Although my feet were slippery, I walked steadily step by step.

At this time Liu Tianniu didn't come to pull me, he was a little more cautious and walked behind me.

The stone platform becomes narrower, while the Shicao Mountain under the waterfall is much wider.

After walking 30 meters, it is the place where the waterfall has not washed away...

There is even no water here because of the slanted terrain. Except for the presence of moisture, the edge of Shicao Mountain is rarely dry, and there is some gentle water flow on the inner side of the edge.

I looked up, and it formed an eerie landscape.

Above is the rushing water, but below we seem to be standing in the barrier of the water curtain...

The feeling of shock in my heart became even stronger. This kind of feng shui situation was not even recorded in the Zhaijing!

If I hadn't come down to see it with my own eyes, I would never have imagined that this place is such a spectacle!

This may also have something to do with the size of the water flow. Now that the water level of the Xuanhe River is high and the water volume is fierce, the waterfall will rush farther.

If the water in the Xuanhe River is stable, will the waterfall rush directly to our feet?

While thinking, I looked up and looked forward.

Not far away is the inner mountain wall.

There is water flowing down the mountain wall, but there is not much water...

I took out the fixed compass.

The pointer was turning rapidly, but in this place, there was only the sound of rumbling water, and no rustling sound could be heard.

I let out a mouthful of dirty air, carefully distinguishing the speed of the compass pointer.

The grave of the murderous corpse must be here, but it is not sure where it is.

Not all tombs must be piled up with mounds. The earlier the age, the deeper they are buried in the ground.

Tombs are also yin houses, people open up houses underground, and store coffins as tombs, and later generations will become more and more simplified, and only then will they become graves.

People with real status, if they can invite their husbands to design tombs, they will almost always build yin houses underground.

The Jinding point is scored here, and the evil yin can be judged with the compass.

It's just that as the compass rotates faster, I feel a little uneasy.

Because of its speed... why is it not as fast as it was in Hejia Village?

Could it be that the strange corpse here is not as fierce as my mother? !

This shouldn't be the case, the corpse isn't fierce enough, Jiang Yihong can't handle someone like Liu Tianniu at all...

You can set the compass, but you can't fool people...

I frowned, and my face became even more tense.

After walking a few more steps, I reached the gap between the edge and the mountain.

The water flow on the mountain wall forms a thin film.

On the oblique angle between the edge of the three-to-four-meter-wide stone trough and the gap between the mountain, a dark hole was opened...

The hole can probably allow a person to get in, but this gave me a very bad premonition.

No catacomb has holes in itself.

This place must be where the tomb of the murderous corpse is, but a hole has been opened, and the problem is very big...

"Is it here?" Liu Tianniu who was behind him suddenly asked.

His tone was cold, revealing a sharp murderous intent.

"It's right here... But there is a question at the entrance of this cave..." Before I finished speaking, Liu Tianniu suddenly walked around me and walked directly in front of me. Drill into that hole!

"Liu Daochang!" I was startled and wanted to stop him first.

But he was already in the hole.

During this period, the rope wrapped around his waist was loosened a lot, it was no longer the one meter long that was left before, and all the more entangled ropes were let go.

Even so, there was a feeling of pulling soon, it was clear that Liu Tianniu went in too deep, and I had to be pulled in, otherwise, the rope would have to be cut...

I had no choice but to bend down quickly and follow into the hole.

After passing through the thin layer of flowing water and entering the hole, it was drier.

The line of sight in the cave is very poor, and you can hardly see your fingers...

Fortunately, the hole is not deep, about two or three meters, and it is empty for a while.

Drilled out of the hole, here is the light...

After I stood up, my field of vision widened a lot.

This is a stone room about ten meters long and wide. It looks like it was carved out of the mountain.

The four sides of the stone chamber are curved, and the top seems to be a dome.

The light in this stone room comes from the ever-burning lamps hanging on the four walls.

The round bronze lamp is about the size of a human head, and the slightly burning wick has sunk a lot. It is obvious that a lot of lamp oil has been consumed over the years.

In the center of the stone chamber, there is half a stone ox. This stone ox is at least three meters long and has a wider back.

There is also a sarcophagus on its back, and the coffin and the body of the cow are tightly connected, in other words, they are completely carved together.

The reason why it is a half-headed stone ox is because it only has the upper body, from the abdomen down, it is connected to the ground, obviously there is no carving.

The stone ox and the sarcophagus should have been carved out of the mountain rocks that were directly used when the stone chamber tomb was excavated...

I was so shocked, I turned my head and looked back at the hole just now.

This hole itself exists here?Wasn't it excavated?

When I first started, I actually felt that someone came here ahead of time, one step ahead of us, and got there first.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all.

There seems to be no other entrance or exit in the stone chamber, only a hole...

There is a [-]% possibility that the entrance of the cave originally existed. When the stone chamber was excavated, it was not blocked. The stones inside should have been transported out of the entrance of the cave.

Looking at the compass again, my heart sank even more.

This place must be a fierce point, but why, the rotation speed of the fixed compass is weak, and the corpse is really weak, far inferior to my mother?

My eyes fell on the coffin on the back of Shi Niu. Half of Shi Niu's body was about 1.5 meters, and the coffin was more than one meter high. The overall height was [-] meters, and I couldn't see what the coffin lid looked like at all.

"The body is supposed to be in the coffin. It's probably not that bad. It's weird to be in a cave like this," I said with a frown.

Liu Tianniu nodded, he suddenly stepped on top of the cow's head, and with a muffled sound, he jumped up, and when he jumped to the height of the coffin cover, he hit the top of the coffin cover hard with his palm!

There was another "pop", and the palm hit the stone!

Amidst the creaking sound of rubbing, the coffin lid was pushed open a little.

Liu Tianniu's other hand quickly grabbed the edge of the coffin, and his body came to a standstill.

But in the next moment, his face turned livid.

I was slightly startled, the change in Liu Tianniu's expression made me feel an extremely uneasy omen.

"Daoist Liu... is there any problem in the coffin?" Liu Tianniu reached out and pulled it directly from the coffin!

A corpse was pulled out by him!

With a bang, the body fell to the ground.

The dead body was dressed in strong clothes, and was a thin and thin man, probably in his thirties.

And on his head and face, there is still Heisha's fluff...

It was clearly visible that there was a penetrating wound on his chest, and the blood turned dark brown.

But it can be seen at a glance that this is definitely not the original corpse in the coffin...

"This murderous corpse has already come out. This person came before us, and it will cause trouble." Liu Tianniu's tone burst out with murderous intent, he raised his hand, and put a mahogany sword into his palm, intending to chop off the corpse !

While my heart was beating wildly, I quickly blocked Liu Tianniu and said, "Wait!".

[The author has something to say]

Today's update is over, the previous two days were scheduled too early, and I forgot to leave a message.Thank you for your love and the long-term rewards of Miss Hua'er and Sister Tranquility Zhiyuan!

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