Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 249 There Are Mountains In The River

At first, I thought that Jiang Yihong had a hobby of collecting the heads of murderous corpses.

But after thinking about it clearly, this should be related to the other part of the physiognomy, which cannot be separated from the bone phase.

The strange corpse that Taoist priests like Liu Tianniu had to be used to get it was probably really a murderous corpse.

My gaze became serious, and I said in a deep voice: "The formation of a murderous corpse is nothing more than an unjust death in life and a murderous burial after death. I know what I want to do."

Liu Huayan nodded lightly, and said: "Mr. Li is right, it is indeed a very special burial place. Master and I have prepared ourselves. If we have you, we will get twice the result with half the effort."

I paid attention to He Zhi from the corner of my eye, but to my unnaturalness, He Zhi didn't show any interest this time, just kept his head down, and followed us forward.

Sighing in my heart, I also understand that it will be difficult for He Zhi to recover without a long period of time.

I asked Liu Huayan a few more questions about where we were going and how long the journey was going to take.

Liu Huayan simply told me that the place is the junction of the two provinces, and it is also the boundary where the Hanging River flows, and it is called Mengmen County.

As for the location of the murderous corpse, she and her master are not sure yet, but Mr. Jiang once left a word.

There is a mountain in the river, chiseled like a trough, the stream hangs in the stream, at the end of the trough, at the foot of the mountain, there is a huge and strange corpse!

After a short pause, Liu Huayan added softly, saying that when they got to the place, they would naturally be able to find the murderous corpse, and with me around, the difficulty would definitely be much less.

But I was startled, and murmured: "Cut your feet?" Liu Huayan nodded.

I let out a heavy breath and said, "It's really fierce. The corpse is buried in the Jiaojiao Cave. When I get to the place, I should be able to find the tomb directly, but it should be more than that simple." I frowned, because This sentence is far more than just cutting the feet.

There are mountains in the river, chiseled like a groove, and the beams hang in the air. I couldn't understand these words clearly.

It is true that there can be mountains in the river, but how can there be stone troughs in the river and mountains, and the water flow vertically suspended in the air? These things are mixed together, which makes it extraordinarily complicated.

My feng shui skills are not good enough, and I have not seen enough mountains and rivers, and I can't even have a concrete deduction in my mind.

During this thought, I forgot the passage of time for a moment.

It wasn't until Liu Huayan called me that I realized that we didn't know how far we had gone. There was a post station beside the road, there were many horses in the stables, there was also a tea house for resting, and a yard that looked like an inn.

Liu Huayan said that we should rest for one night first, and then we will buy three horses tomorrow. We will go on the road on horseback, and it will take about ten days to arrive.

I really don't know where I'm going so far, and it's thanks to Liu Huayan that he can ride a horse. Otherwise, if we follow Liu Tianniu barefoot, I'm afraid we won't be able to get there if the soles of our shoes are worn out.

A servant in the inn came forward to greet us, and the owner of the inn next to the stable also came forward to ask Liu Huayan if he wanted to buy a horse.

Liu Huayan arranged everything in an orderly manner, and after a while, we entered the inn.

There are table tables in the main room of the inn, this one is ordered, and there are also some traveling merchants eating.

I don't know exactly how long we walked, but my feet are sore and my stomach is empty.

Liu Huayan asked the boy to bring some meat dishes, and then arranged a room for us.

Sitting down in the main room, after a full meal, the sleepiness couldn't stop coming.

After being assigned a good room, I almost fell headlong on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

But, I didn't sleep well.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt extremely oppressed, as if there was a shadow pressing down on my eyes.

But I was too tired and sleepy, even though this dream was tormenting me, I still struggled to sleep even harder.

During this torture, I always felt that there was a gong beating in my consciousness, and there was a faint sound of calling for more.

Finally, the torture disappeared, but the dream changed again.

I seem to be on a corpse boat, and I can see a bamboo raft not far away. The bamboo raft is colorful, and there are even a lot of paper-made people and three animal sacrifices.

Among the offerings and paper-wrapped figurines lay a pregnant woman with a big belly.

The pregnant woman seemed to be fast asleep, but looking at her face, how could she look like my mother? !

This second dream is too depressing for me...

I don't know how long I was tortured, but finally all the dreams disappeared, and my consciousness completely fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, it was the harsh sunlight that woke me up.

When I opened my eyes, the sun passed through the transparent tiles above my head, forming a beam of light and shining on my face.

My ears were burning hot.

It is comfortable to be exposed to the sun normally, but it is uncomfortable to be exposed to the sun like this.

And because I slept for too long, after a while, my head became a little drowsy.

After getting up, I realized that there was actually another person in the room, sitting at the wooden table beside the bed.

Isn't this exactly He Zhi? !

He Zhi lowered his head, holding a black wooden stick in his hand, and was cutting the uneven place on it.

I breathed a sigh of relief and asked He Zhi when he came over.

"I came when I woke up. I don't want to get too close to that Taoist master and apprentice. It's a little better here." He Zhi didn't look up, but she was a little more angry in her words.

I rubbed my temples, and then said: "Clean up later, let's go on the road, when this matter is over..." As soon as I said this, my voice stopped abruptly.

Because I subconsciously want to say that after the matter is over, I will not contact Liu Tianniu and the others.

But in fact, this incident is just the beginning. When I help Liu Tianniu, I am helping Jiang Yihong in disguise, and Liu Tianniu will go back to Lijia Village with me to help me.

After that, we had to go see Jiang Yihong.

In this case, we will have to contact Liutianniu for a long time.

He Zhi looked up at me, doubts evident in her eyes.

I smiled awkwardly, changed the topic again, and said that I would go out and have a look.

Last night I slept with my clothes on, so I didn't feel that there was any intimacy between men and women. I just turned over and got out of bed, and quickly left the room.

At this time, there were not many people in the courtyard.

Perhaps it was because of the time, the people who were supposed to be on their way had already started on the road, and a few people were just seen walking out with their horses in the courtyard.

Liu Huayan was standing by the stable, discussing something with the owner of the inn.

As soon as I walked over, the boss turned and went into the stable, and soon pulled out three horses.

"Did you sleep well? Mr. Li." Liu Huayan greeted me with a pleasant voice.

I let out a foul breath, just smiled, and didn't answer clearly.

The dream last night has been tossing me for too long. Although I have recovered a lot, I can't talk about sleeping well.

"Master and I have eaten, and there is still some left on the table. You call He Zhi, and when you are full, let's get on the horse and drive." As he spoke, Liu Huayan pointed to the main room.

I didn't refuse or procrastinate anymore, I went back to my room and called He Zhi, and the two of them went to eat, then packed their luggage and were ready to go.

It's just that when riding a horse, I encountered some small troubles...

I stayed in Lijia Village for the first 20 years. Where did I ride a horse?

As soon as I went up, I was thrown off by the horse and fell into a disgrace.

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