Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 222 Give You One Last Chance

"A person like him is the worst when he dies. Lighting a human candle is better than any old dog at the door. The yellow-faced woman in my house wants me to get a fierce human candle to go back and sleep peacefully at night." .”

The cross-eyed man was clearly talking to the old watchman, his eyes were full of greed.

I feel chills in my heart, they are actually discussing now, how to divide the "loot" after killing?

I immediately felt that their strength might not be as simple as it seems now.

At this moment, a half-faced dwarf watchman, whose figure was similar to that of the old watchman, licked the corner of his mouth.

"I want that woman. I married a few wives, and they all died after a while. The woman raised by the ghost woman has a hard life. Old man, save her life and give me a big fat baby." The face watchman looked at He Zhi greedily, and saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Immediately, the rest of the people became dissatisfied.

"Cross-eyed, we don't mind if you want old things. You don't have to be afraid of a ghost woman who can't fall asleep when you light a candle. But with half a face, you have scared several wives to death. This little lady was born so beautiful. I'll give it to you. It’s simply a waste of money, people will definitely not give it to you, after the matter is over, we will compete in private, and whoever wins will belong to him.”

"That wolf mastiff, I heard that it was raised so big and ate a lot of corpses, it must be very nourishing. Use its meat to burn and eat, and its bones to stew."

The watchmen said a word to each other, and didn't pay attention to us at all.

I pursed my lips and clenched my fists tightly.

He Zhi's face was blue and red, and his eyes were red.

The wolf mastiff was by Ghost He's side, barking ferociously towards the outside of the courtyard.

Instinct tells me things have definitely changed.

The old watchman coughed, and his throat was like a broken bellows, which was not much better than Hag He.

I almost thought he would just throw his breath away.

After a long while, he finally got better.

"He ghost mother-in-law, your ghost mother-in-law's line is always out of succession. Is it because you are dying and your head is confused, that makes you feel that the fourth-rate bang is no better than your ghost woman's line?"

The old watchman said faintly: "We just divided up some of our people and went to find you in the willow forest. When they saw the blood, they got on their heads and caught some white raccoons along the way."

"There are still a group of people blocking the entrance of the village, come to rescue your ghost woman, enter one and kill one, enter a pair, kill a pair."

"Hehe, your people always like to travel alone. One or two, two or three go on the road. If you get together, it's really hard to deal with."

Before the words stopped, the old watchman raised his head again, and continued: "A wolf smoke, a family of ghosts, we are so fast. Maybe someone sees the fight and rushes forward, and they will die faster."

I was shocked.

He Guipo stood up abruptly, he was so frightened that he almost broke his voice, and roared, "How dare you!"

Satisfied and terrified, He Zhi kept trembling. If I hadn't supported him, he might have collapsed on the ground.

"Dare? I don't dare? Am I waiting for you? Do you dare to fight again? I think you can kill a few of us, or pinch my head." Lao Geng The husband said again sarcastically.

Ghost He is looking at the sky with bloodshot eyes.

I took another look at the past.

There was a wave of wolf smoke before, but now there are at least four or five waves rising, and there are still wolf smoke faintly ignited in a further distance.

Just as the old watchman said, the ghosts of the He family all received the letters and arrived almost at the same time. They were definitely not in groups, otherwise the distances between the beacons would be different.

It should be that someone arrived at Hejia Village and sent out the signal directly, so that the ghost woman behind was also sending out the signal, and at the same time speeded up.

But if dozens of watchmen were ambushing at the entrance of the village, they would die if they really came in!

You must go out now, otherwise, all the witches of the He family will be finished!

I pulled out the divination knife from my waist, and my eyes were filled with surprise and anger.

"You will die if you do too many unrighteous actions, old watchman, you have committed too many evils, you will die a terrible death!" I said hoarsely.

"Unfortunate death? You unreligious son of a yin, I think highly of you, and I want to take you as a disciple. You want your dead old lady to kill me?"

"I really thought the water ghost in the water was pulling you to change your life, but I didn't expect to make up my mind and pull my ankle!" The old watchman grabbed the crutches with both hands.

His eyes became fiercer, and his anger could not be restrained.

He slammed his hands on the ground.

At the same time as the crutches landed, he had already got off the stretcher.

"You are much more sinister than me. At least I accept you because I really want to accept you, not because you want to lie to me, an old bone."

"Now I only give you one last chance!"

"Give that witch a knife. I can pretend that what happened last night didn't happen. Kneel three times and kowtow nine times. I'll accept you as a disciple. If you can't do it, hehe, I'll light your human candle and go Catch your dead old lady!"

"If it wasn't for dawn, my manpower would have arrived, and she would really capsize the boat in the gutter!"

The old watchman spoke very quickly, and his voice became even more embarrassing.

However, the way he looked at me still couldn't restrain the last trace of longing.

This scene also attracted the attention of other watchmen, and they looked at me with envy.

The envy was mixed with coldness, as if they would kill me if given the chance.

He Zhi's body trembled slightly, she looked at me with a bit of vigilance, she even broke free, and walked away from me, faintly trying to block me.

I pursed my lips even tighter, and looked at the watchman with colder eyes.

What he said annoyed me.

I am extremely regretful, if I woke up a little earlier last night...the watchman would definitely be dead...

What he said was true. Not long after he entered the water, the villagers who were lighting up candles went away, and the watchmen he summoned came, and even the sky was dawning...

"Your life is indeed hard, but you won't be hard all the time. After you die, you won't even have the chance to reincarnate."

"I already have a master, so I can't change my family, bully my master and destroy my ancestors!" My eyes became more ruthless, and the same words were even more sonorous.

The rest of the watchmen lowered their heads and laughed, the laughter was chattering like evil spirits during the day.

The old watchman stopped laughing.

He was pale, expressionless, and eerily calm.

"It seems that I can only kill you, and then kill the person who didn't open his eyes to accept you."

"Li Yinyang, have you heard a saying? People are evil and heaven will not accept them. I have carried this old bone for many years. God dare not repay me, and this underworld has never dared to accept my life."

The old watchman paused for a while, then murmured again: "Go alone and see how many witches have died at the entrance of the village. If the heads are cut off to waste the corpses, just cut off a few arms, and let's feel discouraged here."

The cross-eyed watchman grinned ferociously and said, "Old man, I'll take care of this matter."

He turned to go.

At this time, Ghost He was obviously unable to bear it anymore.

[The author has something to say]

Sorry everyone, I thought I could write that character in three days, but in the end I had to wait a little longer in the plot.Thanks to Ms. Huaer for her rocket to the list, and thanks to Tranquility and Zhiyuan for her masterpiece certification.Today's update is over.

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