Thinking of this, I couldn't stand anymore.

"I have to find Uncle Xu quickly, the old man and the others, and He Zhi. I need to know what happened..." I gritted my teeth and said immediately.

After saying that, I squatted directly on the ground and picked up a stone on the ground, but my hand froze again.

I originally wanted to use the gossip method, but I don't know their names except that He Ghost Po is called He Ghost Po and the paper figurine Xu is called by the flower name.

In the gossip method, if the name contains gossip, the name should be the most important, and the surname should be the second.

If you have both, but use the surname to determine the gossip, then you will lose a little bit, and the difference will be a thousand miles!Can't find the exact location at all...

The gossip method pays attention to the fate in the dark.

In many cases, people go to a certain place, which seems to have nothing to do with it, but it will be linked to fate.

Certainly not going to a place where fate is in harmony, unless that person is about to undergo a major change.

I now use the Eight Diagrams method, which is the fastest and has the least deviation.

But if you don't know the name, you have to gamble...

Seeing sweat on my forehead, I immediately raised my head and looked at Grandma He.

"Grandma, do you know the old man's name?" I asked tentatively.

Grandma He was a little puzzled.

I immediately explained, saying that we have to find them quickly, and I am now using the gossip method in Feng Shui to find people.

Immediately, He Qiyue who was next to him cast a curious look, but Qu Yuegu's expression didn't change much.

"He Xiangming." Grandma He immediately opened her mouth.

My pupils suddenly shrank into a small dot.

On the ground, the stones wrote the name of the township He. I quickly erased the township, and then wiped the word He and the name until there was a gap.

My complexion changed again.

In the gossip method, if the surname and the first name have the same hexagram, it is a double hexagram.

At this time, if I want to find He Guipo, one of the hexagrams must be the riverside corresponding to the landslide and ground crack of the Dui hexagram.

But I can't be sure about the other hexagram. There are two possibilities. One is damage. Combined with the current situation, He Gui Po may die overnight.

Another possibility is that he had a dispute with someone...

The consequences of the former are too serious, and the latter is not much better.

There is only one outsider who can argue, and that is the Taoist priest riding a bull...

The Taoist priest is ruthless, and if he fights against him, I'm afraid it won't end well...

I analyzed these results in an instant, and beads of sweat suddenly appeared on my forehead.

"Mr. Li, what's the deal?" Grandma He looked at my expression suspiciously and asked.

He Qiyue next to him said in a low voice: "I've only heard fortune tellers tell fortunes. Mr. Fengshui, can you tell fortunes too?"

I took a few deep breaths, trying to steady my breathing.

The hexagrams mentioned by Mr. Feng Shui are the directions of gossip, which are essentially different from those of fortune tellers. They are counted as the number of fate for a lifetime. The words are the same, but the meanings are completely different.

Of course, I didn't get distracted from explaining this.

After my thoughts calmed down, I told Granny He in a low voice that I had calculated the approximate location, but the situation over there was not good, either the old man was going to have an accident, or he was having a dispute with someone.

And I also simply said that the only ones who can argue are the Taoist priests riding bulls.

Grandma He squinted her cloudy eyes, hummed, and said, "Let's go then, we've all been fighting, and I just met a Taoist priest, so I have to ask him to apologize to you."

My complexion changed slightly again, now that I knew that Taoist priest was capable of killing Hanba, I just shook my head and said no, as long as the old man is fine.

But Grandma He said: "Taoist priests follow the rules. If you know you're coming from, and you know that he made a mistake, you will definitely show something. There are good and bad pedantry."

After saying that, Grandma He no longer wasted time, but urged me to lead the way.

At this time, the corpses outside the courtyard were sorted out by various witches.

There are about a dozen corpses of the watchman.

Not only the number I left at that time, but also the number that came later.

It can be seen from the injuries that these watchmen should have been killed by He Guipo and the paper figurines.

Either the injury was a severed neck, or strangle marks all over his body.

There was no corpse of the old watchman among them.

After exhaling, I led the way and walked out of the courtyard.

Obviously, the ghost woman in the back doesn't trust me very much. Some people are even saying, do you want to spread out and search for it carefully? Too late.

Grandma He said lightly: "Sir, you are leading the way, are you afraid that you will go wrong? Also, you forgot the green spirit of entering the village? My mother thought that my husband was killed, and now the anger is still there. She hasn't seen Mr. Li. Before, it must be very fierce, you want to be killed by the green corpse?"

Grandma He's words immediately silenced the ghost woman behind.

They looked at me with even more fear...

In order to dispel their worries, I explained some of the functions of the Bagua method and the direction we are going to, which is near the river.

And I also said that Hejia Village is on one side of the village near Luanfengang and is near the river. The area is not large, and we will definitely find people.

At this time, someone in the crowd said something: "Mr. Li is young, and he speaks Fengshui clearly and logically, which surprised us witches. I don't know what school Mr. Li is from? Who is the teacher?"

This time, even Grandma He had curiosity in her eyes, and she glanced at me.

