The Drought Demon had been nourished in the evil cave for dozens of years, and even the grave was struck by lightning, and the lightning-struck tree grew, but it was not destroyed... Liu Tianniu was able to kill him, and it was considered a serious disaster!

In my thoughts, I didn't answer the paper's comment, but simply said that we can still find other murderous corpses, so don't regret this one.

The paper figurine hummed, then hurried out of the main room and walked towards the gate of the courtyard.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead, and the sweat on my back was stuck to my clothes, sticky and cold.

I calmed down, bent down and picked up He Zhi who was on the ground, and walked into the room where Liu Tianniu was resting before.

The inside of the house is very simple, but it is fairly clean.

There is a futon on the wooden bed, which should be used by Liu Tianniu to meditate. After I took it down, I put He Zhi on it.

I fetched another basin of water and wiped away the tears on He Zhi's face.

Her pretty face was bloodless at this moment, her eyelids were even more red and swollen, even in a coma, the brows were full of sadness.

I stared blankly at her, the indescribable self-blame and guilt eroding my heart all the time.

He Guipo's last words, my promise, have been echoing repeatedly in my mind.

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, my mind became stronger, and I murmured: "Whether I cut it with my hand or with a borrowed knife, the old watchman will definitely die, and I will give you and Hag He an explanation." At that time, my temples throbbed and my head throbbed.

It was another day and night without sleep, and the water and rice had not been eaten, and I was already exhausted.

I pulled up the thin quilt from the foot of the bed and gently covered He Zhi. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with her, I went back to the yard and wanted to go to the kitchen to find something to eat.

I quickly found the kitchen, took out a few pieces of dry flour pancakes, and put the water in the water tank into my stomach, and my whole spirit finally improved.

Going back to the room where He Zhi was lying, I lay down beside the bed, closed my eyes, and tried my best to let myself rest for a while.

Liu Tianniu will definitely come back soon, and it's even more impossible for the He family's ghost woman to find the old watchman again. If I don't rest now, I'm afraid I won't be able to rest later.

But I also made up my mind, I will never tell anything about my mother, it is a matter of feng shui to bite her to death!

The ghost woman of the He family, due to my status, shouldn't say much.

The drowsiness came gradually, and I didn't know how long I had slept in this sleep. When I woke up, there was no one on the bed.

I shook my head vigorously and stood up quickly.

Feeling a little uneasy, where did He Zhiren go?

Walking quickly to the door, I pushed open the door, and what I saw was the back of He Zhi, who was sitting alone on the floor of the main room.

I hurried up to her.

At first I was afraid that He Zhi was still crying, so I was thinking about how to persuade her, but when I got closer, I found that He Zhi was not crying anymore.

She was just a little distracted, with almost no emotion on her face, and even her sadness was suppressed.

But this kind of quietness is not a good sign...

"He pheasant?" I called out to her tentatively.

"Find my grandfather a place with good geomantic omen and bury him." He Zhi muttered in a low voice.

I was a little relieved, finally He Zhi's performance was much stronger than Miao Guangyang's daughter.

I told He Zhi about the ghost mother's last words to the paper figurine, and I felt that I should communicate with Grandma He before deciding how to bury her.

He Zhi was startled for a moment, then hummed.

I didn't know what to say for a while, looking at the corpse on the ground from the corner of my eye, I felt sour and tormented again.

I'm still like this, let alone He Pheasant?

The corpse had to be buried as soon as possible before He Zhi could be persuaded to mourn.

But at this moment, I am also a little confused, it seems that a long time has passed, Liu Tianniu and Grandma He and the others, why haven't they come back yet?

Even the paper figurine Xu didn't come back?Could it be that something else happened?

Quickly taking out my pocket watch, I glanced at the time, it was ten o'clock in the morning.

I didn't sleep very long, about an hour.

But Liu Tianniu and the others left for an hour, which is a long time...

"He Zhi, I have to go out and have a look." I said a little uneasy.

He Zhi nodded dumbly.

I quickly walked out of the courtyard gate.

As a result, as soon as I came out, I saw a person sitting at the gate of the courtyard.

Isn't this the paper figurine Xu? !

"Uncle Xu?" I was stunned and asked why he was here and didn't come into the house?

The paper figurine Xu originally lowered his head, as if he was taking a nap, and when he raised his head again, he exhaled and explained to me that he had just arrived for a while, and he saw He Zhi in a daze through the crack of the door, so he didn't go in to disturb her , Let her stay with witch He for a while.

I nodded and immediately asked him if something happened in the village?Why hasn't Grandma He returned with the ghost women, and Liu Tianniu hasn't come back?

The paper figurine Xu frowned, and he looked at me more meaningfully, and said, "They found more than a dozen corpses of hag ghosts, and some corpses of watchmen who were beheaded by hag hags, and some people lit candles. The ghost mother-in-law is very emotional and difficult to control, so she was gathered at the entrance of the village by Grandma He."

"Liu Tianniu and that Liu Huayan are standing by the edge of the Xuanhe River. I don't know what they were looking at, or they found something."

When I heard the first half of the sentence, I felt guilty for a while.

But in the second half, it made me change my face at that time.

Could it be that Liu Tianniu discovered something?

My eyelids twitched uncontrollably, and I couldn't stay in front of the door anymore.

"Uncle just came back, you can watch over He Zhi, I'll go and have a look..."

After finishing speaking, I ran towards the entrance of the village without waiting for the paper figurine Xu to answer!

The reactions of the hags were within my expectations.

But Liu Tianniu's reaction was completely unexpected!

In half a quarter of an hour, I ran to the entrance of the village.

On the ground here, there are at least twenty or thirty corpses.

More than half of the corpses were witches, and they were neatly placed together.

In addition, there is a pile of corpses lying on top of each other, which are watchmen.

The corpses of those watchmen were almost all skinless, missing hands and feet, and there were even several people whose heads had been cut off to light candles.

And among the corpses of the ghost woman, there were actually two or three people who were lit with candles.

The ghost wives, headed by Grandma He, spread out into a circle, surrounding the corpses of the ghost wives.

Grandma He was muttering something in a low voice, which I couldn't understand at all.

The rest of the witches also had pale faces and whispered resentment in their eyes.

I had a guess in my heart, is this ghost woman casting a spell?

I didn't dare to interrupt them, and looked up in the direction of the Xuanhe outside the village.

Even though there were dozens of meters away, I could still see the backs of Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan at a glance.

As the river wind blows, Liu Huayan's hair flutters, which is really beautiful.

But I have no interest in admiring these now.

I'm just afraid that Liu Tianniu will see something...

Relying on his pedantic and stubborn personality, he has to guard the edge of the hanging river every day, trying to kill my mother?

Not daring to think about it any more, I hurried towards the outside of the village!

Soon, I was not far behind Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan.

I heard the two of them talking, and suddenly slowed down...

"I have seen some villagers. They hurt their energy and will be weak for a long time. Master, let's find a boat and go there by ourselves? There is no big boat here, and Lao Huang can't keep up with us." It was Liu Hua who spoke Smoke, she was asking respectfully.

[The author has something to say]

Thanks to Miss Huaer for her codeword keyboard, 666, rocket to the top of the list, bursting more flowers, I don’t know how many... Lao Luo is flattered by so many... Today’s update is over, and I want to cut into a new chapter, good me Definitely write live!I was knocked on the night door by the old watchman!

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