Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 220 In the Great Yin Time, People Wear Skin

Subconsciously, my hand directly pressed the divination knife on my waist, but the divination knife was useless, and I touched the fixed compass again...

Lifting my legs, I quickly walked towards the door.

He Zhi followed closely beside me with a suspicious face, and the two of us came to the door in an instant.

I didn't dare to stop, and pushed against the door leaf.

Although the period of great yin is short, it is the transition from extreme yang to extreme yin within a day, and when yang reaches the extreme, yin will be born!

During this period of time, the evil spirits and ghosts are more fierce than the night!

The paper figurine Xu definitely made a mistake. Although the mother and son Sha are inferior to He Niangzi in terms of rank, after all, He Niangzi has been suppressed for more than ten years, and the mother and son Sha are in the haunted house where they died.

In my thoughts, I pushed the door hard, but the strange thing is that the door didn't move at all...

My face suddenly changed, and I mustered all my strength to drink in a low voice.

But the door still couldn't be pushed open, and He Zhi also came up to help!

She had obviously exhausted all her strength, and finally the door opened a crack!

The wolf mastiff also rushed forward suddenly, and its huge mastiff head directly pressed against the door.

The door was finally pushed open.

The resistance was still very strong, but with the efforts of the two of us, we still couldn't stop it.

After the door opened, the sight I entered made my heart tremble!

Because the person standing behind the door turned out to be the paper figurine Xu? !

The paper figurine Xu at this time was simply terrifying to the extreme.

He was holding a fetus in one hand, and it was that baby Lingxuesha!

The head and face of the infant Ling Xuesha were covered with red fluff, and the eyes were wide open, full of hatred and coldness.

The other hand of the paper figurine Xu was holding the door. We pushed the door so desperately that we only bent his arm a little.

In addition, what is even more frightening is the paper figurine Xu himself.

He actually put his head under a piece of bloody human skin, and the clothes on his body were covered by the human skin, stretching the human skin a lot, while his head and face were covered under the skin of a woman's face, under the eyeholes were his long and narrow fox Eye.

Blood seeped into his eyes, making his eyes even more fierce and terrifying.

The most ferocious ability of the paper figurine Xu is indeed to wear the paper skin, but it is definitely not wearing the skin of the untreated mother's corpse in the dark!

And the emotions revealed by the paper figurine Xu are completely feminine and resentful, he has been bumped into!

He was not simply hit by a ghoul, but the mother corpse and the baby spirit made him lose his mind at the same time!

I frowned and growled, "Uncle Xu, wake up!" The paper figurine Xu didn't respond, he let go of his hand abruptly, and the door opened completely with a bang.

This scene was too sudden, He Zhi and I staggered and rushed up, and the paper figurine Xu Shan slapped me on the face.

And with his other hand, he directly pushed the infant spirit towards He Zhi's face!

What's weird is that Yingling's little hand seemed to be raised, trying to hold He Zhi's face!

I was even more frightened, if He Zhi was held in the face by the infant spirit, then there would be an extra ghost woman!

This baby spirit is a blood demon, I dare not use the fixed compass for fear of affecting the accuracy.

While quickly putting away the compass, I drew out the divination knife at my waist and slapped the paper figurine Xu directly.

"He Zhi, don't be touched by the infant spirit, it is very fierce!" I reminded He Zhi with a low growl.

My knife was firmly held between the two fingers by the paper figurine Xu.

He Zhi suddenly raised his hand, and the ghost knife slashed fiercely at the baby spirit's head and face!

If it hits with a knife, the infant spirit will be dismembered on the spot!

My forehead was dripping with sweat, and the strength of the two fingers of the paper figurine was so strong that I couldn't pull out the divination knife at all.

And He Zhi's knife didn't hit him!

Xu Huan, the paper figurine, raised his leg and kicked He Zhi's waist and abdomen hard.

He Zhi let out a scream, and his whole body was kicked out of the door like a catapult.

There was another muffled sound, and suddenly light came in from outside!

I was even more shocked. Taking a glance from the corner of my eye, I saw that He Zhi was kicked into the yard, and she directly knocked out a big hole in the door of the main room outside!

"You guys are so cruel, you deserve to die!"

Paper figurine Xu's thin lips moved slightly, and even the human skin covering his mouth was also moving, blood overflowed, and his voice was even more vicious.

Without He Zhi's obstruction, the other hand of the paper figurine Xu directly pushed toward my face.

That baby spirit's small hands are going to hold my face!

No, its stretched and thin arms seemed to pierce my eyes!

I took out the penis dagger in my pocket and stabbed it at Yingling's chest!

Taking Yinpo's dagger and soaking it in the little dragon's blood also has the effect of restraining the baby spirit.

In this situation, I have no other choice.

Suddenly, a black figure sprang up from beside me, the wolf mastiff let out a low bark, and fiercely faced the paper figurine Xu and Yingling with its ferocious mastiff.

It bites down violently!

He directly bit the paper figurine Xu's forearm, and then rushed forward quickly, pulling the paper figurine Xu backwards!

I looked at the right moment and pulled out the divination knife that was held by the paper figurine Xu!

With a muffled "bang", the paper figurine Xu hit the bed in the room hard.

With a whimper, the wolf mastiff raised its legs suddenly, and stomped hard on the paper figurine Xu's chest!

The paper man's eyes showed a cold light, and he screamed fiercely, his right hand was clawed, and he stabbed fiercely at the eyeball of the wolf mastiff!

This time, either the wolf mastiff will let go and get out of the way, or the paper figurine Xu will goug out his eyes!

But the wolf mastiff didn't dodge at all, but closed its eyelids abruptly.

The paper figurine pierced its eyelids with two fingers, the wolf mastiff just whined, but the eyes were not pierced!

I was so shocked that I broke out in a cold sweat. All this happened in the blink of an eye, but it seemed so long compared to the 1 minute in the time of the Great Yin.

I didn't dare to stop, I held a Yin dagger in one hand and a divination knife in the other, and rushed towards the paper figurine Xu again.

At this moment, suddenly another shadow flashed past me!

This figure is clearly that ghost woman!

On Ghost He's back was actually the coffin of the five ghost wood.

His movements are extremely vigorous, like a man in his prime!

In an instant, Ghost Woman He arrived in front of the paper figurine Xu, he jumped up suddenly, one leg crossed over the paper figurine Xu's shoulder, his calf bent, and firmly clamped the paper figurine Xu's neck!

This scene was so fast that the paper figurine Xu didn't react at all, he could only grab He Guiba's thigh with both hands, trying to separate it!

Ghost He raised her hands, and pressed the paper figurine Xu's head.

When I thought of the tricks of He's ghost mother-in-law, I felt a chill in my heart.

"Old man, don't kill Uncle Xu! Hold him down! After the dark period, you'll be fine!"

My voice was almost broken, and I was afraid that the next moment, Ghost He would directly twist the paper figurine Xu's head off!

The moment my voice fell, He Guipo's movements barely stopped, just pressing the paper figurine Xu's head like that.

In addition, the wolf mastiff was stepping on the paper figurine Xu's chest, and his hand was still biting his arm, so the paper figurine Xu couldn't move at all!

Time seemed to freeze, and all I could hear was the sound of my own heart beating like a drum.

Subconsciously, I quickly took out my pocket watch and took a look. It was only halfway through the time of the Great Overcast...

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