I came here because I was afraid that if I didn’t tell them, they would not trust me. Secondly, it’s not taboo to talk about where the teacher came from, and it’s something hidden.

Of course, I didn't say the four characters Geography and Gemology, but I said the three characters Jiang Yihong respectfully.

The moment my voice fell, everyone was quiet...

Although everyone was still walking, the silence, without any noise, made people stunned.

What's wrong with the name Jiang Yihong?

Grandma He, who was the closest, even rolled her throat twice.

Looking at my expression again, there is a bit of awe.

This is obviously very different from before!

They... know Master Jiang Yihong? !

I was very puzzled, but judging by the look on my face, this is by no means a bad thing!

Not long after, we had reached the western edge of the village from this fork.

A gurgling river can be seen on the side of the road, flowing towards the hanging river in the distance.

During the day, I am the Hejia Village that I left from this river.

It's just that the distance is farther now.

I looked into the distance and was about to move forward.

Suddenly, the pan-headed Qu Yuegu next to Grandma He suddenly picked up speed, almost sprinting forward!

She ran tens of meters away in a blink of an eye, and her figure became blurred.

In fact, my eyesight is already very good. My father always praised me, but I don't see any problem now.

Granny He's gaze fell on me again, and she said in a low voice, "Mr. Li has no plans left, and he has indeed found it. Aunt Yue is impatient, so walk faster."

My pupils constricted, and there was doubt in my eyes, and I also asked, how did they know they found it?

Only then did Grandma He explain that when there is a danger gathering in the ghost woman's lineage, not only will there be beacons to send messages, but also some special objects will be placed in the hiding place, which only the ghost woman can see. As for what it is, it is inconvenient for her to tell me.

It dawned on me.

Taking a deep breath, I still talked to Grandma He, how can I count as exhaustive.

I have so little ability, I can't even call it "calculation". Only my teacher, Mr. Jiang, can call it.

She doesn't have to praise me like that, I actually can't stand it.

Granny He nodded, she smiled, the creases on her face could almost kill flies.

Inexplicably, Grandma He asked, "Does Mr. Li have a family?" We were talking about something else a moment ago, but at this moment Grandma He's question made me confused...

"Hehe, let's get down to business first, and then talk about other things. If Niubi knew that you are Mr. Jiang's disciple, he might not be so relaxed."

As she said that, Grandma He seemed to have thought of something, and besides awe, there was actually a bit of fear in her eyes.

Although I don't know the details, I understand a little bit.

My master Jiang Yihong, I am afraid that his fame is not only in the small town of Tang.

As a family of corpse hunters, the Gou family treats him so respectfully, he must have traveled to many places...

He needs to find a yin-born son to teach the art of geography, so it is conceivable that it is special.

This probably corresponds to the sentence, "Famous and famous"!

With a distance of tens of meters, our speed was not slow, and soon we saw Qu Yuegu, she was outside a yard.

There are several large bluestone slabs in front of the gate of the courtyard, forming a step in front of the small river.

On the other side, there is a broken small arch bridge, and there are many signs of cracking on the ground, and it has not been a short time.

Qu Yuegu didn't knock on the door until she received a signal from Grandma He.

I noticed that she clasped three hard gestures and then clasped lightly again.

After a total of four beeps.

I just vaguely heard footsteps coming from the courtyard...

I vaguely understand that if it weren't for the special meaning of knocking on the door, none of the people inside would come to open the door? !

With a creaking sound, the courtyard door opened.

I thought I would see He Hag.

Unexpectedly, a slightly vigilant face appeared from behind the crack of the door, it turned out to be He Zhi!

Suddenly, I was pleasantly surprised.

He Zhi looked at Qu Yuegu first, then at me the next moment.

Suddenly, surprise burst out in her eyes!

Suddenly, she pushed the entire door open!

"Li Yinyang... You haven't come back for so long, I thought..." He Zhi's eyes were red, and his voice was trembling.

Immediately afterwards, she glanced at the ghost women outside the courtyard again, and there were more surprises in her eyes.

But this surprise turned into full vigilance in the next moment.

"Come in first, hurry up! The village is very dangerous now, there is a very evil sneaky creature, you can't stay outside." He Zhi's eyes were a little anxious.

While speaking, He Zhi directly raised his hand and grabbed my wrist.

Pulled me into the courtyard.

A group of ghost women from behind also followed in.

The moment I was admitted to the hospital, I saw the innermost main room, where witch He and paper figurines were sitting on one side.

On the other side, there are two more people.

One of them was a middle-aged man wearing a high crown. He closed his eyes and meditated. The vertical lines between his brows were extremely deep.

Standing beside him was a girl with waist-length hair tied behind her.

Crowds of people entered the courtyard, and an old yellow ox on the east side of the courtyard let out a cry.

He Zhi was evacuating the ghost women who had entered the courtyard and asked them to find a place to sit down.

My face changed suddenly, and I stared at the man with the high crown firmly, my eyes were full of fear, faintly, and panic rose in my heart.

Even my chest started to hurt.

The girl also looked at me, she suddenly let out a little surprise, and said, "Why are you?"

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