Fortunately, Ghost He is still able to suppress the paper figurine Xu...

I found that ghost woman He's brows, eyes, mouth and nose, and even ears had strange lines drawn with blood. At first glance, it looked like bleeding from the seven orifices.

And the coldness in his expression doesn't look like a living person at all, even his complexion is extremely pale, especially the lines between his eyebrows are more complicated.

This is the Five Ghosts Inviting Soul Art! ?

He borrowed this coffin as a medium, and through the runes, let himself borrow the ability of the drought in the coffin?

I couldn't help but gasp, the ghost woman's technique is too scary.

If a living person is hit too many times, his life will be shortened. He directly borrowed the murderous corpse, which is not just a simple shortening of his life.

He himself was not young, and when he was almost exhausted, he was still severely injured.

Fighting the watchman in this way, if he wins, he might not be able to survive himself...

Just as I thought of this, Ghost Pom He suddenly changed the movements of her hands.

His hand actually pressed the paper figurine Xu's head directly, while muttering in his mouth.

His words were too jerky and difficult to understand, and I couldn't understand them at all. I only saw blood dripping from He Guipo's five fingers.

The next moment, the word "Come out!" came out of his mouth.

The paper figurine Xu opened his mouth suddenly and let out a sharp scream!

That scream was full of unwillingness and resentment!

"He old ghost! You and people from other villages are here to harm people! My man is going to pull your bones out!"

The paper figurine Xu kept cursing.

The next moment, the sound stopped abruptly.

Ghost He also raised her hand.

However, he still kept pressing the head of the paper figurine Xu with his legs.

The other arm of the paper figurine Xu was still bitten by the wolf mastiff, and the wolf mastiff stomped heavily on his chest.

A few seconds later, the paper figurine Xu suddenly opened his mouth again, panting heavily.

His eyes were full of pain, and he groaned in pain.

Evidently, the paper figurine Xu had come to his senses at this time.

But in the next moment, his eyes became cold again.

And his eyeballs seemed to be covered with scarlet.

I realized right away that the ghost woman should have driven Fang Zi's wife away, but the paper figurine Xu still has a baby spirit on hand.

The corner of the paper man Xu's mouth curled up into a cold smile, he didn't struggle, he just had a dead face, it's even more terrifying if he doesn't smile.

I didn't dare to approach, I stared down at the pocket watch, sweat dripped off my forehead one by one.

"Five...four...three..." The slender second hand finally turned around, and the paper figurine Xu gasped again.

Only then did Ghost He let go of her legs and let go of the paper figurine Xu.

The wolf mastiff obviously didn't want to let go, so it whimpered, and the force of its lower mouth seemed to be more ruthless.

Paper figurine Xu's arm is bleeding...

"Big mastiff, let go of him, it's okay." The ghost woman raised her hand and slapped the wolf mastiff on the head.

Only then did the wolf mastiff loosen it reluctantly.

Paper figurine Xu had several blood holes on his forearm, and his arm was trembling uncontrollably.

"Uncle Xu..." I shouted with difficulty.

Paper figurine Xu stood up tremblingly, his eyes were stern, but it was obvious that this was his own emotion.

"It's really fierce..." Paper figurine Xu's voice was hoarse.

That's when I realized that the paper figurine knew what happened just now?

I thought he would take off the human skin, but unexpectedly, his other hand directly pulled out a small boning knife from the bed, with a sneer, it pierced into the top of the baby spirit's head, and began to peel the skin on the spot !

How can I watch this scene.

Turned around sharply.

He Guipo's figure was quite stooped. He carried the coffin of Wuguimu on his back, and without saying much, he staggered towards the outside of the house.

The bloody smell from the tip of the nose lingered, continuously getting into the nostrils.

I can't stay in the house any longer. He Zhi was kicked out just now, and I don't know about his safety.

Suppressing the nausea, I walked out of the room quickly.

Now that the time of great overcast has passed, there will be no more accidents until it gets dark.

The paper figurine Xu's actions are so ruthless, which probably has something to do with him being bumped into.

In three or two steps, I walked out of the house.

At this moment, He Zhi in the courtyard just got up from the ground, with blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth, and she was tremblingly walking towards the house.

I hurried to the gate of the courtyard, trying to help her.

But the scene outside the hospital made my heart suddenly sink to the bottom...

On the road a little further outside the courtyard, there were a few short men in common clothes with white cloth tied around their hands and feet, who were carrying a stretcher and walking towards the gate of the courtyard.

These men are either old or middle-aged, and the youngest is over 40 years old.

Without exception, they all had gongs and gongs hanging around their waists, and everyone had stern faces.

And on the stretcher is the old watchman!

The old watchman looked miserable, and there were countless small wounds on his neck, as if strangled by hair.

There were also many scratches on his face, and there were bluish-black breaths from the wounds.

In addition, his legs were twisted, as if the bones were broken.

The crutches were on one side of the stretcher, and there were still many wet marks on them.

Obviously, this is our movement just now, which provoked the old watchman and the rest of the watchmen...

He Zhi obviously noticed it too. She turned her head and took a look, her face was pale, and she almost fell to the ground again.

I took a few steps forward and grabbed He Zhi's shoulder.

After stabilizing He Zhi's figure, I didn't hide in the house either, but just stared at the old watchman and the rest of the watchmen.

The old watchman was expressionless at first.

When his eyes fell on me, he suddenly started laughing.

Some of the other watchmen raised their hands to wipe their necks, and some licked the corners of their mouths, whispering something to the people next to them.

After all, there was a bloodthirsty look in the eyes of these people, as if they could kill us immediately, which made them extremely excited.

Ghost He also walked to the gate of the courtyard, his face sinking like water, staring straight at one direction of the horizon.

"Wolf smoke..." He Zhi bit her lower lip, her tone full of excitement.

That kind of unconcealable joy immediately made me happy.

He Guipo said, the beacon is the signal!

The wolf smoke is here, that is, the ghost woman who is here to support has arrived!

I couldn't help but also look in the direction He Zhi was looking at.

Sure enough, there was a wisp of smoke rising from the sky towards the entrance of the village.

"Old man, if there are only a few of you left after I have killed seven of you, these four-tier bangs are in decline, and they can't compare to my ghost mother's line." He ghost woman sat in front of the threshold, and the coffin fell to the ground. It seemed like it would ease him up a little.

There was a bit of ease and sarcasm in his words, and his tense expression also relaxed a lot.

The joy on He Zhi's face was even greater, and when she looked at the old watchman again, her eyes were full of hatred.

The expression of the old watchman on the stretcher has not changed much, he is still smiling.

The rest of the watchmen, on the contrary, laughed sternly.

The watchman on the right side of the head is short and fat, with a pair of cross-eyed children.

"Old man, this ghost woman, will you give it to me after you kill her?"

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