Grandma He, including all the witches behind her, including me, all changed their expressions at the same time.

Ghost He didn't respond just now, so I felt something was wrong.

Now when he fell to the ground, there was no warning.

The paper figurine Xu was still in the main room, he turned sideways extremely quickly, barely supported Ghost He's shoulder, and gently helped him to sit back.

He Zhi's eyes were red, and he trotted into the main room, and when he reached Ghost He's side, he couldn't stop weeping.

"Yinyang, if there is any misunderstanding, let's talk about it later, let Daoist Liu save people first, He ghost is about to die." Paper figurine Xu said hastily.

He supported Ghost He with one hand, looked up at the people in the courtyard, his brows were tightly furrowed, and his eyes were filled with anxiety.

The man with the high crown gave me another deep look, then turned around and walked towards the main room without further words.

"Grandma He, save the old man quickly." At this moment, I couldn't bear it anymore, and hurriedly called to Grandma He for help.

I was so badly injured just now that Grandma He could have saved my life. With her here, I can definitely save Ghost He!

Grandma He raised her legs and walked forward, and the rest of the ghost women followed.

When we arrived at the entrance of the main room, except me, Grandma He and Qu Yuegu who continued to walk in, even He Qiyue and the rest of the witches stopped outside the main room to guard.

At this time, my attention is on He Guipo.

His face was like gold paper, and the breath between his chest and abdomen was like a thread, as if he would lose his breath at any moment.

His body was covered with wounds of varying degrees. Although those places had been treated simply, they were still shocking.

Out of the corner of my eye, I also saw that the paper figurine Xu had a lot of wounds, but none of them were serious injuries.

He Zhi covered his mouth, big tears fell down, and his eyes were even more flustered and helpless.

The man with the high crown grabbed He Guipo's wrist, and pressed his middle finger on the wrist vein, as if he was making a diagnosis.

Auntie He walked to the other side of Ghost He, reached her neck with her hand, and then went to open Ghost He's eyes.

I can see, under the opened eyeballs, is the slack pupil.

Originally, Grandma He still looked solemn, but after looking into her eyes, her face suddenly paled a lot.

"Old Hetou..." The creases on Grandma He's face trembled.

I immediately felt that something might be wrong...

"I can't save it. The ghost woman is using some methods of injury and illness. Old Hetou, the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry. His physical condition is too poor. He also forcibly used the five ghosts to invite the soul. At this time, the three souls are unstable, and the seven souls will After she dies, whether she can still be reincarnated is a question." Grandma He sighed, her eyes were full of complexities.

And her words made the rest of the witches outside the main room look angry and fierce, and their murderous intent became more and more serious.

The ghost woman's lineage respects the He family, just like the Gou family of the corpse hunter.

Although they were scattered, Ghost Pom He, as the oldest ghost woman of the He family, must have something to convince the crowd, otherwise so many people would not be attracted by a single letter.

If the ghost woman died here today, the previous enmity between the watchman and the ghost woman would be even deeper, and I'm afraid it would never end.

Suddenly, Granny He raised her head, looked at the man with the high crown with cloudy eyes, and said faintly: "Did you find out when you killed that Hanba? It stands to reason that if the five ghosts' soul-inviting spell is reversed, people will Die directly, you saved him?"

The man with the high crown said lightly: "The Taoists of the Liu family cut corpses and punish ghosts, but they don't see the suffering of the living. Saving his life and killing the corpse kills two birds with one stone. However, you ghost mother-in-law borrowed the yin and resentment of the dead to end up like this. nature."

What he said made the whole courtyard feel like a chill, but no one refuted it.

Shaking his head, the man with the high crown continued to say: "He really has no other choice, and the beating will be even more difficult for the villains to deal with."

My heart skipped a beat, the old watchman he was talking about?

It's just that I don't have the heart to ask the old watchman how he is now.

Seeing He Guipo's dying appearance, I feel depressed and uncomfortable in my heart.

I want to save people, but I don't have the ability.

Grandma He can't do it, and I can't even recover...

Just at this moment, the man with the high crown suddenly said: "I have a way to wake him up for a while, but once this method is used, he will definitely die."

"If you really have no way to save him, I can give him a chance to confess his last words as a thank you to him for keeping this village safe."

"After you have discussed it, let Huayan call me." After speaking, the man with a high crown went out from the right side of the main room and entered a room next door.

After he entered, he closed the door.

He Zhi was lying on He Guipo's lap, sobbing uncontrollably.

I was so sad that my heart throbbed, I suppressed the astringency in my eyes, and took another look at Grandma He.

Grandma He's complexion was extremely complicated, she still shook her head.

Sighing lightly, she said: "Just wait for this girl to cry, let her decide, but if you do that, Old Hetou won't be able to be sneaky, and he won't be able to transform evil spirits, maybe he will be able to reincarnate safely. "I originally wanted to comfort He Zhi.

But in this case, I don't know what to say.

There was no other way but to wait for her to finish crying before letting her make a decision.

The paper figurine at the side Xu also had a complex expression, he waved to me and signaled me to go over.

I walked up to the paper figurine Xu, and called Uncle Xu in a low voice.

The paper figurine Xu looked at me blankly, sighed again, and then asked me what happened?

That Liu Tianniu, really almost killed me?

My heart skipped a beat, that person is called Liu Tianniu?

This name really fits Grandma He's calling him a cow-nosed old man with a temper like a cow, smelly and tough.

I briefly described what happened outside with the paper figurine.

The paper figurine Xu was startled when he heard that.

Of course, I just said that I was rescued, and I haven't had time to say that the reason for this village to look like this is my mother.

The paper figurine Xu frowned into a knot.

His eyes fell to the side again, on the quiet woman, and said: "Miss Liu Huayan, there must be a reason for the misunderstanding, which can be resolved, but we must always let us know why Taoist Liu wanted to kill Yin Yang? Unknown People, what is the explanation?"

I pursed my lower lip and murmured the three words Liu Huayan in my heart.

Liu Huayan raised her almond eyes slightly, and said softly: "Some people have a dark energy because they have killed too many people. This evil energy carries hostility and resentment."

"The old watchman who fought with you before is such a person."

"As for him."

Liu Huayan glanced at me, and said softly: "He is full of yin energy in his bones. Generally, this kind of person is born in the womb of a dead person. He was already dead when he was born. If he can survive, he must have someone else. Yangshou life."

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