Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 225 Scalper, High Crown, Whisk

Close to the Xuanhe, this creek seems to have become a small river.

We'll have to dive through this water before the watchman at the handle finds out...

After entering the Xuanhe River, follow the direction of the village entrance and swim a certain distance to reach the right road.

He Zhi and I watched the watchman in the distance vigilantly. He had been pacing left and right along the river, showing no signs of walking away or relaxing.

And there is another troublesome thing, that is, I have a big black wooden box with me, as well as the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng, and the house scriptures.

I definitely can't take these things into the water, otherwise I will destroy the house scriptures and the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng.

In addition, He Zhi's diving ability is definitely not as good as mine, and she may not be able to dive that far.

In this way, I can only get close to the watchman first, kill him silently, and then walk out of the water, otherwise, I can only go out by myself...

Let He Zhi wait for me first in the village, and help me carry the big black wooden box along the way.

My mind quickly analyzed the feasibility of these two things.

In the end I got a judgment that only the latter is feasible.

Because of the former, we may not have that ability. If something goes wrong, we will be besieged by many watchmen.

I also had to store the big black wooden box elsewhere, which added a bit of risk.

Thinking of this, I took a deep breath, turned my head to look at He Zhi, and said in a low voice, "I'm going out alone."

Originally, He Zhi's eyes were very unwilling, but when I explained to her my analysis just now, and also expressed the importance of the big black wooden box, there are two crucial books in it, and when it can't touch the water, what can He Zhi do? Pheasant was obviously taken aback.

She looked at me with complicated eyes and said, "Do you believe me now?"

I said awkwardly, "I already know I was wrong."

I took a deep breath, and my expression became more solemn. I took out the house scriptures, put them into a big black wooden box, and took out the pig stomachs and some things that can be used underwater by the corpse hunters. thing.

"I'm sure I can go out, and you don't want to go back to Fangzi's house. Don't fall into the hands of the watchman, or you will become a handle. Find a safe place to hide in the village and wait for me to come back." I told He Shen in a deep voice. Pheasant.

After a moment of silence, I continued: "If I come back late, or if something happens later, you find a safe place to hide, or go to the grave from here, those people will never be able to get away with it." One inch digs three feet...Saving life is the most important thing."

After finishing speaking, I handed the big black wooden box to He Zhi.

He Zhi quickly took a few steps back and came to the shadow of a courtyard wall.

Her face was tense, and she muttered something in her mouth.

I vaguely heard her saying that I believe in her, she also believes in me, and she waits for me.

Taking a deep breath, I crawled on my stomach, and crawled carefully to the water.

During this period, I looked sideways at the front. There were a lot of weeds on the ground, and I couldn't see clearly.

I couldn't see the guard watchman from this angle, so naturally he couldn't see me either.

Soon, I got into the water from the river of weeds and stones.

The moment I entered the water, it was icy cold.

The river instantly wrapped my body from all directions.

The pressure that was everywhere on my body has been reduced a lot at once.

As if in the water, I have more confidence and control...

The river was about two or three meters deep. I kept a small range of motion and slowly swam to the bottom...

There is a lot of silt in the hanging river, but the bottom of this kind of ditch is full of silt.

I just swam a few meters forward, and after my body became more flexible, I carefully dug up a large mass of mud from under my body, and quickly rubbed it away in my hands.

The blackened silt immediately made the water flow around me filthy, and my visibility became much less.

I looked up a little bit, this kind of turbidity can make the underwater blurred.

If you look underwater from the shore, as long as you don't pay attention, you will only feel that the water becomes muddy, and it is difficult to find people under the water...

Slightly happy in my heart, I continued with the action at hand, and as I went downstream, I scattered the mud along the way.

And I didn't swim in the middle of the water, but swam close to the bottom edge of the river, so that I would be more concealed.

Swimming straight ahead, I estimated the distance.

The bottom of the river has also gradually become much deeper, no longer two or three meters. After I swim four or fifty meters forward, the depth will be four or five meters.

