The sight of her made my heart skip a beat.

Grandma He knew that the troubled green corpse was my mother.

After I came back, I didn't tell her anything. Naturally, she couldn't be clear about what happened outside.

I also don't want to tell those things. After all, there are many people with mixed opinions, and it's about my mother. Even if Grandma He saved my life, I can't tell her.

Therefore, I did not give any response to Grandma Ho.

Grandma He just glanced at me, then turned her head to look into the courtyard, and said in a deep voice: "Follow Niubi, it's dawn, we can't let that old watchman escape, all the watchmen in Hejia Village must die, otherwise If the things here spread out, we will be very passive.”

After finishing speaking, Grandma He walked towards the gate of the yard with her little feet.

He Qiyue and Qu Yuegu followed on both sides of her, and the rest of the witches also followed them and walked out of the courtyard.

Each of them is menacing and murderous.

In a blink of an eye, in a huge courtyard, except for the remains of He Guipo and Wolf Mastiff, only me, the paper figurine Xu, and the unconscious He Zhi remained.

Of course, there is also the old scalper in the courtyard.

Over the past few days, the paper figurine Xu's face has obviously aged a lot. He sighed softly and shook his head with a complex expression.

Then, the paper figurine Xu frowned again. He looked at me and said, "Listen to what you said before, the commotion in the village should be your mother, right? She's gone?"

The paper figurine knew the whole story, so I didn't find it strange to ask me this sentence.

I even think that Grandma He has guessed something just now, but she may not have guessed everything.

I vigilantly scanned the yard and nodded after making sure there was no one there.

"What about the old guy?" The paper figurine Xu frowned again, and asked eagerly.

I didn't know how to answer for a while, so I could only remain silent.

The paper figurine Xu looked at me deeply, and his eyebrows became more and more gloomy.

"He's not dead?"

I shook my head, took a deep breath, and said, "I can't kill him, my mother, I can't kill him, Uncle Xu, I will deal with this matter because of me." complex.

He shook his head, heaved a long sigh, and said: "Let the tiger go back to the mountain, Yin and Yang, you will create a serious trouble."

I pursed my lips, my face tensed.

Immediately afterwards, the paper figurine Xu said again: "However, he was about to die. He was hit by a green corpse, so he probably wouldn't live long."

"But I'm a little confused about Yin Yang. Why didn't your mother drown him directly when you went to Xuanhe that night? Is it because the sky is about to dawn?" The paper figurine's words actually aroused some doubts in me.

After thinking for a moment, I hesitated and said, "It was another dead man who did it. It should be driven by my mother. The dawn is one of the reasons, and the group of watchmen under the old watchman's team suddenly arrived, which is also one of the reasons? Or, at that time they What's on you?"

The paper figurine Xu looked at me deeply, and said: "It's not that simple. You were on the verge of death in an accident, and the time, and the murderous corpse's grievances are the reasons for it. There must be other reasons. Husband won't..."

At this point, my heart trembled suddenly.

Because I thought of the pot of corpse water and the green corpse blood released by my mother.

Quickly recalling everything that happened in Hejia Village, I closed my eyes and analyzed it carefully.

The mess in my mind began to gradually clear up...

I thought of an extremely terrifying possibility!

Yesterday, when the old watchman was supposed to be wrestling with He Guipo, Liu Tianniu just arrived and killed the Hanba.

And just when Liu Tianniu was about to kill the old watchman, my mother also chased him to Hejia Village and asked Liu Tianniu to pay for my life!

My mother wouldn't hurt He Guipo and paper figurine Xu by my side, so she ran into the old watchman!

The old watchman was already cornered, but the appearance of my mother also gave him a chance to save his life!

Afterwards, the old watchman brought out the pot of corpse water, turning the whole village into living corpses, covering the entire Hejia Village with yin, and then allowing my mother to fight willows and beetles.

It seems that he said that in cooperation with my mother, the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

But I believe that the old watchman must have a plan!

Is my mother's green corpse blood really just a simple "drug induction" effect?

Or did the old watchman see the green corpse's intentions, so he decided to plot against my mother?

Thinking about this clearly, beads of sweat rolled down my forehead one by one.

Fortunately, I found my mother last night, overturned the blood bowl, and persuaded my mother to leave...

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

No matter whether my deduction is correct or not, I can't let the old watchman have more contact with my mother.

After my thoughts settled down, I hesitated for a moment, and told the paper figurine Xu in detail about what happened last night.

After listening to my description, the paper figurine Xu shook his head, saying that he didn't know what the old watchman was doing.

But if his guess is correct, the last corpse that the old watchman dragged to cook should be the mother corpse and baby spirit after he skinned it. As for the recipe for the living corpse of Heisha, he doesn't know if it was beheaded by Liu Tianniu. Drop, or escape.

After a pause, Xu, the paper figurine, explained again, saying that they fought too fiercely that night, and the yin energy was too heavy, Fu probably couldn't restrain Fang Zi.

My heart skipped a beat, and I faintly felt that this might be another hidden danger...

"I'll go to that yard to look for it again." The paper figurine Xu said again.

"Okay, Uncle Xu." I was a little absent-minded.

Because now I am also worried about whether something else will happen to my mother after bleeding out so much.

But now, it was obviously useless to worry.

The paper figurine Xu packed his basket and carried it on his back, and then looked at the corpses of Ghost He and Wolf Mastiff on the ground.

Suddenly, he said: "Grandmother He told me before that if he died, he would not bury him in Fengshui land, but would bury Liu Linzi. He said that was his destination, and the fortune teller who buried the drought man back then gave him an explanation. .”

"Don't find any Fengshui holes for him, and bury him in Liulinzi together with the wolf mastiff."

"This..." I was slightly startled, and said unnaturally, "That's a terrible place..."

The paper figurine Xu looked complicated, and said: "This is also his last words, maybe there is a root cause, Yin and Yang, I suggest to follow what he said, or you can ask He Jinhua. After all, she is in charge of the He family's affairs now. "

I didn't know how to answer for a while.

At the end, Xu Cai, the paper figurine, sighed again, saying that it's a pity that the drought man, if it hadn't been dug out by us during the day, and then sealed in the wooden coffin of the five ghosts by Mrs. killed his body.

When the paper figurine made this promise, I couldn't help but smile wryly.

It's a pity for him, it's a pity for the corpse, but if the Hanba has a chance to make trouble, we're sure a group of people won't be able to eat it.

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