Before the girl finished speaking, she lowered her head slightly to the ear of the man with the high crown, and said softly: "Master, the unknown person on the road did not die, but came alive. They seem to be together."

The tall crowned man suddenly opened his eyes.

His face, which was as calm as still water a moment ago, became cold and severe at this moment, and his eyes were even more murderous.

I grabbed the compass on my waist with one hand, and pulled out the divination knife with the other, staring at him angrily.

I didn't retreat, because this man is too powerful, it is useless for me to retreat, and because there are too many people behind me...

The atmosphere in the courtyard seemed to freeze instantly.

Being stared at by that man, I suddenly felt that my whole body was locked up, and if I wanted to move, it was as if there was a heavy stone on my body...

"The disaster will last for a thousand years." The man with the high crown suddenly stood up.

In his palm, he didn't know when there was a small mahogany sword.

It's all just a few breaths away.

It took less than half a minute from entering the hospital until the man with the high crown got up.

The paper figurine Xu Ye just stood up in surprise, his expression changed suddenly the moment the man with the high crown was about to swing his sword.

He Ghost, still sitting there, motionless.

At this moment, Granny He suddenly turned sideways to block, and went directly in front of me, blocking between me and the man with the high crown!

The husky words resounded in the courtyard.

"Niubi, you don't say a word, and you want to kill someone! Taoist priests have become like this?!" Granny He's attitude was cold, and her tone was even more unceremonious.

At the same time, she raised the mourning stick in her hand, holding the posture of fighting if she disagreed with each other.

He Zhi was terribly frightened, her face was full of surprise, she looked at me, then at the man with the high crown, and said anxiously: "What's going on? Yin Yang, you have a conflict with Daoist Liu?" The paper figurine Xu Ye walked quickly to the side of the man with the high crown, his face was pale and there was anxiety in his eyes.

"Misunderstanding, Daoist Liu, there must be a misunderstanding, so don't do anything yet." In an instant, the atmosphere in the courtyard was already tense.

It can be seen at a glance from the attitudes of He Zhi and the paper figurine Xu.

Are they in awe of the man with the high crown, and are even somewhat afraid?

Daoist Liu... I remembered, Grandma He also said just now that the Taoist priests of the Liu family came out from somewhere?

I didn't respond to He Zhi's words, and now I dare not be distracted, for fear that the man with the high crown will directly kill me if he makes a move.

"Misunderstanding, huh, there are so many misunderstandings. Mr. Li stopped the ghost woman on the road, and kindly reminded this old man with a nose that Hejia Village is dangerous. As a result, this cow-nosed man cut off half of Mr. Li's heart with a whisk. If it weren't for my old woman When we arrived, there was some resentment hanging over the last half of Mr. Li's life, I'm afraid he would be a corpse now." Granny He said coldly.

Her attitude was not in awe, but full of coldness and resistance.

The ghost woman was also very united, and everyone behind her stopped looking for a place to sit down. They either drew out the ghost knife from their waists, or took out the mourning sticks, and stared at the man with the high crown coldly.

Paper figurine Xu's face turned from pale to livid in an instant. After he stared at me in surprise for a moment, when he looked at the man with the high crown again, his eyes were full of shock and anger.

He Zhi was obviously also frightened. When she looked at me again, her lips trembled, and her eyes were full of shock and worry.

"In broad daylight, the dead block the way, I should not use the whisk, but should swing the sword."

"The unknown person should have been wiped out." The man with the high crown said in a colder voice.

The next moment he strode forward, and in the blink of an eye he had reached the edge of the main room.

He raised his hand, watching that the wooden sword was about to be thrown out!

The paper figurine Xu squinted his long and narrow fox eyes, and suddenly reached out to grab at his waist, several steel wires were tightened in his hands.

He Zhi turned sideways, went directly to my side, and also drew out the Guillotine Knife.

Grandma He's mourning stick snorted and twitched in mid-air, making a "cracking" sound.

"An unknown person? Ox-nosed, your nostrils look higher than the sky. Didn't you see that Mr. Li is wearing a Tang suit and hanging a compass of Mr. Feng Shui? When did you become an unknown person? I'm afraid Your whole Taoist temple dare not say such a thing!"

Granny He didn't lose the wind in the slightest, and continued in a cold voice: "If you touch Mr. Li, you will cause big problems. Also, if there is a ghost woman left to breathe today, you don't want to hurt anyone!"

"When I turn back to Mr. Li's master, Mr. Jiang Yihong will definitely come to the door after knowing what happened today, and ask the steward in your temple for an explanation!"

At this point, Grandma He's voice seemed to have become much sharper.

"This bull-nosed man dares to fight, so he will fight him!"

This last sentence is obviously explaining to other witches!

My heart was beating wildly, like beating a drum.

As for the man with the high crown, his complexion also changed, the frowning vertical lines between his brows became deeper and deeper, and his murderous eyes narrowed slightly.

He had already swung half of his hand, and suddenly froze in mid-air, the mahogany sword was not thrown out.

The female disciple who followed him hurried to his side, her complexion changed continuously, and she looked at me with a pair of almond eyes.

The tranquility on her face also turned into astonishment and surprise at this moment.

"Oh? Niubi, why don't you continue to do it?" Grandma He sneered, and continued: "I would like to know, in front of Mr. Yinyang Jiang Yihong, would you say that his apprentice is an unknown person, even Mr. Yinyang's disciple? , can be beheaded by Taoist priests at will, and I will be messed up when I look at the Yin-Yang world. How many other gentlemen dare to be Taoist priests?"

At this time, the courtyard was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

It was quiet, and after half a cup of tea, the man with the high crown suddenly walked out of the main room.

However, he put away the mahogany sword and put his hands behind his back.

After he came down, the girl followed him.

It wasn't until he was a few meters in front of me that he was stopped by Grandma He.

The rest of the ghost women are still vigilant.

The man with the high crown glanced over my body, and finally his gaze fell to my waist, and he paused for a long, long time.

"There is something wrong here, you take me to see your master, if he is really Jiang Yihong, then I, Liu Tianniu, are wrong, if you lie, I will send you on your way."

His words made me frown, and I felt that these words were too condescending.

In the same way, I also know that Master's reputation is so great that even this Taoist priest is afraid of him!

From his attitude towards me at the moment, it can be seen at a glance that if he hadn't been afraid of Jiang Yihong's name, he might still have done it directly...

It's just that his words are hard for me to accept.

My life is his one thought?What right does he have to decide my life?

I was about to open my mouth to refute.

At least now there is Granny He, and so many witches, who can argue for anything.

But just at this moment, the witch He in the main room suddenly fell straight to the ground!

He Zhi exclaimed, his complexion suddenly changed!

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