When I woke up just now, my mind seemed clear, but in fact it was not clear enough.

It wasn't until now that I recalled the scene before I fainted and my consciousness dissipated, and I finally woke up!

After I fell, my mother must have come!

Her bitter and desolate cry, when I think about it now, my heart hurts.

My eyes were suddenly sour and hot, and tears almost came out of my eyes.

Hejiacun is like this, Xuanhe is like this, it must be something my mother did!

Did she see me fall, thought I was killed, and in grief, went to fight those two strangers for "life"? !

There was a slight cough, and the old lady asked in a slightly suspicious tone: "Mr. Li, what are you talking about? Mother?" Immediately, I pursed my lips.

At this time, I was already burning with anxiety, and wanted to rush into the village immediately...

I don't know what's going on in the village...

Originally, it was the old watchman Douhe ghost woman, and when the two entered, there would definitely be chaos.

In addition, my mother also went, and she was so crazy that even two miles outside the village became like this.

I don't know her safety, and I don't know if He Ghost and Paper Doll Xu are injured.

It's just that there are so many witches behind this, so I won't do it unless I make it clear.

It is also impossible for me to go directly to the village alone, because I can't help at all.

Suppressing the anxiety in my heart, the thoughts in my head were quickly smoothed out.

Without answering the old lady's words, I briefly explained the situation when I left the village.

The watchmen besieged He Guipo, and a large group of watchmen ambushed Hejia Village, brutally killing those ghost wives who advanced Hejia Village and left alone, killing at least a dozen people.

I also made it clear that the reason why I am guarding here is to gather them and go into the village together.

After I finished speaking, the thirty or forty hags around me suddenly raised their heads almost at the same time, and many of them stood up directly.

Almost everyone's face is fierce, chilling, fierce, and resentful.

"What an old watchman! What do you think of the ghost woman's life?"

"Hehe, after this trip, when I returned to the village, I beheaded the lame watchman in the village."

"Kill people to pay for their lives, debts to pay back money, if you want to use ghost women as human beings to light candles, then use the corpses of their watchmen to raise wolf mastiffs!"

"Siliu Bang, if there are too many people, we can be regarded as worthless ants? There are few ghost wives, but one ghost can kill dozens of his disciples and grandchildren! This revenge must be avenged!" The harsh words kept coming from It spread from the mouths of various ghosts.They were clearly furious.

The old lady in front of me frowned, took another puff on her pipe, and then told me that her name was He Jinhua, and I could just call her Granny He.

She introduced me to another girl with a pan head, saying that it was her disciple, named Qu Yuegu.

After a short pause, Grandma He flicked the ash in the pipe, and then said: "Things in the village shouldn't be that simple, right? It's really troublesome if there are too many watchmen, but they can't make this ghostly road."

"Mr. Li, do you know what's going on? It's said that river water doesn't interfere with well water, and water ghosts don't land on land, but now they've become sneaks in the river blocking the way. Also, the person who hurt you, this is another What's the matter?"

"You have to figure out the situation, and you can take countermeasures after you go in. Otherwise, it will be a mass of loose sand, which will be broken one by one by the watchman, or even encounter other troubles. Also, this flooded waterway is not easy to pass, You have to take a detour elsewhere."

Grandma He spoke very quickly. Although she was old and her voice was a little buzzing, her sentences were clear and organized.

I exhaled heavily.

Frowning and bowing my head, I thought for a while and smoothed my thoughts, and then I said: "The person who hurt me wore a high crown on his head and a dust whisk on his waist. He looked like a Taoist priest and rode an old scalper. He also had a disciple with him. , lead the ox for him...he regards me as an ominous person..."

In fact, I don't really want to talk about my fate about Yinshengzi.

But in this situation, it is impossible not to make it clear.

After finishing speaking, Granny He was fine, and the two disciples beside her, He Qiyue and Qu Yuegu, were fine.

On the contrary, the other witches began to talk in low voices again, and looked at me with a faint sense of retreat, as if they were afraid of bad luck.

Then, I also made it clear that I passed the age of 22 and the Kanyang Pass was over, so my mother has been following me.

If my guess is correct, this cyan mist should be formed by my mother being too fierce.

The rise in the water level of the Xuanhe River may have a lot to do with it...

After saying this, even Grandma He's expression changed.

Her two disciples were even more frightened.

The rest of the ghost women even made evasive movements.

At this moment, Grandma He suddenly whispered, "What do you all mean?"

"It's true that having a yin child is bad luck, but this Mr. Li is still a feng shui master of Yin art! Besides, he gave his life to help our ghost mother."

"You want to leave, no matter who you are? He is the oldest old hag in the line of ghost hags."

"Besides him, it's me, He Jinhua! Whoever leaves today is an ungrateful person! I will drive him out of the ghost woman's lineage!"

Grandma He's buzzing voice seemed to still contain old phlegm in her throat.

But the moment her words fell, those people didn't leave immediately.

It's just that the way they look at me is still cautious.

Then Grandma He asked me in a low voice, the mother who followed me, probably wouldn't attack them.

I nodded immediately, assuring that definitely not.

Granny He was relieved now, she smiled, her wrinkled face had more wrinkles, and there was a mole at the corner of her mouth with a hair growing on it, shaking slightly.

The smile lasted for half a moment before Granny He's complexion became serious, and she said in a low voice: "The bull rider is indeed a Taoist priest. There are rumors recently that Taoist priests from the Liu family came out from Chen Cang. They seem to be looking for something."

"These people have a stubborn and pedantic personality. They kill ghosts when they see you, and kill dead bodies when they see you. He sees that you are too sinister and thinks that you are unknown, so he will attack directly. If you took out the compass on your body earlier, he should not be cruel. .”

"But with us here, these dozens of ghost women, how can we be afraid of him being an old-fashioned old man? After we save old Hetou, we will ask that old man to apologize to you by the way!"

"The Taoist wants to kill Mr. Feng Shui for no reason, and he can't afford to spread the news!" Grandma He said, I was very grateful.

It's just that I also vaguely feel that she seems to be trying to win over?

As soon as I thought of this, Grandma He took a few steps forward with her little feet and her hands behind her back.

Jingling bells came from the hem of her clothes.

She looked quietly at the road surface filled with river water, and suddenly, she yelled in a shrill voice.

"The dead don't touch the ground when they pass through the coffin, and the living don't turn back when they walk at night!"

"The time of Hai has come, the hag opens the shade, and the water ghosts recede!"

She suddenly pulled out the mourning stick that was as thick as a forearm at her waist, and slammed it in mid-air!

A crisp sound of "crack" pierced the night sky!

"Well water doesn't interfere with river water. If a ghost woman walks at night, don't come in the way. Otherwise, her soul will fly away." Grandma He shook the mourning stick in her hand again, and finally put her hands behind her back, hunched over her back.

The stick was lying behind him, and there was a fierce smell on it.

The last time I saw He Guipo open a dark road, it was Miao Guangyang who carried my father's body on his back.

At this time, Grandma He opened the Yin Road, and was able to force back the corpses on the entire road...

"Let's go, enter the village." Grandma He said quietly, and walked forward with her little feet.

[The author has something to say]

Is it true that everyone who sees here will not feel disappointed? !I have to give up something for the sake of new readers so our community can grow.

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