I stared fixedly at the mouth of the hanging pot for a long time.

After being shocked, I quickly analyzed the mountain situation and the direction of the water in my mind.

The sun is glaring, and this spot should be scorching hot, but there is too much mist formed by the waterfall, which makes people feel cool instead.

The platform we are standing on is on the right side of Xuanhukou Waterfall.

You have to walk nearly [-] meters forward to reach the edge of the Xuanhukou, which is the closest to the waterfall.

The speed of the water flow was so fast that a gap was formed between the edge of the mountain and the flowing water of the waterfall!

In addition, it can be clearly seen without getting close. The ground in that place is extremely smooth, and the water splashed up all the year round has washed the ground too smooth.

If you go straight up, it is really difficult to keep steady.

"Li Yinyang, what did you discover?" Liu Tianniu looked at me and spoke first.

"Feng Shui is fine, it's the same as what I deduced."

"Then below is the Jiaojiao Cave." While opening my mouth, I pointed at the foot of the stone trough at the bottom of the waterfall at the same time.

After the waterfall falls, it forms a circle, washes past the foot of the mountain, and then flows into the distance.

The location I pointed to was the rightmost location at the foot of the stone trough.

Above it is also the place where the edge of the mountain and the water flow of the waterfall form a gap.

"There must be a tomb at the hole. The water flows from above and swirls at the foot of the mountain. The tomb must not touch the water, but it is not easy to go down. The corpse must be extremely fierce. It will not be found in the morning, and it will be dark... I am afraid I dare not touch it. ..." When I said this, there was still faint sweat on my forehead.

Liu Tianniu's expression was still much calmer, he fixed his eyes on that position and scanned it up and down.

"It's easy to go down, no matter how fierce the corpse is." Liu Tianniu said.

Liu Huayan also nodded at me, without any worry in her eyes.

Both master and apprentice are like this, so I don't need to say anything more.

After looking at the feng shui of this place again, I have already started to think, is it possible to draw this place, I will study it thoroughly, and add it to the house scriptures?

At this moment, Zhang Quan and Ge Guang hesitated to speak, but it was Ge Guang who spoke first.

"Mr. Li, are you talking about the big belly woman with Daoist Liu?"

"She didn't fall into the river there. People can't get through that place, and there are no graves below."

Ge Guang stared at the position I pointed to for a while, then he turned sideways and pointed to the downstream position.

I followed the trend and saw that from this stone platform down, the terrain will become lower and lower, and even form a trend of falling suddenly.

Almost at the end of the line of sight, there is a junction between the ground and the river.

Indeed, getting that place is the place where normal people can go.

Neither of them knew that we came here to find a strange corpse, and it was quite normal for them to ask those words.

"What I said just now was another matter. There is also a tomb in this place, and a murderous corpse was buried. Get rid of it, and this place will be peaceful. Otherwise, other things will happen. The pregnant woman died here. It should be about him too."

"But don't worry, we will take care of the pregnant woman and restore the peace of Xuanhu Town." I explained in a deep voice and gave them a guarantee.

Ge Guang's body trembled, and the dog fur hat on his head almost fell off.

Zhang Quan's complexion was obviously paler, and even his lips were trembling.

The two of them didn't even dare to breathe.

At this time, I thought of another thing, which was because of the rules.

The dead in the water should be taken care of by the corpse hunters. If other people intervene, not to mention lack of skills, they will also cause some disputes.

The corpse in the cut-foot hole is not considered a drowned corpse, but just buried in a terrible place.

The drowning pregnant woman is actually a water corpse.

This Xuanhukou Waterfall is so fierce, she will definitely be so fierce that I may not even be able to catch it, most likely it will depend on Liu Tianniu...

Will that get Liu Tianniu into trouble?

In addition, the pregnant woman had a man, which caused many people to disappear in the village. I have not forgotten this incident.

If those people also died downstream of this waterfall, the trouble would be even greater.

At this point in my thoughts, I also told Liu Tianniu about this trouble.

I also didn't hide anything about the rules.

But Liu Tianniu told me that after dark, first remove the murderous corpse, and then look for the pregnant woman who died in vain.

The rules in the eyes of the Taoist priests are just to do justice for the heavens. If you see a murderous corpse, you will kill it.

Seeing that his face was determined, I was a little relieved, and I didn't have the idea of ​​being brave, saying that I wanted to remove the corpse alone.

I paid attention to He Zhi and Liu Huayan, and found that these two girls were observing the foot of Shicao Mountain that I was pointing at.

After contemplating for a moment, I said to Liu Tianniu: "Then Daoist Liu, I will go down with you. I have to trouble you to protect me."

Liu Tianniu frowned, and shook his head: "What are you going to do, the location has been determined, you don't have to be brave, and you can't help me."

I smiled wryly, Liu Tianniu really misunderstood.

After taking a deep breath, I explained to him, but the tomb must be there, but the specific location, I have to be able to confirm.

After a pause, I continued, Feng Shui pays attention to three years of dragon hunting and ten years of acupuncture.

It is true that the place is roughly a hole, but if there is no guidance from Mr. Liu, it is very likely that Liu Tianniu will not be able to get in for a year.

Liu Tianniu frowned, and after a while he let go, he hummed and said a word.

Then he turned around and asked Liu Huayan to fetch some ropes.

I was slightly happy, I was still struggling with this, and I planned to ask Zhang Quan or Ge Guang to go back to the town and get me a string of ropes.

Unexpectedly, Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan would have preparations with them.

Liu Huayan quickly walked towards the big ox behind, and after a while, he took out a roll of rope from the luggage.

After she handed it to me, Liu Tianniu asked me to tie it on him. He will take me down later, and he will tie a piece of the rope around his waist. Let me be washed away.

I nodded repeatedly, and tied the rope around my waist and shoulders.

But at this moment, He Zhi's face suddenly changed, and she suddenly said: "Look!" He Zhi's tone was anxious and suspicious.

I reacted instantly and looked in the direction of He Zhi's finger.

She was pointing to the water flowing under Shigou Mountain, but when I looked, the water was frighteningly fast, and there was nothing else.

Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan looked at it almost at the same time, and they didn't notice anything unusual.

"What did you see?" I asked He Zhi cautiously.

"The corpse...it should be that the corpse was washed over..." He Zhi was visibly anxious.

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