremblingly: "Xu Li."

I raised my head abruptly, looked straight at Zhang Quan, and said in an awe-inspiring voice, "Do you know this person?!"

Zhang Quan was obviously taken aback by me, and he retreated to hide.

It was Ge Guang, the mayor who answered me, clutching the dog fur hat on his head.

Embarrassed, he said: "He is from our town, but some time ago, he was arrested by a servant in the city and squatted in a cell... How did he die here?"

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