Whether it's their clothes, their appearance, or the aura revealed by their bodies, they are far from ghost wives.

I even had a feeling that I wanted to find a place to hide right away...

The intense heart palpitations made my mind go blank for a while, and the fresh river water on my back was mixed with cold sweat, which was so cold that my teeth chattered a little.

Although I wanted to escape, I still held back and didn't leave...

The old scalper finally reached a position about two or three meters in front of me.

The wind seemed to stop all of a sudden.

The weather immediately became sultry and hot, and my body was even hotter and colder.

The old scalper lowered his head, chewing the grass on the side of the road, and the girl leading the cow looked at me curiously.

She is beautiful, but her beauty is not as bright and moving as He Zhi's, but quiet, extraordinarily peaceful.

Looking at her, it seemed that all the restlessness, fear and fear in my heart disappeared in an instant.

Her long black hair fell over her shoulders and was tied with a string almost at the waist.

Exquisite oval face, apricot eyes, pale but persistent eyebrows, under the delicate bridge of the nose, is a slightly pale thin lip.

Her face reveals a quiet childishness, and her age is no more than fifteen or sixteen years old.

I didn't breathe so fast anymore, and looked at the man with the high crown again.

At the age of 40, there is a series of vertical lines between the eyebrows, as if frowning all the year round, so that the word "Chuan" is engraved between the eyebrows.

She has a square face like a knife cut, with raised cheekbones that even have a sense of sharpness, a thick and big nose, and slightly thin lips.

I looked at him, and he was looking at me.

"You can't pass through here. If you go further down, it's Hejia Village. Hejia Village is very dangerous."

I said in a hoarse voice.

"In broad daylight, there are dead people in power, and the living are not allowed to enter the village. It is indeed a dangerous place." The man with the crown lowered his head and looked at me calmly.There was a bit of murderous intent in the middle-of-the-road voice.

And he also picked up the dust whisk at his waist, and brushed the dust silk with one hand.

My heart skipped a beat, he could tell it was a dangerous place?

But the dead are right?What does it mean……

Did he mean the corpses of ghost women at the entrance of the He family village?

But how did he know there was a dead body before he arrived at Hejia Village?

I frowned, and continued to explain: "After all, you can't go in. Now Hejia Village is too dangerous, people will die if you go in, and after passing Hejia Village, there is no way down."

The girl looked at me with great interest, and suddenly, she turned her head to look at the man with the high crown, and said, "Master, he seems to be a living person, not an evil spirit, but why is there so much yin energy on a living person?" , heavier than a dead man."

When I heard this sentence, my head buzzed.

All of a sudden, I seemed to understand, what the man said about the dead is me?

The old ox suddenly raised its head and mooed. It actually took a few steps forward and almost reached in front of me.

The man with the high crown looked indifferent, looking down at me from a height, but the fly whisk in his hand slammed towards my chest!

At the same time, I heard his cold and stern voice: "Some people who are alive are more sinister than dead people. Such people are born to be unknown."

"Where there is him, there will be mourners everywhere, and people will die. If he is removed, he will do justice for the sky!"

He was not speaking fast, but I could hear his voice clearly, and it rang in my ears like a Hong bell.

Fuchen seemed slow, but I wanted to dodge it, but it was too late.

With a "snap", the whisk hit my chest!

At that moment, I felt as if my chest was hit hard by a boulder!

With a "poof", a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The bright red blood spilled onto the road!

My head was spinning, my body fell backwards, and fell heavily to the ground.

Everything in front of him became blurred, the ox was blurred, the man with the high crown was blurred, and the young woman was also blurred.

Vaguely, I seem to have heard their voices.

"Master, but he is wearing a Tang suit, and he has a compass hanging around his waist, he seems to be a Feng Shui master." This was the woman's whispered inquiry.

"Hehe, where is there a Feng Shui master who looks like a ghost, the appearance of the ancestor of the clan, have you forgotten?" The middle-aged man's voice was calm, without any emotion at all.

The wind started to blow again, and the wind blew sand into my eyes, and I didn't even have the energy to rub the sand.

The pain in the chest became more and more difficult to breathe.

Their blurred figures kept away from me and continued to walk in the direction of Hejia Village.

But their speed is very slow, slow to the extreme.

A blinding bolt of lightning pierced the cloud-shrouded sky.

This is the last white light I saw clearly...

Consciousness gradually blurred, sinking...

I am very unwilling, am I going to die like this?

But why?I don't understand why the two people I met on the road couldn't help but say that they wanted to kill me!

Am I living a dark life?Am I an ominous person?How could they tell? !

Strong unwillingness filled my heart, and I struggled to catch my breath and to have a clear consciousness.

But the more this happened, the more I felt that struggling was useless, as if something in my body was snapped off by the whisk.

A cold breath suddenly enveloped me.

Suddenly, it seemed that a person came to me and knelt down in front of me vaguely.

It seems that there are hands pressing on my chest!

A shrill cry suddenly appeared, resounding in my ears!

It was so horrific, it seemed that the pain had broken the liver and intestines!

Sadness, regret, fierceness, resentment...

There are too many mixed emotions in the cry...

This is no longer an emotion that can be described as scary, but horror!

Thunder rumbled, and lightning continued.

The rain finally came...

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