Even though I was struggling unwillingly, I still couldn't hold on, and slowly closed my eyes...

The voice in the ear becomes smaller.

Maybe it wasn't getting smaller, but that I lost my hearing, dissipated.

In the dark and hazy consciousness, I feel that the whole person is erratic and empty, like a piece of duckweed in the water, which is swaying up and down, and will be knocked over by the waves at any time.

"Is this what it's like to be dead?" I asked myself.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly I felt that my body seemed to be being manipulated by someone.

I couldn't help but think sarcastically, is it the wild dog that came to eat me, or the gray fairy mouse?

Watchmen say that wolf mastiff meat is nourishing, so is it the same for my yin-born child for yin?

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in the chest.

The pain felt like a steel needle had been pierced into my body!

And keep stirring!

My consciousness of pain is about to collapse.

Does it still hurt after death?

Suddenly there was another pain, which seemed to come from the person under my nose.

A woman's voice could be vaguely heard beside her ears: "Grandma, he seems to have moved a bit, but he can really be saved?"

The voice was also very young, as if he was not very old.

Then there was a slightly cold voice, with a bit of vigilance: "This place is too weird. There should be a lot of people ahead of us, and they all went in? It's so fierce, there are green corpses haunting, isn't it courting death if you go in? ...Mr. has fallen outside..."

In addition, there were more noisy voices, and it seemed that many people were whispering.

The pain in the human body has been lingering, and the stirring in the chest is even more forceful.

Suddenly, the thing seemed to be pulled out from my chest.

Immediately, my blocked chest and abdomen seemed to clear up all of a sudden!

The pain became clearer, and I opened my eyes suddenly, and spit out a large mass of almost viscous blood, which was more like a blood clot!

I gasped heavily, my eyes widened, and I stared straight at the ground.

The blood clot spit out by me was extremely black, even dark blue.

On the wet ground, there was still a lot of water, the blood clots melted in it, and the water turned scarlet.

There is a moon in the sky.

My mind was still dull, and I raised my head with difficulty. The moon in the sky was like a ruthless eyeball, and the mist shrouded it was red and blue.

There was clearly fog, but the hazy ghost moon did not form.

A gust of cold wind poured into my neck, and I shivered from the cold.

I also heard the sound of splashing water and the noise of people around me.

At the same time, I also felt a few surprised eyes...

I hissed, raised my hand to cover my temple, pressed it tightly with great strength, and finally my head became clearer.

Finally, I can see everything around me clearly.

The waves of the Xuanhe River in front of the road became a lot more turbulent, and the waves kept beating against the shore.

No, the water level of the Xuanhe River seems to be much higher, and the roadside of the main road has been submerged a lot, and now I am in the wasteland on the other side of the road, and the terrain here is slightly higher.

On the right is the road to Hejia Village. You can vaguely see that the river has submerged a lot of the road. What's even more strange is that there is a lot of fog floating on the road.

The mist is dark and red, and dark red and blue.

The water didn't completely submerge the road, but on the side of the road, there were many clumps of hair floating, and there were even some corpses lying on the road in a lower place farther away.

I felt a chill in my heart, these are the rising water levels of the hanging river, which made the corpses come out?

Was the torrential rain just now so severe?

And I'm not dead...

The rest of my life after the catastrophe did not give me much joy, and I stood up with difficulty.

There were quite a few people on my left, as well as donkey carts and horse-drawn carts.

Without exception, these people were all wearing very dark cloth clothes, like funeral clothes.

Most of them are middle-aged people in their 50s and [-]s, and some of them look like old men and women in their sixties and seventies.

I don't feel that they are weak when they get old, on the contrary, they seem to be more ferocious as they get older.

A lot of bonfires were burned on the ground, and many people were warming up, while their eyes fell on me.

A superficial count, at least three NO.40 people.

The one closest to me was an old woman in her early 70s. She was wearing a brightly colored cloth dress, with flowered cloth wrapped around her head.

There are many bells and strips of white cloth hanging around his waist, a rusty Guillotine Knife and a mourning stick pinned to it.

This mourning stick is fundamentally different from He Guipo's, and it is thicker, like a baby's forearm. Although it is wrapped with a white cloth, the black body of the stick can be vaguely seen under the white cloth.

Her feet are very small, wearing pointed cloth shoes, almost the length of a person's palm.

Beside her are two girls around the age of fourteen or fifteen.

A girl is short, thin, and also has bound feet. She has two braids and is looking at me curiously.

The other girl's eyes were much sharper, her hair was tied back, and she also had a ghost knife and a mourning stick pinned to her waist.

These are all hags!

I couldn't help being overjoyed, although Xuanhe seemed to have a problem and blocked the way to Hejia Village, but this mistake also blocked the ghost woman's way!

Even more by accident, I saved my life?

I could see that the old lady was holding a very thick and long needle with blood on it, but my chest was still in pain.

I was about to speak.

The girl with braids spoke first with some respect.

"Are you a gentleman nearby? What's wrong with this place? How did it become so fierce? There are green corpses and bloody ghosts. Why did the corpses in the river come out and block the way?"

"Further ahead, it should be Hejia Village, right?" The girl's voice was clear and sweet, like a silver bell. She asked several questions in succession, and finally said that her name was He Qiyue.

The old lady bowed her head and coughed, and the other girl quickly reached out to pat her on the back.

Then, the old lady took out a pipe from her waist, lit it with a torch, and took a puff, which made her feel better.

My gaze was only on He Qiyue's face for a moment, and then moved to the old lady.

I first bowed slightly, sincerely thanking her for saving her life.

Then I said, my name is Li Yinyang, and I come from Hejia Village.

And I'm here, originally I wanted to block the way, Hejia Village is in great danger, I want to block them ghost women, so I can't go in one by one.

Unexpectedly, I met two people on my way, who beat me seriously and left me unconscious...

When the words came to this point, I saw sweat on my forehead, because thinking of those two people made my chest ache.

At this time, I suddenly remembered the sad cry before I fell into a coma.

The whole person suddenly froze.

Then I was shocked, turned my head suddenly, and stared at the flooded river.

Look at the dead bodies in the way, and the dead hair on the river.

I whispered tremblingly: "Mother..."

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