He Zhi's face was miserable, and he murmured: "There is no other way, I know it too, and grandpa knows it himself, he can't do it."

"I want to hear his funeral." Having said that, He Zhi's voice became even more sorrowful.

Liu Huayan nodded lightly, then hurriedly walked towards the room where Liu Tianniu was.

I looked at He Zhi, but I didn't know how to persuade him.

Thinking of my mother's situation again, I went to Grandma He's side first, and whispered in her ear, ask her to help, don't tell me about my mother, and tell the rest of the ghost women not to mention this .

Obviously, Grandma He heard what Liu Huayan said just now.

At this moment, those witches outside are looking at me with more changes and more fear...

I lowered my voice very low to make sure that only Hag He could hear me clearly.

Ghost He nodded slightly, and she retreated sideways into the group of ghosts outside the main room.

I noticed that He Qiyue at the door of the main room was looking at me at this time, with a bit of curiosity in her eyes.

Qu Yuegu on the side still had the slightly evasive look before.

About half a cup of tea, the group of hags quieted down, and no one talked much.They all sat cross-legged in the middle of the yard, and all of them were looking at Hag He by coincidence.

There was a dull atmosphere in the courtyard, and there was a bit of sadness.

On the contrary, Qu Yuegu had a somewhat lively look in her eyes.

The paper figurine Xu returned to the edge of the room and sat down. He Zhi stood beside He Guipo, looking anxiously at the room where Liu Tianniu was.

Time passed slowly, and it took a quarter of an hour before Liu Huayan came out, and there was no Liu Tianniu behind her.

He Zhi looked even more nervous.

As soon as Liu Huayan entered the main room, she walked up to her with questions in her eyes.

I'm also a little confused, because Liu Tianniu agreed, is there a way to get He Guipo to confess her last words?Why can't people come out?

"Master said that after dawn, the yang energy will be a little stronger, so that Ghost Pom He can hold on for a while, and wait for a while." Liu Huayan said softly, and then she walked quickly to Ghost Pom He, and took out a yellow sheet from her waist. The talisman seal was pasted on He Ghost Pom's shoulder.

After the talisman fell down, Pooh He's waist, which was stretched, straightened up a little.

The talisman caught He Guipo's last breath.

He Zhi looked slightly better now.

She stared blankly at Ghost He for a while, then suddenly looked at me, and then pointed to a corner.

I turned my head and looked over, and there was a big black wooden box in the hidden corner.

Only then did I realize that the wolf mastiff was also lying next to the big black wooden box.

It was too dark, and it was motionless, so I didn't notice it just now.

At this time, He Zhi squatted on the ground beside He Gui Po, with his head resting on He Gui Po's lap, looking very miserable.

He Guipo is the only relative of He Zhi. I can't empathize with the pain of seeing her relative die. I'm afraid her heart is broken now.

Taking a light breath, I walked to the corner, the wolf mastiff seemed to have no strength, and didn't even look up at me.

I picked up the big black wooden box, and it moved its body a little, as if it was more comfortable lying down.

The longer the time passed, the quieter the yard became, and even a few hags seemed to be falling asleep.

I walked to the door of the main room, looked up at the moon in the sky, took out the pocket watch from the big black wooden box, and looked down at the time.

It was almost three o'clock in the middle of the night, which happened to be Yin time.

It suddenly occurred to me that Liu Tianniu was going to settle accounts with my mother after dawn.

My mother is definitely not capable during the day, if he can really find my mother, it will be a big trouble.

If I want to avoid conflicts, I have to leave alone for the last hour, and I have to find someone who bumped into me, or find my mother...

My eyes swept over the ghost women in the courtyard, and then I looked at Liu Huayan in the main room.

After thinking for a while, I arrived in front of Liu Huayan.

"What's wrong? Mr. Li?" Liu Huayan asked softly.

"I just looked at the sky and checked the compass. There seems to be something wrong with the feng shui in this village. I have to go out and see what the problem is. Otherwise, we may cause trouble. If we wait until dawn, it will be too late I'm afraid Daoist Liu will find it difficult to clean up the troubles, and there will be accidents in the villagers." I said in a deep voice, and I did it very solemnly.

Even though Liu Huayan's complexion changed slightly, even on her peaceful face, there was a frown between her brows.

"Mr. Li, I don't suggest you go out now. Without Master, I will be in danger if I go out."

"Master is meditating right now. Before daytime, he will definitely not open his eyes. If you are in danger, no one can save you. It's the same with these witches. They will die if they go out." Liu Huayan's tone became extremely cautious.

The expression on my face became more serious, and I continued to say in a deep voice: "Then you don't know that although the master is weak, he may not be inferior to the Taoist priests in dealing with ghosts. If the ghosts in this village can hurt me, the master will not hurt me." Let me come out to practice."

When I said this, my nerves were already tense, and I was afraid of showing my feet.

Because I really don't have much confidence.

The Suppressing Evil Talisman, the Hekui Slaying Corpse Talisman, and even other talisman seals in the Zhaijing can indeed suppress corpses and ward off evil spirits, but if you really want to deal with sneaks, Taoists must be powerful.

After all, Taoist priests specialize in cleaning these things, while Mr. is better at using Feng Shui.

Fortunately, it was my mother outside, so I could barely hold on.

A skeptical look flashed across Liu Huayan's eyes, but she quickly suppressed it.

She glanced at Liu Tianniu's room again, after a moment of contemplation, she finally nodded.

But immediately after, she said: "Mr. Li, I will accompany you. It is true that Master has offended you by doing something to you. You must not let anything happen to you. Otherwise, when he meets Mr. Jiang, he will not be able to explain it."

Suddenly, Granny He's faint voice came from the courtyard: "The little girl is quite sensible, and she doesn't even admit to being wrong."

There was a trace of embarrassment in Liu Huayan's eyes, she smiled, as if to cover up.

What she said earlier has already made me feel at ease.

So now she says she wants to walk with me, I just shook my head and said in a deep voice: "No, I can only protect myself, one more person, one more trouble, don't worry, Miss Liu, if I can't, I will Be right back."

After finishing speaking, I didn't wait for Liu Huayan to speak again, but slightly bowed my fists.

I turned my head to look at He Zhi and the paper figurine Xu again, gave them a "reassuring" look, and then turned around and walked out of the courtyard!

The moment I turned around, I still kept my face tense.

There was no sound of footsteps behind him, which meant that Liu Huayan didn't follow.

The ghost women in the courtyard still looked at me with fear, fear in their eyes.

I know it's not about me, but about my mother...

I walked quickly to the gate of the courtyard, raised my hand, pushed the door and walked out.

When I got out, I closed the door with my backhand.

Then my chest heaved up and down, and my forehead was instantly covered with beads of sweat...

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