Liu Huayan was stunned for a while, and Liu Tianniu also frowned, and even the horizontal lines on his forehead became a little darker.

I was so embarrassed that I couldn't hold back my face, I insisted that I was once a stranger and second time acquaintance, and was about to get on the horse again.

He Zhi yelled to stop me, saying that it would be impossible to learn in a while.She asked me to get on her horse, and we both used one, so as not to delay things.

However, Liu Tianniu frowned and interrupted He Zhi. He said not only that I don't know how to ride a horse, but also that I live in Taiyin. All livestock are sensitive to Yin Qi, and they can also scare horses.

He got off the big ox and said that he would ride a horse and let the old ox drive me, and there would be no other problems.

This really surprised me, did I hear correctly, Liu Tianniu actually let me ride his big ox?

He Zhi lowered his head and said no more.

Liu Tianniu really got off the big yellow ox, walked up to my horse, pulled the rein and jumped on it sideways.

The big ox even walked to my side slowly and snorted...

There are pedals next to the belly of the cow. After I step on it, the broad cow's back is stable.

As soon as I sat firmly, the big ox rolled up its big copper bell-like eyeballs and gave me a look.

Above the black lacquered bull's eyes, the eyelashes fluttered, and those eyes were almost indistinguishable from those of a human being...

I took a deep breath before calming down to breathe. The spirituality of this big yellow ox is probably no less than He Guipo's big mastiff.

In rural areas, there is often a saying that cows are psychic.

Liu Huayan drew the reins first, and the horses ran towards the outside of the yard, He Zhi followed closely behind, Liu Tianniu was even faster, and in a blink of an eye they were all in front of Liu Huayan.

I thought this big yellow ox would be very slow, but I didn't expect that after its hooves kicked up, it could keep up with the speed of the three horses.

It's even smoother, like it's effortless at all.

Without me pulling the rope, it ran to catch up with Liutianniu.

After my mood was overturned by the horse just now and I calmed down now, I didn't think of a point.

Liu Tianniu is not only stubborn, he is also an arrogant person. The big ox is his mount, and he gave it to me.

In fact, it is entirely possible for He Zhi to take me away.

The reason for this, I didn't think about it thoroughly at first, but now I realized it, isn't he just using another method to win me over?

It's just that his methods are too clever, and I really need it, so I didn't know it at first...

This made me even more curious.

After becoming Mr. Yin Yang, what is so magical about the first hexagram that makes such characters so flocking to him?

The journey was boring. Liu Huayan and He Zhi still had to ride horses to see the direction. I sat on the back of a big yellow ox, but I didn't have to worry about anything.

For the first two days, I just sat like this for two days. On the third day, I couldn't bear the boredom, so I took it out to study the scriptures.

This made me feel a little better.

And I didn't greedily go to the back part of the Zhaijing. I was dizzy last time I watched it, and I have already learned the lesson of chewing more than I can chew.

During this period of time, what I read is what I have learned before.

Regarding the explanation of Fengshui, I have already kept Yu Xin in mind. What I am looking at now is all the simple diagrams of Fengshui, and I try my best to keep everything in my mind.

Ten days passed in a flash.

We finally arrived at Jiemen County.

There is also a post station outside the city gate. Liu Huayan sold the horse, and I returned the big yellow ox to Liu Tianniu, and then walked to He Zhi.

We didn't enter the county until Liu Huayan finished handling the matter.

Because it's getting late at the moment, we briefly discussed a few words and planned to wait for the dawn tomorrow before going to find the tomb.

And I told Liu Huayan that I have studied my master's words these days, and I roughly have a rudimentary idea of ​​Feng Shui.

I can draw the mountain and let the local people see if there is a suitable land boundary, and we can go there as quickly as possible!

Liu Huayan showed a look of surprise, even Liu Tianniu took an extra look at me.

Immediately, Liu Huayan nodded heavily and said a good word.

The gap between Jiemen County and Jiuhe County, as well as the Gai County I have been to, is not small.

The city walls here are higher, all made of yellow rock bricks, thick and strong.

There is a large rock outside the city gate, which is carved into what looks like a gourd, and the word Jiemen is engraved on it.

After entering the city, many people still turned to look at us.

The reason is simple, Liu Tianniu is dressed as a Taoist priest with a high crown and rides on the back of a big yellow ox. It is difficult not to attract the attention of others.

There are many vendors on both sides of the streets in the city, selling some local specialties and some food stalls.

Except for Liu Tianniu, the other three of us seemed rather embarrassed.

And I noticed that He Zhi glanced at the roadside vendors several times.

Liu Huayan and I whispered something to let them go ahead, I immediately caught up, and then walked to the side of the road.

Although He Zhi is holding the big yellow croaker, I still have more than 100 yuan on me.

I bought some sesame seed cakes, buns and steamed buns at the stall, and I also bought a bunch of candied haws.

Because I noticed just now that He Zhi looked at the candied haws stand several times.

Seriously, let alone her, during the ten days of traveling, except for the first day when I went to the post station, I spent the rest of the time sleeping in the wilderness and eating dry food, noodles, and pancakes. I couldn't stand it.

After buying everything, the back of Liu Tianniu riding the big yellow ox was almost at the end of the line of sight, so I quickly chased after him.

I first handed some food to Liu Huayan, she gave me a thankful smile, and went to deliver food to Liu Tianniu.

Then, I handed the meatloaf and candied haws to He Zhi.

He Zhi's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on his thinner face.

It was the first time that He Zhi laughed since he came out of Hejiacun.Her smile also inexplicably made me feel better.

He Zhi took the food and ate it in small bites. I was already hungry, so I didn't care about my image at the moment, I almost gobbled it up.

Because of the big scalper, we couldn't live in a normal inn. Liu Huayan quickly asked a young man from the inn to help find a yard in the city and rent it out.

After entering the hospital, Liu Huayan arranged rooms for each of us.

In the end, Liu Huayan told me to let me rest first, and wait until tomorrow to talk about drawing mountain maps.

I didn't say much, just responded with a faint smile, indicating that I was fine.

After she left, I closed the door, sat down at the wooden table in the room, and took out a ground pen, Tiangan inkstone and hemp paper.

While grinding the ink, I was thinking and deducing in my mind.

I already know that the benefit of studying the Zhaijing repeatedly is that it can integrate Fengshui bureaus.

It seems that the feng shui diagrams in the Zhaijing are different, but some feng shui can overlap.

For example, I didn't understand at first, there is a mountain in the river, the center is like a trough, the beam hangs down, and the foot of the mountain is cut off at the end of the trough.

But now, I can combine them into a Feng Shui bureau in my own way.

The ink was sharpened quickly, I adjusted my breathing, then tapped the tip of the hair to draw on the hemp paper.

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