About this distance, it should be near the watchman.

I kept my movements steady, loosened a large group of mud, and made the water more turbid, then swam quickly along the edge of the river bottom to this section.

My movements are evenly accelerated in a steady state, and at the same time, I am pulling the aquatic plants on the bottom of the river to use their strength to move forward, trying not to swing my legs and feet, so as to reduce the fluctuation of the water flow...

Heart, beating more and more intensely, almost breaking through the chest cavity.

The water around me became more turbulent!

During this period, I have used the pig belly to breathe several times, and the remaining gas will not take much time.

Finally, a corner appeared at the bottom of the river ahead...

I was overjoyed, increased my range of motion, and quickly swam towards the hanging river!

There is no need to suppress my hands and feet, I will jump out more than ten meters away with three or two strokes.

After entering the Hanging River from Xiaohe, the water flow suddenly became much more turbulent, and the underwater pressure also increased accordingly!

But my whole body relaxed.

Along the edge of the Xuanhe River, I swam forward for a certain distance, and only when the pig's belly had finished exchanging air and I couldn't hold on anymore did I swim towards the surface of the water.

When I surfaced, I was taken aback immediately!

Because before I went into the water, the sun was still shining.

But at this moment, the sky was covered with dark clouds.

The lead-like dark clouds seemed to sink down at any moment, and there were bursts of muffled thunder, the sun had been completely covered, like a night...

I subconsciously turned my head and looked at the entrance of Hejia Village in the distance.

I can still vaguely see a few watchmen walking around, and the group of witches tied up in the middle of the village road, who still don't know whether they are alive or dead...

Fortunately, during this period of time, no ghost woman continued to arrive.

I couldn't help breathing a little short of breath.

The dark clouds covered the sun, coupled with the thunderstorm, it was extremely cloudy.

This is a great thing for Ghost He!

In this thunderstorm and black sky, the fierce soul is even more fierce!He doesn't have to wait until nightfall, he can use the five ghosts to invite souls!

And before the watchman arrives, the astronomical phenomenon may not be useful to him...

Besides, I was a little worried.

Will the mother and son still make trouble?

Will the paper pricked people of the paper figurine Xu be suppressed by the rain?

Pursing my lips, I tried my best to disperse my thoughts. The worry at this time was futile. I hurried back as soon as possible to help.

After turning around, I continued to swim along the hanging river.

This time I didn't dive underwater.

The distance is far enough that they can't find me as long as I'm in the water.

Swimmed about a mile out to make sure they couldn't see me.I was also physically exhausted, and I was able to go ashore.

The sky is getting darker, extremely dark, and the thunder is louder, as if the rain will fall at any time!

It's almost like it's really dark now...

I faltered slightly, walked along the side of the road, looked up at the front, and could vaguely see some remnants of wolf smoke.

I don't know how long I've been walking, but I guess it will take another quarter of an hour. I think it's almost here.

No matter how far away, it is easy to have a fork in the road. Waiting for the ghost woman to come to this place, there should be no problem...

Just stopped and I was looking around.

A blurry figure appeared on the road at the end of his line of sight.

My heart suddenly jumped wildly.

But their speed is really slow...

It took a long time before they got close enough to see clearly.

But I was stunned.

After the shadow was clear, there was a middle-aged man riding on the back of an old scalper.

On the side, there is a girl holding a cow rope.

The girl was about the same age as He Zhi, and she couldn't see her face clearly at this time, but her clothes were neat and tidy.

The middle-aged man wore a tall hat on his head.

And the clothes on his body are a light gray robe.

At his waist is not the Guillotine Knife and the Weeping Stick that all ghost women wear, but a whisk used by Taoist priests.

On a cloudy day, the wind is strong, and the white dust is constantly flying.

I don't know why, when I saw him, I felt an uncontrollable sense of fear from the bottom of my heart, which came from instinct.

These two people are definitely not ghost women!

[The author has something to say]

I rode a donkey away gradually.

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