Liu Tianniu's whole body exudes majesty, when his eyes fell on Zhang's whole body, even this weather-beaten man couldn't hold back, and took several steps back again and again.

Zhang Quan looked at Liu Tianniu's eyes again, and was a little more respectful amidst the astonishment?

Liu Huayan spoke at the right time, saying that they were indeed Taoist priests, and also introduced me as Mr. Yinjutsu who was watching things, and there was a witch in our company.

Immediately, all eyes were lit up, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his Adam's apple rolled.

After being excited for a while, he finally said that he just came out of Xuanhu Town to find Mr.

Recently, there was an evil disturbance in their town, and many people disappeared, which made people panic. The mayor of the town chose someone and went to the city to find the husband back.

Liu Huayan frowned slightly, and Liu Tianniu's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Speak carefully and listen to me." Liu Tianniu's voice became quite deep.

I was also shocked when I heard it, and my eyelids twitched.

In fact, from the point of view of feng shui, if a murderous corpse is buried in such a water mouth, there will be troubles around sooner or later.

It's just that we didn't expect the timing of our visit to be so coincidental. When we first arrived in Jiemen County, something happened in Xuanhu Town.

It was a coincidence, but I thought, is this also within Jiang Yihong's calculations? !

At the same time, Zhang Quan said cautiously: "It happened ten days ago." Release the dragon's offspring and the dragon's grandson, and be able to have a son."

"Someone saw her being washed into the water, probably dead."

dead woman?Or pregnant?

When I came back to my senses, I saw sweat on my forehead, and my eyes were quite alert.

There should be a waterfall pouring from top to bottom at the mouth of the hanging pot.

At that time, Huo Kunmin's wife, Qi Si, just died in an ordinary emergency. Compared with the two, this is not even a small witch.

The rushing water rushes over the corpse, and the corpse locks its throat!

The corpses of the mother and child are bound to turn into murderous corpses under the rushing water. This corpse is not easy to deal with...

Liu Huayan's complexion obviously couldn't bear it for a while, and Liu Tianniu frowned slightly, but they didn't interrupt Zhang Quan.

I also stared straight at him, waiting for him to continue.

"The next night, the man from the big-bellied woman's family pulled a few people from the town, saying that he saw his wife at the mouth of the hanging pot. She was not dead, but she was stuck in a crack in the rock. Come up and get someone to help."

"The people in the town followed suit... As a result, the next day, only one person came back, and that person was also crazy, saying that the dead man strangled his neck, and then he beheaded everyone with a kitchen knife, and was arrested by the militiamen. up."

"After that, it was even more strange. For the past ten days, every night, people disappeared for no reason, no one was alive, no dead body was seen. The people in the town were panic-stricken. When it was dark, they didn't even dare to take a step out of the door."

"The big guy couldn't bear it anymore, so the mayor chose me to come to the city to find a gentleman to go back." Zhang Quan's words didn't give much information, but I also roughly heard some clues.

I turned my head to look at Liu Tianniu, actually I wanted to ask him what he thinks?

But when the words came to his lips, he held back.

Liu Tianniu is going to kill the corpse!

If a corpse harmed a person, it would definitely not be able to let the corpse go, and the mother and son who had killed a person could not be sent away, so beheaded by him was doing justice for the heavens.

Zhang Quan wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said: "That big belly woman is very fierce, I am afraid that her man has become a sneaky murderer, and many people in this town will be killed. If the Taoist priest can you If you accept her, everyone in the town will contribute and will give you a big reward!"

He looked nervously at Liu Tianniu, then at me and Liu Huayan.

But perhaps because he felt that we were too young, his eyes still fell on Liu Tianniu in the end, his eyes were full of anticipation.

"Well, there are murderous corpses making trouble, so it is natural to chop them up. Taoist priests of the Liu family will do justice for the heavens, without money." Liu Tianniu spoke calmly, and then gave Liu Huayan another order, saying that he should get ready and set off immediately.

That Zhang Quan was stunned, with a look of disbelief, and murmured: "No money?"

"But I also found a few gentlemen before, and they all said that it would cost a lot of money... The least one even offered two big yellow croakers, but after hearing what happened, they didn't dare to go..."

"You really don't want money?" Zhang Quan's tone was even more unbelievable.

However, Liu Tianniu snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, and there was a bit of disgust in his eyes: "A group of people who are greedy for profit, see wealth and avoid danger." His words obviously did not like what Zhang Quan said. Mr. Taoist.

I felt ashamed when I heard it, but I figured it out after a while.

Taoist Liu Tianniu doesn't take money, it's his nature and habit, but it's his rule to use money to do things.

Taking money is tainted with karma, and if things are not done well, the matter will fall on the husband. No one will take money for nothing, but if this is the case, there will be retribution.

I made up my mind, turned around, hurried to the door of He Zhi's room, knocked on the door and called her.

After a while, He Zhi poked her head out from the door, she was still a bit sleepy.

I quickly told her that we were leaving and told her to go eat quickly.

He Zhi rubbed his eyes, and when he looked at me again, he was clearly awake.

She nodded at me, then slammed the door shut again.

I turned around and went back to my room to pack my things, carrying the big black wooden box on my back.

When I walked out of the room again, Liu Huayan also hung their luggage on the big ox's back, and Liu Tianniu also sat on it.

Under the sun, his body was straight, and the Taoist crown on his head was even taller, exuding an awe-inspiring righteousness.

He Zhi also finished eating, and was walking back to the room quickly, apparently also to clean up.

About the time for a cup of tea, He Zhi also came out.

There were actually two mourning sticks hanging around her waist!

One mourning stick was long and thin, the one she usually used, and the other was as thick as a baby's forearm, and there were faint black traces under the wrapped white silk.

On the day of departure, He Zhi was making the mourning stick for the lightning strike wood. During the journey, she ate and slept in the open, and she didn't stop when she rested. It seems that the work was finally completed last night...

It's just that she is petite, with the mourning stick, the ghost knife, and the package, she feels full of clothes.

Starting from the courtyard, under the leadership of Zhang Quan, we left the county seat and walked out of the city.

It's getting late now, there are many vendors on the road, and there are also many passers-by, all looking at us.

It took about two quarters of an hour to get out of the city. Under the blazing sun, we walked on the loess road on foot.

I've been on the road for the past few days and got used to riding a bull. After walking a lot, my legs and feet are tired.

I noticed the time on my pocket watch. It was almost noon when we arrived at Xuanhu Town.

In fact, the distance is not far, only twenty or thirty miles away, but walking alone is too slow.

And when I was in Xuanhu Town, I could hear the roar.

Although I haven't seen the Xuanhe River yet, I can still imagine how big the waves in the Xuanhe River in this section of the basin should be...

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