There was a muffled bang, and the wooden coffin of the five ghosts fell to the ground, Ghost Pom He jumped up and rushed out of the courtyard!

"Old man! I'll fight with you!" Gui Po He roared, her figure was so fast that it almost became an afterimage!In the blink of an eye, he rushed out of the courtyard door!

His body jumped up, and he rushed to the shoulder of the half-faced watchman in an instant, and his legs clamped the man's neck suddenly.

This scene changed the expressions of the rest of the watchmen.

The next moment, they pulled out the gongs from their waists almost at the same time, and slammed them hard at Ghost He's chest and abdomen!

Ghost He looked even more fierce, and clamped her legs fiercely, only to hear a crisp click.

The half-faced watchman didn't even have time to scream, he broke his neck and died~

At this time, the rest of the watchmen were still at least one meter away from He Guipo!

He Guipo swept the ghost knife horizontally, and the sharp blade forced everyone to retreat quickly.

He Ghost is really vicious!

I finally saw why the ghost woman was able to kill five and kill two with one against eight. In the end, only the old watchman was safe!

With his speed, if he wants to kill a person who is not as capable as him, others will have no time to save him!

And among these watchmen, only the old watchman's skill can compete with He Guipo, the rest are not enough to watch, they will only die!

From this point of view, the behavior of the old watchman in the past few days was not just to torture He Guipo psychologically, I am afraid that he himself did not want to change his life with He Guipo.

He wanted to force Ghost He, so that she could not rest well and endure great psychological pressure.

At the same time, he also made sure that He Guipo would definitely ask for help, and he was also waiting for more reinforcements from the watchman!

With the watchman's overwhelming numbers and cooperation, the old watchman has an absolute chance of winning! .

In my thoughts, the old watchman really did it too.

He suddenly raised his hands, the crutch in his left hand was facing the Guillotine Knife, and the crutch in his right pointed directly at He Guipo's face!

I'm about to step forward to help He Hag!

But He Zhi suddenly grabbed my wrist, and she squeezed out a sentence through the gap between her teeth: "Going up is just to add to the chaos, I can't do it, and you can't."

My face was ashen, but my heart was extremely unwilling.

Is it like this to watch He Guipo fighting a group of watchmen by herself?

It's still a long time before dark, he must not be able to hold on!

"Uncle Xu! Let go of the skin of the baby spirit! The old watchman is here!" I suppressed my palpitations and uneasiness, ignoring other things, and shouted into the room at the top of my voice.

I was afraid that the paper figurine Xu was so engrossed in peeling the skin that he didn't notice the movement outside.

In the next moment, there were two soft swishing sounds, and two jet-black jets of paper shot out from the main room, directly rushing towards the old watchman's face!

At this moment, the old watchman had already stopped Ghost He's Guillotine Knife, and the crutch in his right hand was about to hit Ghost He in the face!

The two paper bundles flew to the old watchman's door almost at the same time!

The old watchman snarled, suddenly withdrew the crutch in his right hand, and threw it at the paper bar!

With a sound of "whoosh", the paper tie caught the crutch, then retracted suddenly, dragging the crutch back into the yard abruptly.

Another paper tie was wrapped around the old watchman's right arm!

The old watchman snorted, and suddenly thrust the crutch in his left hand into the ground, holding the crutch tightly with his arm, so that he was not pulled forward.

It was too late to say, but it was so fast, it happened to be the moment when the body of the half-faced watchman fell to the ground.

Ghost He borrowed strength from the corpse's shoulders, and she jumped up!

The Guillotine Knife held high, slashed fiercely at the old watchman's neck!

The paper man Xu came to help, and the rest of the watchmen were naturally not idle.

The distance between them was too far, and they couldn't reach He ghost for a while, so three of them grabbed the legs of a skinny watchman, spun around on the spot, and threw it at He ghost like a stone!

To be honest, this scene made me dumbfounded.

During the fight, there is still such a method? !

And the watchman who was thrown flying was even more violent. He quickly pulled out the gong from his waist in mid-air, and slammed it hard at the other leg of Ghost He!

If this hit hits, Ghost He's other leg will be disabled, and it is almost impossible to fight again!

At the same time, the old watchman suddenly raised the copper gong with his left hand, and the gong blocked the Guillotine Knife!

With this tactic, not only could Ghost He not be able to kill the old watchman, but she would also be crippled.

In a blink of an eye, the paper figurine rushed out of the main room with a "swish", and with a flick of its right hand, two paper sticks shot out from the back basket again!

The paper piercing technique can still be used during the day, but it is only used as a tool, and it is not as fierce as at night, so the paper figurine may only rely on skill.

He obviously didn't have time to help anymore.

Ghost He who was in mid-air, suddenly withdrew her hand, the saber did not strike at the old watchman, but turned around and slashed at the thin watchman who was attacking in mid-air!

The moment the gong and the Guillotine Knife came into contact, there was a clang and crisp sound, but how could the gong be able to stop the Guillotine Knife?

How can an ordinary watchman stop He Guipo? !

The Guillotine Knife continued to cut down, directly cutting into the shoulder of the skinny watchman.

With an extremely shrill scream, half of his shoulders were about to be chopped off!

The blood hurricanely poured out directly drenched He Ghost all over.

The old watchman got a chance to breathe, and directly used the edge of the gong as a blade, quickly tied everything on the paper wrapped around his right arm, and the steel wire broke instantly.

The rest of the watchmen also rushed to Ghost He's side quickly, or held up the copper gong to smash He Ghost, or hit Ghost He's head with a gong!

It was too late to say it, but soon, the paper figurine Xu Hou ejected two paper bundles, directly entangled He Gui Po's waist and abdomen, and pulled back fiercely.

Ghost He was dragged back into the yard with a "whoosh" as if ejected.

All the watchmen were stunned, and some even fell to the ground directly.

But after Ghost He fell to the ground, she coughed loudly and her face was extremely painful.

It was obvious that he was extremely weak.

The wolf mastiff walked slowly to Ghost He's side. It lowered its head, the hair on its neck was blown up, and its fangs bared fiercely.

In the short fight, it seemed that Ghost He had the upper hand, but in fact, if there was no paper figurine, He Ghost would not be able to return to the yard.

Although one of the watchmen was lost, the old watchman had almost no consumption.

On the contrary, the paper figurine Xu is missing a black shadow paper tie...

"Yinyang, you and the pheasant, find a way to go out of the village to report the news, so that no one can come in again." Ghost He's face was ashen, with regret and suffering in her eyes.

I understand the pain of a hag...

He knew that calling those witches was calling them into the fire pit!

I nodded, and began to be vigilant looking for opportunities to run out.

But in this situation, there is no possibility of escape at all...

There were so many watchmen blocking the entrance of the courtyard, and this time, they were obviously about to come in.

The old watchman didn't stop us, he was at the end of the crowd, looking at us indifferently, like an executioner waiting to swing his knife.

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