Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 248 I Trust You, You Should Trust Me

But at this time, a trace of panic rose in my heart, and I was a little anxious.

I even felt that He Zhi's performance made me feel distressed and disappointed.

I think it's because she thought about some things she understood clearly and hurt her weak self-esteem, so she said these words.

Immediately I raised my hand, I grabbed He Zhi's wrist, and said in a hoarse voice: "This is not persecution, He Zhi, don't act recklessly, I promised He Zhi, I won't let you stay alone!"

"If you don't go, I will find a way, even if it is tied, I have to tie you on the road!"

After pausing for a moment, my face became even more tense, and I said, "Didn't you agree? I believe you, and you also believe me?!"

When I said this, I had a lot of strength in my hands, and my expression became a lot more serious.

He Zhi suddenly showed a pained expression.

I quickly let go and apologized to her.

When He Zhi looked at me again, his eyes became extremely complicated, and I couldn't understand the complicated emotions.

My head was in a mess, and I was trying my best to think about how to persuade He Zhi not to think too much.

He Zhi suddenly pulled the hand that I was holding her just now, lowered his head suddenly, and bit down hard!

It was warm and moist at the first touch, and stinging the next moment!

I grunted in pain, my forehead was sweating, and my hands were shaking uncontrollably.

Only then did He Zhi let go, and shook off my hand again.

The next moment, she looked at me fixedly, with more complicated emotions in her eyes, and suddenly said: "I don't like the way Grandma He looks at you, and I don't like the way He Qiyue looks at you, if you want me to follow You, I will follow you when you go to Kaiyang, you can only find Luo Yinpo’s descendants, you can only give them the Nine Techniques of Yin Generation, and you can’t see Grandma He again.”

"..." I was completely at a loss, because I didn't understand what He Zhi's words meant?

Grandma He looked at me, what eyes did she use?

Except at the entrance of the village, when she asked me to give an explanation, her eyes were cold.

At other times, she is very kind, and even has a little respect for me because of my master...

As for that He Qiyue, I hardly spoke a word to her, and I didn't even notice that she looked at me...

I smiled wryly, and truthfully told He Zhi about my confusion.

He Zhi didn't answer me anymore, but she still told me to wait here, she was going to get the big yellow croaker.

My heart suddenly panicked, and I was about to speak again.

He Zhi's figure flashed, but he had already run away for a long time, and I barely heard her voice, saying that I don't need to find the Ox-nosed Taoist priest to tie her up, and she will take the money because we have to use it on the road, and we can't Eat Taoist food, take Taoist food, right?

The lingering sound gradually dissipated, and the breath I was hanging on finally fell.

After waiting in the courtyard for a while, He Zhi came back about a quarter of an hour later.

There was a bulging package hanging on her back, which should be the hag's thing and salute.There was also a tightly wrapped small package wrapped tightly around her waist.

I signaled to He Zhi that I was coming to get those things, but He Zhi dodged slightly and avoided my hand.

"I know something about your second uncle. You will definitely not let you keep the money. I will give it to you when you use it. You go to grandpa's room and put the lightning bolt that Uncle Xu got out on the wooden back. When you are on the road I'm going to make a mourning stick." He Zhi's tone improved a lot, and finally there was a glimmer of vitality.

Although she tried her best to suppress her emotions, I could still see the sadness in her eyes.

She is willing to go on the road with me at the moment, which is finally a good thing. The dead cannot be resurrected, and the living must live.

I actually didn't quite understand the meaning of He Zhi's words, but after thinking about it, several willow trunks, although not thick, must be much heavier than the package, and it is more suitable for me to hold than He Zhi.

I went to the witch's room, and sure enough there was a small bundle of wood on the bed.I don't even know when the paper figurine Xu dealt with the lightning strike wood. All the excess branches were shaved off. In fact, it was just four black wooden sticks the thickness of a baby's forearm. Some of the lengths were on my chest, and some reached my neck. .

I tied these lightning strike logs vertically to the big black wooden box, and it didn't tie my hands and feet.

He Zhi and I didn't delay any longer. The two of us went straight into the village to find Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan.

However, when we returned to the yard, neither of them was there, nor was the old scalper...

He Zhi told me that they should have gone to the entrance of the village.

I also think this is a possibility, Liu Tianniu will definitely not leave directly.

When we went to the entrance of the village, there were a few villagers on the village road, and they walked unsteadily.

When he saw me and He Zhi, he even said hello.

Without exception, these villagers all had no blood on their faces, but anyway, their minds seemed normal.

And they don't seem to know what's going on.

Naturally, He Zhi and I couldn't say anything more, and we didn't stop.

In a blink of an eye, the two arrived at the entrance of the village.

From a long distance, I saw Liu Tianniu in a gray Taoist robe riding on the back of an old scalper beside the Xuanhe River.

Liu Huayan was standing by the side holding the ox rope.

After we approached, Liu Huayan raised his hand and handed me a small paper bag and a water bag.

She whispered something to eat, and set off after eating.

After I took it, I realized that there were some sesame seed cakes and dried meat inside.

The aroma of meat and cakes immediately made my stomach growl.

The few pieces of pancakes in the morning have already been digested by now.

But I didn't eat it right away, but handed it to He Zhi.

He Zhi took out a piece of sesame seed cake, and took a small piece of dried meat, bowed his head and ate it.

At first she took small bites, almost hard to swallow, but I knew it wasn't because she thought the food was unpalatable.

Rather, she was overcoming her state of mind at this time.

I gobbled it up a bit, and my movements seemed to have infected He Zhi, and her speed was also much faster.

Soon, the two of us finished our food and drank enough water.

The old scalper lowered his head and walked slowly forward with a "moo".

I signaled He Zhi to follow.

It seems that the old scalper is walking very slowly, but when I really follow it, I find that its speed is not slow at all. This is a very weird feeling.

After a short distance, the shadow of Hejia Village behind him became increasingly blurred.

He Zhi never looked back.

Under the cold moonlight, I saw two lines of tears on her face.

Letting out a long breath, in order to dispel the sadness of He Zhi's leaving home, I walked two steps closer to Liu Huayan, and asked humbly and sincerely:

"Miss Liu, you have already left the village. Can you tell me what Daoist Liu is going to do? Maybe you can tell me now, what do you need me to do?"

I know He Zhi is curious about many things.

This matter must also attract her attention.

Liu Huayan first looked up at Liu Tianniu.

Liu Tianniu nodded slightly, as if agreeing.

Liu Huayan said softly: "Mr. Jiang, I want a head, the head of a strange corpse."

I froze for a moment, and suddenly I remembered that Jiang Yihong had a room.

The room was filled with the heads of murderous corpses!

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