The paper figurine Xu's body suddenly arched, and quickly took off the human skin that was put on his body just now.

The bloody human skin fell to the ground, and the whole body of the paper figurine Xu was also soaked in blood, making him look terrifying.

He didn't stop, the paper basket was suddenly thrown backwards by him, and it was thrown directly into the main room.

At the same time as the paper basket was thrown out, the paper figurine Xu impressively pulled out a large string of steel wires from the basket!

These steel wires are seven or eight meters long, and one of them must be at least as thick as a baby's forearm!

The section in the paper figurine Xu's hand was wrapped together, while the ones on the ground were all scattered, like countless sharp edges, the cold light was dazzling.

In an instant, those watchmen had all entered the courtyard gate.

Ghost He raised the knife panting.

But the paper figurine Xu shouted loudly, flicked his wrist suddenly, and all the cold light was drawn towards those watchmen!

Those watchmen turned pale with fright, they either used gongs or raised gongs, and they got entangled with the steel wire in the blink of an eye. The fight is in full swing!

Ghost He was panting for a moment, then he suddenly turned his head and glanced at He Zhi and me.

"Yin Yang, Pheasant, it's up to you." When she said this, the voice of He Gui Po was trembling.

After saying that, he suddenly raised his knife, and rushed out of the courtyard with a fierce expression, and he went straight to the old watchman!

"Old guy, take your life!" He shouted loudly, almost breaking his voice!

The wolf mastiff also gave a sharp bark, and rushed out along with He Guipo!

The old watchman raised the gong in his hand and slammed it on his waist.

With a "clang", that sharp sound seemed to make my ears buzz.

Rao is broad daylight, I feel a trance...

In a trance, Ghost Woman He had already rushed to the old watchman's door, and he slashed with his saber wide open and closed.

During the back and forth moves, the old watchman still had a crutch to assist, but the injured leg of the hag was obviously at a disadvantage, and her movements were much slower.

The old watchman raised his gong and beat it on the head of He Guipo.

Ghost Woman He suddenly raised her saber, and hit the gong directly, making a piercing clang.

Seeing that the wolf mastiff was about to hit the old watchman, but the old watchman hit the wolf mastiff hard with his crutches, directly hitting the wolf mastiff's waist!

The wolf mastiff let out a wail, and was immediately knocked away several meters away.

"Bronze head, iron brain, tofu waist, a beast is a beast, and the door is right in front of you." The old watchman scolded, and said with a sneer, "If I kill your master, I will use you to fill the waist."

At this moment, Ghost He blocked a move, lifted her injured leg, and kicked towards the old watchman's chest.

A cold light flashed by, and the pointed toe of He Guipo's cloth shoes seemed to have a razor blade.

The old watchman finally showed a bit of surprise on his face, he picked up his crutches and resisted.

At the gate of the courtyard is paper figurine Xu Mi and several watchmen, and the old watchman and ghost He outside the courtyard are even more sure to kill.

And all of this happened in just a moment.

He Zhi's eyes were red, and he held the handle of the knife firmly, as if he wanted to go up to help.

I tried my best to suppress the fear in my heart, and glanced across the side of the yard, heading for the direction of the village road.

He said in a low voice: "Don't be impulsive, go out and report." At this moment, He Zhi also grabbed my wrist and said in a low voice, "Let's go!"

The two of us spoke almost at the same time, and we froze almost at the same time.

I clenched He Zhi's hand with my backhand, and the two of them ran quickly, over the fence in the yard, and ran towards the entrance of the village.

After running for a certain distance, He Zhi stopped for a moment, looked back, and there was a trace of blood overflowing from the lower lip he was biting.

I also looked back, and the level of fighting made me more and more frightened.

He Zhi said another word in a low voice.

Soon, we went back to the main road at the head of the village from the oblique fork in the village road.

The sun was still dazzling at this time, I glanced at the time, it was only a little over three o'clock at the moment.

It will be at least an hour and a half before it gets dark...

Can witch He and the paper figurine survive until then?

At that time, the effect of paper piercing is very strong, and the five ghosts can also be used.

And the strength of the old watchman comes from the time itself, after dark, it will also be greatly improved...

While thinking, we quickly walked a certain distance, and we were almost at the entrance of the village.

At this time, He Zhi's speed slowed down.

She led me to detour from the right path and proceed cautiously along the eaves of the house.

This distance can already overlook part of the village entrance.

About four watchmen were walking back and forth at the entrance of the village, as if pacing.

But there were more than a dozen people in the middle of the road, all of them were slumped on the ground, tied together by ropes, with their heads hanging down, not knowing what to do.

Obviously, those people were ghost women who came to help, but all of them were tricked.

There must be more than four watchmen, those few people are just a cover!

In this way, people coming from behind will inevitably be anxious to save people on the road and their thoughts will be confused, and if they rush forward, they will be hit again.

There must be a lot of people ambushing around...

"I can't go out from the front, so I have to go around from the side." He Zhi whispered.

"There must be someone guarding the place where you can leave the village... It's still a lot of trouble." I added in a low voice.

Sweat broke out on He Zhi's forehead, and there was more anxiety in his eyes.

But I suddenly thought of a location, and said in a low voice: "The small river that came out of Liulinzi merged into the Xuanhe River. Let's go around from there. It's not the way out of the village. There should be no watchmen guarding it."

"We can swim to the Xuanhe River, then leave the village from the Xuanhe River, and go to the road outside to stop the ghost woman behind. After gathering a certain number of people, we can enter the village again! We can't let them be defeated one by one."

In my thoughts, I speak very fast.

He Zhi held my hand tightly and nodded desperately, as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

After thinking for a moment, I frowned and told He Zhi that I can't remember the way to Liulinzi.

He Zhi immediately turned sideways, walked into the small road in the village, and led me forward quickly.

As time goes by bit by bit, I can only hope that He Hag and the paper figurine can hold on...

The time we have to use is definitely not short, and we don't know if the ghost woman's last remaining manpower can deal with the watchman.

If they can't hold on...

I can't think about it anymore.

The speed under our feet is almost galloping.

Finally, after about a cup of tea, we arrived at the edge of the village.

This is not the direction out of the village, there is an extended willow forest on the other side, and a stream several meters wide.

Overlooking from this place, you can vaguely see the Hanging River.

This place happened to be at the back of the village, the entrance of the village was ahead, and the graves and the jungle were behind.

He Zhi suddenly made a booing motion, pulling me towards the back and hiding.

Only then did I see that there was a person walking back and forth by the river about tens of meters away...

Even in this kind of place, they didn't relax their vigilance...

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