"If I hadn't asked He Zhi to help me, I wouldn't be in the situation I am today. I owe this to the He family."

"I, Li Yinyang, will never instigate He Zhi as a maid, let alone see her helpless. Don't worry, I will do my best to protect He Zhi and prevent her from being wronged."

Ghost He barely lifted her half-closed eyelids.

On his tense face, he finally smiled, and murmured between his lips: "Pheaser."

He Zhi raised her head with tears streaming down her face, and she knelt and moved to Ghost He's side, holding on to Ghost He's forearm tightly.

"You are stubborn by nature, Grandpa, I can't teach you..."

"It's not easy for you to survive... a girl... didn't... shouldn't suffer so many... crimes... live well..."

He Guipo's voice stopped abruptly.

His head suddenly fell downwards, and he lost the slightest breath.

I held his hand, and I couldn't feel any strength for a moment, just like holding a handful of dry wood...

He Zhi wailed, crying until his heart broke.

All the ghost women also looked at the dead ghost woman with grief.

A sad atmosphere enveloped the entire courtyard.

The wolf mastiff walked up to me and pressed its head against my chest, its blood-red eyes were no longer fierce.

Even I think, that looks like tiredness?

I didn't realize what it meant at first, until it hit me a second time, and then a small voice came.

"It tells you to put He Ghost Pom down." Qu Yuegu reminded me in a low voice.

Only then did I come back to my senses, and carefully put He Gui Po on the ground.

However, Grandma He suddenly stepped towards He Zhi's side, she raised her hand without warning, and slapped He Zhi on the back of the neck.

He Zhi's body trembled, and he fell limply to the ground.

"Grandma He...this..." I couldn't bear to see it.

"This girl has a stubborn temper. If she keeps crying, she will go blind. If she is knocked unconscious, she can rest well." Grandma He sighed softly.

"When the person dies, the lamp is turned off, and the remains of old He Tou will be restrained. When the affairs of the village are settled, he will be buried safely." Ghost He said with a sigh.

I pursed my lips and gently placed He Gui Po on the ground.

In just half a cup of tea, He Gui Po's face seemed to shrink a circle.

The mouth was slightly opened, and there was a dark void underneath.

The previously pale skin is now rapidly turning yellow, lifeless and dead yellow.

After putting He Guipo away, I wanted to pick He Zhi off the ground, find a room, and let her lie on the bed to rest.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that wolf mastiff suddenly slanted its front legs, and there was a soft bang. It actually knelt down?

The next moment, it suddenly lost weight, and with a bang, it fell beside Ghost Woman He, and its huge head just landed on Ghost Woman He's chest.

The wide-open red eyes gradually lost their vitality, and its jet-black and reddish shiny hair lost all its luster in an instant!

I froze, my ears buzzing.

Auntie He was stunned, and the ghost women in the courtyard also had extremely complicated expressions, and some even closed their eyes unbearably.

After a long time, Grandma He sighed, and said: "The big mastiff was raised by old He Tou. It has been like a day for decades. It refuses to go with me, and it can't leave Old He Tou."

"Or go down, it can open the way for old Hetou, and go to the underworld, and no evil spirits can bother him."

I really don't know how to speak.

It's just that there is a large stone choked in the heart, and it is difficult to breathe smoothly.

This wolf mastiff seems extremely fierce, but it did not expect that it has such deep affection.

When the master dies, the servant follows.

From the other side of the courtyard, a cow mooed.

I glanced sideways, and saw that big yellow ox was walking back and forth, also exuding a sense of sadness.

Grandma He ordered He Qiyue and Qu Yuegu to arrange the body of Ghost He.

The body of the big mastiff was also straightened up and placed next to He Guipo's body.

The courtyard fell into silence for a while.

The sky became brighter, the sun broke through the clouds, and wisps of sunlight shone into the courtyard.

The sadness on the faces of those witches was gradually replaced by hatred and murderous intent, and everyone's expressions were tense!

Suddenly, I felt a gaze fall on me.

I looked up subconsciously, but I happened to meet Liu Tianniu's eyes.

His eyes were sharp and deep, as if he could see through me in an instant.

"Hua Yan said, because there was a problem with Feng Shui in the village last night, you left alone to solve it?"

"You are not very young, but you have a lot of guts. The danger in this village is beyond your imagination. If you come back alive, your life is really big."

There was a majesty in Liu Tianniu's voice.

My heart was always hanging, and I had to work very hard to suppress myself and not show my feet.

But at present, Liu Tianniu doesn't seem to doubt me, which makes me feel a lot more confident.

"Liu Daochang, the danger in the village is more dangerous, but I have the utensils given by the master, and it is difficult to get close to the vicious corpses and ghosts." I replied cautiously.

Liu Tianniu frowned slightly.

After a pause, he said: "I'll go see Mr. Jiang when I'm done, but I still want to remind you that even if there is a life-saving object, such a fierce place is not something that you, a half-watered man, can handle." dabbled in."

Obviously, because of what I said, Liu Tianniu had to take a step down.

My heart became more relaxed, and I took advantage of the situation and said: "I have a little bit of Feng Shui, and the big troubles in the village should be gone."

Liu Tianniu narrowed his eyes, and suddenly flicked his long sleeves, he shook his head with a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Liu Huayan on the side looked extremely unnatural.

She even gave me a wink.

I just realized that what Liu Tianniu said just now was actually a reminder?

Could it be that he gave room for relaxation in disguise?But I was blocked by a word?

I had no choice but to respond to Liu Huayan with a slightly embarrassed smile.

But actually I don't think there's anything wrong with me.

Last night, Liu Tianniu wanted to kill me, if it wasn't for Grandma He, I'm afraid I would have died.

He wants to give me room for relaxation and give me a lesson similar to that of an elder, should I accept it?

To speak more clearly, isn't it because my master is Jiang Yihong? !

If I change to another identity, I think Liu Tianniu will still kill me, and won't give me any chance at all!

As soon as I thought of this, Liu Tianniu turned around and walked out of the courtyard.

With his hands behind his back, his figure is indeed tall and straight.

Liu Huayan followed closely behind, and when she walked past me, she hurriedly said: "Master is admonishing you for your own good, the one who caused trouble in this village is a very vicious green corpse, Master has to stay away for now. Sharpness... wait until the day breaks before you can do justice for the sky."

At the same time, all the ghost women in the courtyard suddenly got up together.

There was a tall and thin ghost woman in front, he said with hatred and anger, full of murderous intent: "Grandma, Niubi has moved, we can't let him kill the old watchman."

"That old beast killed Old He Tou and more than a dozen fellow disciples. The blood debt must be paid in blood! Cut off the head of that beast and make a sacrifice to Old He Tou."

This ghost woman is just a lead. The moment his voice fell, the other ghost women responded one after another, and everyone was waiting for Grandma He to speak.

At this moment, Grandma He's complexion was also extremely cold.

But there was still a bit of doubt in her expression, and she glanced at me quite meaningfully.

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