"The former teacher once said that people who are yin in their bones are born of yin, and children born of yin are born with unknown nature. Wherever they go, they will definitely bring death and disaster."

"This is a born evil spirit. Master hates evil like an enemy. Naturally, he will kill if he sees it."

I was even more shocked.

She actually said in one sentence that I was born with a yin?

However, Liu Huayan changed the topic, and she also had doubts in her eyes, she shook her head and said, "But I don't understand why, you became Mr. Jiang Yihong's disciple. Mr. Jiang has been to our Taoist temple once, and he is worthy Respected sir, Master's trip is also related to Mr. Jiang."

"If you had said it earlier, Master would not have killed you."

"..." I frowned even more, and I also felt that I didn't know what to say.

Did Liu Tianniu give me another chance to speak?

If you start, it's already a must kill!

What surprised me even more.

This Liu Tianniu actually knew Jiang Yihong?

Even their trip... is related to Jiang Yihong?

So, when did they meet?

This matter must have happened before Jiang Yihong accepted me as an apprentice. With Jiang Yihong's current physical condition, he should not be able to go anywhere except Tang Town.

At this moment, I am not only puzzled, but also faintly curious. I want to know, is Liu Tianniu going out to do something for Jiang Yihong?

I am indeed afraid of Liu Tianniu, and I also feel a little resentful, he almost killed me...

But when Liu Huayan explained it this way, I understood it somewhat.

Every row has its own rules.

The Taoist beheaded the ghouls, picked up the corpses from the water, and the ghost woman solved some big and small ghost things. The husband showed the house and set up the graves.

Yinshengzi is destined to be a good person.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have suffered so much discrimination over the years...

Although this is very helpless, according to the Taoist rules, they did nothing wrong.

If Liu Tianniu had nothing to do with Jiang Yihong, I would definitely not get too close to him.

But he is very likely to work for Jiang Yihong, so I have no reason to say anything more.

I definitely can't delay Master's arrangement.

At this point in my thoughts, I let out a heavy breath.

Nodding my head, I said in a low voice again: "Misunderstanding, it's good to explain clearly, but I don't know, what is Daoist Liu coming out for, is it entrusted by my master?"

Liu Huayan shook her head: "You can ask Master, I can't speak without permission."

Gathering my mind, I didn't ask any more questions, and my eyes fell on He Guipo again. Seeing He Zhi's sad appearance at this time, I also felt sour in my heart.

The feeling of powerlessness is much stronger...

Liu Huayan suddenly said in a soft voice: "Actually, Shizun and I have been on our way, and he sensed that there is a lot of yin and resentment here. It is clear that there are too many dead people in a short period of time, and another murderous corpse has appeared, so we Change the road, remove the murderous corpses here, and continue on your way."

"I didn't expect to meet you, and I didn't expect to meet a group of watchmen who are doing all kinds of evil!"

"Master originally wanted to kill them, but the strange thing is that when we entered the village, those tied up lifeless people at the entrance of the village broke free from the ropes, and the watchmen also became extremely strange. Master fought for several rounds, and some even fled away."

"Those watchmen, and those people dressed as ghost women, should have been bumped into. Moreover, whether it's a murderous corpse or a ghost, they are all extremely fierce. They are existences that Master didn't notice before..." My heart sank suddenly, and I immediately thought of my mother...

Liu Huayan didn't stop talking, saying that after the watchmen and ghost women ran away, they were going to chase after them.

But when they got to the middle of the village, they found other grievances, and then they found a yard, and happened to see witch He, the paper figurine Xu, fighting with a very old watchman.

Liu Tianniu directly took out his sword and chopped off the wooden coffin of the five ghosts first, because he could tell that the ghost woman was about to run out of fuel and be killed by that drought demon.

After cutting the coffin, Ghost He lost her ability to move and fell into a coma.

Liu Tianniu originally wanted to kill the old watchman, but he had already suppressed him, and when he was about to behead him with a swing of a sword, the old watchman suddenly burst out with unusually ferocious strength, and when he broke free, he was almost injured. Willow beetle!

The old watchman escaped while Liu Tianniu was caught off guard.

It didn't take long for the whole Hejia Village to become spooky, and even the villagers either came out of their wits or were bumped into.

At this point, Liu Huayan glanced at He Zhi who was still crying, and continued softly: "The village is full of dangers, and I don't know where the murderous ghoul is. Passive accidents will happen in the village, and people will be injured. Teacher and I Just as Zun was looking for a safe place, Miss He Zhi appeared and took us here to hide."

"He Guipo was in an unstable situation before, and the master could only barely protect his soul, and now he is powerless to recover."

"I went out to check the situation, and those people who were bumped would appear around from time to time, as if they were looking for us. They looked weird and dangerous. Except for Master, the rest, including me, have no ability to protect themselves .Master will not harm ordinary people, so I will wait here until dawn before going to settle accounts with that thing." After finishing speaking, Liu Huayan stopped talking about anything else.

And all of this shocked me.

Likewise, I felt even more uncomfortable.

My mother's fierceness has become so strong?All the people in a village have been bumped into...

Even all the watchmen are controlled by her?

And Liu Tianniu stayed here at this time, just because he was afraid of hurting ordinary people who bumped into him. It is conceivable that Liu Tianniu's strength is by no means weaker than my mother.

If he bumps into my mother, I'm afraid he will die forever...

There is a high probability that my mother will be killed!

At this point in my thoughts, I dare not speak.

I thought, this village is dangerous, but as long as I see my mother, she knows that I am still alive, so it shouldn't be like this.

It's just that we haven't even seen a single bumper since we entered the village, which is very strange.

I have to find a chance to leave the yard and go out alone...

Never let Liu Tianniu fight with my mother.

At this time, He Zhi's cry seemed to be a little softer.

She raised her head and looked up at He Guipo. After watching for a long time, she struggled to get up and staggered slightly to Liu Huayan's side.

I hurried forward to help He Zhi.

"Miss He, have you made up your mind?" Liu Huayan said softly, her face regaining her tranquility.

[The author has something to say]

Today's update is also over, ah, it's another day for everyone to go to work.

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