I frowned, looked at the waterfall at the mouth of the Xuanhu, and said, "Normally, too many people drown in the Xuanhe River every year. The current is so strong that it is not strange to rush over corpses. In broad daylight, the sun is so big, there will be no murderous corpses." come out."

My explanation also calmed down the expressions of Liu Huayan and Liu Tianniu.

But He Zhi's face was still not very good-looking, and she said again: "But my intuition... something is wrong. It must be a murderous corpse. I just saw it in a daze, and all the hairs on my body stood up. That corpse is terrifying..."

Zhang Quan and Ge Guang were even more frightened, and asked me repeatedly, another corpse rushed down, would something happen again?

I calmed down, and explained to them in a deep voice, saying that under normal circumstances, corpses drowned in the water will stay where they died, and their grievances will not dissipate.

Either form a vertical corpse and find someone to redress the grievance, or it is a floating corpse, which keeps pulling people's ankles and looking for a dead ghost to change their lives.

Once the corpses leave the deadly waters, it means that they have reached a certain age, forming old corpses. This kind of deadly corpses in the water will no longer stay in one place.

They will drift with the flow, and may stop when they encounter a place with a heavy cloud.

This place rushes over the corpses. Although it is said that after the dead, there will be vicious corpses, which are very dark, but the vicious corpses from other places can't stay.

It will definitely leave, so no new troubles will be created.

I explained these words clearly enough, Zhang Quan and Ge Guang relaxed a bit.

He Zhi finally got better.

I took down the big black wooden box and pocket watch and handed them over to He Zhi.

This time, He Zhi didn't ask any more questions, and took it naturally.

I was actually afraid that she would think about other things, and this reaction made me breathe a sigh of relief.

Time passed little by little, and the sun gradually set in the west.

When it was near the end of twilight and it was going to be dark in a blink of an eye, the clouds in the sky turned as bright red as blood.

Liu Tianniu took another piece of rope from me and wrapped it around his waist, and the number of turns he wrapped was not small, leaving only about one meter of rope in the end, which was regarded as the range of motion for me.

Then, he motioned me to go.

Liu Tianniu was in the front and I was in the back. After they left the stone platform, they approached the Xuanhukou Waterfall.

It's hard for me to describe the feeling in my heart.

In short, where we are standing now, one side is a wide plain, and the other side is like a vertical cliff.

Below is the water flow formed by the waterfall, and the water is turbulent.

The height was only tens of meters, but it made my legs and feet weak, and I even felt empty under my feet.

The first ten meters or so was fine, but further on, the ground really started to slip.

I was sweating non-stop on my forehead.

At that moment, Liu Tianniu pressed my shoulder.Immediately, my whole body became much calmer.

However, the stability is only temporary.

I thought Liu Tianniu was going to give me a hand, but I didn't expect that at the next moment, he would actually gallop forward!

The sudden speed made my whole body leave the ground, and the sudden weightlessness almost made my heart stop!

We approached the mouth of the hanging pot very quickly, and my heart really jumped out of my throat...

With a road of more than [-] meters and such a slippery ground, it only took Liu Tianniu a few breaths to walk directly to the position!

The Xuanhukou Waterfall is close in front of me, as if I can jump into the waterfall with a leap forward!

The muddy water rushed down, and a lot of water splashed on my body, and soon I was soaked all over.

His feet slipped, and he couldn't stand still, all relying on Liu Tianniu to pull him.

The next moment, Liu Tianniu suddenly said: "Lie on my back, hold on firmly."

As soon as the words were finished, Liu Tianniu lifted his hand again and led me onto his back. I quickly and instinctively put my arms around his shoulders and neck.

I don't dare to let go of this place at all...

As soon as I got on my knees, Liu Tianniu turned sideways, turned his back to the waterfall, and faced the cliff under our feet, and jumped straight back!

I widened my eyes, the feeling of weightlessness was even stronger, it was so strong that it made my scalp tingle, and I even felt that Liu Tianniu was crazy? !Got bumped? !

A cliff tens of meters high, just jump if you say it? !

The sound of howling wind, the impact of rumbling water, the sound of pounding heartbeat.

I felt like my whole body was about to come out of my body, and I was so scared that I was about to lose my soul.

My head was also buzzing, and my hands were cuffed even tighter, almost strangling Liutianniu's neck tightly.

Liu Tianniu suddenly said in a low voice: "Why are you more timid than Huayan?"

The next moment, Liu Tianniu suddenly raised his hands!

Between his hands, he didn't know when he was holding two bronze swords!

It's too late, so fast!Liu Tianniu stabbed fiercely at the rock wall in front of him with both arms!

With a "chirp", the bronze sword sank into the rock wall!

With the burst of sparks and the piercing "呲呲" sound, our falling speed slowed down rapidly.

Liu Tianniu's arms are extraordinarily steady, my heart beats and even the veins in my temples are beating non-stop.

The descent gradually stabilized. At this time, we had reached two-thirds of the rock wall, and further down, there were only a dozen meters left...

Liu Tianniu suddenly pulled out a bronze sword from the rock wall.

The momentum that had finally slowed down became stronger again.

My face was tense, but I didn't lose my composure at the moment, I forcibly held back the fear.

Staring at the bottom, I quickly saw the layout below.

First of all, the bottom of the rock wall is not direct water, but a raised platform, which is higher than the water flow.

A little further on is the edge of Shicao Mountain.

At this time, there is still some light, and the water can be seen impacting the groove of the mountain, and finally rebounds over the edge, and then rushes into the river below, forming a swirling water force, cutting across the foot of the mountain.

My heart skipped a beat.

The tomb must be on the cut foot hole, that is, on Shicao Mountain. With this kind of water, even if we go to the bottom, we will not be able to enter Shicao Mountain, let alone find the hole...

My thoughts are fast, and the last distance of more than ten meters on the rock wall is even faster!

With a soft bang, Liu Tianniu and I got down on the ground at the same time.

My legs and feet were sore for a while, and the huge water flow rushed down a few meters in front of me, and the rumbling sound almost made my ears ring.

The ground seemed to be trembling slightly all the time!

This stone platform is also very slippery, but I can barely stand at the moment.

I don't want to experience that feeling again...

Liu Tianniu frowned and swept around, while my eyes were fixed on the edge of Shicao Mountain where the waterfall washed down.

The next moment, I raised my head in a strange way, and looked further inside!

This waterfall washes down obliquely, there is not just a gap on the side of the rock wall.

Now that I saw it clearly, I realized that there is also a gap inside the waterfall, which is formed by the arc of the water flow.

My heart was beating wildly, I lifted my legs and walked along the stone platform...

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