"This place is uneasy. It's full of ghosts and monsters. It's getting dark. If you leave Huang alone, something will happen."

Liu Tianniu put his hands behind his back, and his tone was serious.

What they said made my heart skip a beat.

Didn't Liu Tianniu discover my mother?

But looking for a boat across the river... I was shocked.

Because I found that the direction Liu Tianniu was looking at was Lijia Village on the other side of the Xuanhe River.

This bull-nosed old man is too sensitive to Yin and resentment...

In the Li Family Village, my father's murderous corpse was full of resentment, as well as the dead dog and many other corpses...

At this time, I only felt that the house was leaking and it was raining all night.

Just let my mother avoid his sight...he fell in love with my father?

"You are in Hejia Village, guarding Lao Huang, and went there as a teacher. The two villages by the Xuanhe River are full of resentment. In addition to the murderous corpses, there must be man-made disasters. If you don't deal with it, you must Hurt the innocent." Liu Tianniu said in a deep voice.

He paused for a moment, and then said: "The murderous corpse in this village disappeared for no reason, it should be related to that Yin Shengzi. With him, I can rest assured that I will leave for the time being."

At this moment, Liu Tianniu's voice stopped abruptly.

Without warning, he suddenly turned his head.

A pair of sharp eyes, as if two sharp swords shot directly at me, I suddenly felt as if my whole body was pierced!With a muffled grunt, he took two steps back.

"Mr. Jiang, you probably never taught you to hide your head and show your tail, and eavesdrop, right?" Liu Tianniu's tone was extraordinarily cold.

Sweat broke out on my forehead, and my thoughts were even more chaotic.

I held back the surging breath in my chest, and managed to stand upright, and then I said word by word, in a hoarse voice: "You can't cross the river."

"On the other side of the river is Li Family Village. I am from Li Family Village. I am in charge of this matter. You cannot interfere."

Liu Tianniu frowned, squinted his eyes slightly, and examined: "You care? This soaring resentment has reached the other side of the river, how do you care? Or, have you ever managed?"

At this moment, Liu Tianniu's tone had turned into a questioning one!

My hands subconsciously squeezed the corner of my clothes tightly.

What Liu Tianniu said made me turn pale and my eye sockets turn red.

It's not that I don't care, but I have been thinking of a way before.

Miao Guangyang died because of this, and I went to Tangzhen again, and by chance, I studied art in the local Xianglu.

At this time, I was a little bit sure that I could deal with Wu Xianchang.

In fact, I wish I could enter Lijiacun immediately.

But I have to follow the teacher's instructions, one burial in the mountain, two burials in the water, and three houses, and I can only enter Jiuhe County after completing all of them.

Jiang Yihong was exhaustive, and what he said was definitely not wrong.

If I disobey him, I'm afraid it will be self-defeating.

Closing my eyes hard, I tried my best to calm my thoughts and calm my mind.

When I opened my eyes again, I looked back at Liu Tianniu, breathed heavily and said: "The vicious corpse on the opposite side is my father. The man-made disaster you mentioned is a feng shui master who specializes in collecting vicious corpses and going astray. His name is Wu Xianchang."

"Wu Xianchang plotted against my family, and even contributed to my father's death. How could I not care about this deep hatred?"

Liu Huayan frowned suddenly, but Liu Tianniu was about to speak again.

I didn't wait for him to say it, and continued hoarsely: "Master gave me a divination. I can't go back to the village until I have completed the experience he said. Before that, nothing will happen to Lijiacun. Wu Xianchang wants It was me, and now I have completed one-third of the experience, entering the village early will definitely cause chaos and self-defeating."

"Daoist Liu, you are doing justice for the heavens, and you have righteousness in your chest, but you can't enter Lijiacun!" .

Liu Tianniu has a stubborn personality. If I don't move Jiang Yihong out, I won't be able to persuade him.

I even think that if Jiang Yihong is mentioned, he will be stubborn...

Therefore, I can only be more firm in my attitude.

The vertical lines between Liu Tianniu's eyebrows are deeper, and the raised folds are like ravines.

He looked directly at me for a moment, then looked at the river from the corner of his eye.

Liu Huayan also showed hesitation on his face.

For a while, there was a stalemate between the venues.

The sun shone on my skin, my face became hot, and because of lack of sleep, my head began to faint.

Biting the tip of my tongue hard, I managed to stay awake, but my body still shook twice.

At this moment, Liu Huayan leaned closer to Liu Tianniu, and whispered something in Liu Tianniu's ear.

Liu Tianniu frowned suddenly.

The way he looked at me again changed somewhat, as if he was thinking about something.

The next moment, Liu Tianniu suddenly said: "Mr. Jiang, how much has he taught you about geomancy?"

It was still in a stalemate just now, why did Liu Tianniu ask about geology?

But he shouldn't want to snatch it, right?

For a moment, my eyes were extremely vigilant, and I whispered: "No comment!"

Liu Tianniu thoughtfully, he shook his head and said, "Liu family Taoists will not snatch other people's things, especially Mr. Yin Yang's things. I have completely believed that you are Mr. Jiang's disciple. Let me ask you one more question, yes I want to discuss something with you, if you agree, then I don't have to enter the village, and I can even help you when you want to enter the village."

"If you don't agree, I don't need you to intervene in my affairs. I will take care of the affairs of Lijia Village, and Mr. Jiang can't say anything more."

The moment his voice fell, I was sweating profusely.

Staring at Liu Tianniu's face, I was even more stunned and hesitant.

What can he discuss with me?

Also, is this a negotiation? !

I agreed, and he helped.

If I don't agree...he will go directly to the village...

This doesn't give me a choice at all.

It is impossible for me to let Liu Tianniu enter Lijia Village, not to mention that he will directly kill my father's body, the second uncle is very likely to be killed because of this.

And my mother in Xuanhe may also be exposed.

In addition, there is Miao Guangyang who has become a living corpse...

The implications are too great.

My complexion became more and more livid, and the feeling of being persecuted and vaguely threatened made me very depressed.

I was about to argue with Liu Tianniu, but Liu Huayan said softly: "Li Yinyang, if Master is willing to help you, this is your chance. Besides, Mr. Jiang has no plans, Master came from the Qiang tribe, just to do something A matter related to him, if you will meet us, is it also in Mr. Jiang's calculation?"

"Besides, if you can help, you can also be considered as helping Mr. Jiang." Liu Huayan's voice was soft and sweet, and his words were clear.

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