Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 251 Deduction of Fengshui Map

Jiemen County is next to the lower reaches of the Xuanhe River, but the evil cave Jiang Yihong mentioned is in the Xuanhe River!

The first thing I sketched were two horizontal lines, which showed the entire hanging river.

The reason why I didn't understand the mountain in the river, and the chisel was like a trough, was because I felt that these two sentences described two different things, and I felt that the upper and lower could not be connected.

But now, after I see it as a whole, I sketched in the river with simple strokes, and drew half of the mountain.

And I drew a downward depression in the middle of the mountain, making the mountain look like a stone trough!

Immediately afterwards, I drew a stream of water above the stone trough.

The water flowed down vertically, as if it came from the sky, and it all rushed into the stone trough!

The next moment, I was at the foot of the mountain and drew the overflowing and flowing water.

This current almost completely submerged the foot of the mountain...

It seems that this picture is very unfounded. How could the water flow from the sky?

But there are other variables.

I drew two horizontal lines in front of the mountain and above the water flow, which means that there is still a section of river above the hanging river.

The water from top to bottom is the higher river flowing down, scouring the mountain below. Over the years, the water dripped through the stone, and forcibly washed the mountain into a sunken stone trough...

The water flow re-converged into a river downstream, and then flowed into the distance...

After simply sketching the lines, I meticulously perfected the whole painting.

After a while, a sketch appeared on the paper.

A waterfall formed by the main stream of the suspended river washed down, fell to the stone trough formed by the mountain below, and then converged into a river, rushing out!

After writing, my chest thumped, my throat rolled, and there was a strong desire in my heart, eager to try, wanting to find out whether this place really exists or not.

If it is similar to my judgment, I already know where the murderous corpse is!

Driven by such a burning desire that I don't even feel tired, it's a completely pathological urge.

It took me a lot of effort to forcibly suppress the mentality of going out to find someone to ask questions, put away the Tiangan inkstone and the ground pen, and carefully placed the Fengshui map on the bedside.

In the room I live in, there is a screen, and behind the screen there is a place to take a shower.

I went to the yard to fetch two buckets of water, and I went back to the room to clean it briefly. The dust and dirt from the wind, food and sleep in the past few days were removed, and the whole person felt a lot easier.

I ended up in bed and forced myself to sleep.

At the beginning, I couldn't fall asleep, my head was full of the appearance imagined by the Feng Shui Bureau, but after that, I was really sleepy, and finally fell asleep.

But this time I didn't sleep for long, and when I woke up the next day, it was still dark...

I took out my pocket watch and checked the time, the hands were just pointing to the five o'clock position.

Although I slept less today, my head is much clearer.

I hurriedly picked up the feng shui map on the bedside, folded it in my pocket, and pushed the door out.

To my dismay, Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan woke up early...

A table was set up in the courtyard, and Liu Huayan was putting some food on it.

Liu Tianniu stood in the middle of the yard with his hands behind his back, as if he was meditating.

Liu Huayan raised her head and looked at me with obvious surprise.

I originally thought that I would go outside and find someone to inquire about it right now.

At this moment, they are all there, so it is definitely impossible for me to go out alone.

Taking a deep breath, I approached Liu Huayan, took out the Fengshui map, and handed it to her.

Liu Huayan's expression suddenly became more serious, and she wiped her hands before taking the blueprint.

After opening it and looking at it, Liu Huayan hurried to Liu Tianniu's side again.

Liu Tianniu lowered his head and took a look, then ordered in a deep voice: "Go and ask a local to see if there is such a place."

Liu Huayan walked out of the courtyard without saying a word.

She didn't wait for me, so I couldn't keep up...

I was also hungry, so I sat down at the table, put away Liu Huayan’s leftover food, and called Liu Tianniu again, signaling him to eat.

I didn't call He Zhi, I finally had a chance to rest, so I let her rest for a while.

Liu Huayan bought a lot of food, such as deep-fried sticks, deep-fried ghosts, oil cakes, and even some fried meat. After eating a meal, my forehead was slightly sweaty.

The stomach is full, and the sky is brighter.

Liu Tianniu still stood quietly in the courtyard, as if resting his mind.

But I was a little restless, holding a pocket watch in my hand, counting the time...

It was almost seven o'clock when the hour hand pointed, and finally people came back from outside the courtyard.

Behind Liu Huayan was a man in cloth clothes with a cloth hat wrapped around his head several times.

The man put his hands in his sleeves, slightly hunched his shoulders, stretched his head out, opened his eyes wide, and looked around.

There is a lot of dirt on the yellowish skin, and there are two blobs of blush on the cheeks that have been blown by the wind all year round.

There is a lot of loess in this place, and the wind and sand are not small, so that the appearance of people is greatly affected.

There was joy in Liu Huayan's eyes.

"Master, I found the place where Mr. Li painted!" A crisp voice came at the same time as Liu Huayan entered the courtyard!

I clenched my fist hard, and my forearm trembled twice.

For me, this feng shui bureau is completely based on what I learned from the Zhaijing, referring to what Jiang Yihong told Liu Tianniu!

It is very likely that my deduction is wrong and inaccurate!

But now I found it!That means my deduction is right!It also gave me great confidence!

Liu Tianniu opened his eyes suddenly, and the brilliance in his eyes flashed away.

The two of them approached Liu Tianniu and me.

Liu Huayan looked at me with a bit of admiration.

"Where is it?" I took a deep breath, tried my best to calm my mind, and asked.

Liu Huayan turned her eyes to the man who came with her.

"I asked a lot of people. Many people in this place know that fifteen miles outside the city is a section of the Hanging River Basin. There is a pass where the water of the Hanging River washes down from top to bottom, and then goes downstream!"

"The town next to that place is Xuanhu Town. This farmer, Brother Zhang Quan, happens to be from Xuanhu Town."

"I paid a sum of money and asked someone to take us to Xuanhu Town. When he heard it, he said that he could take us there." Zhang Quan raised his head slightly, looked at me with his eyes, and said suddenly: "You don't look like a picture. If the mouth of the hanging pot is not from our place, no one else would know."

I scratched my head in embarrassment, but he didn't reassure me.

I definitely can't draw it in detail, but as long as my inference is correct, I can easily find the direction when I get to the place!

"You just need to take us somewhere." I answered.

Zhang Quan nodded quickly, he folded his hands, but his eyes fell on Liu Tianniu, and asked tentatively, "Is he a Taoist priest? Is he a capable Taoist priest?"

With a chill in my heart, I made some guesses.

Liu Tianniu suddenly said: "Who are you looking for?"

[The author has something to say]

Today's update is over.Thank you all the viewers.I read books early in the morning without sleeping.

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