Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 219 In Troubled Times, Human Life Has a Price

No wonder He Zhi is so afraid of He Guipo. I knew she would be beaten, but I didn't expect it to be so hard.

A mourning stick, but a ghoul-fighter...

But witch He looked at me sharply. Suddenly, he said: "It is the father's fault to raise or not teach, and the teacher is lazy if the teaching is not strict. Pheasants have no fathers. I am a grandfather and a master. If I If you don't educate her well, what should the He family do in the future? Yinyang, my life is not long."

"If I'm not here, who can control the pheasant?"

"This..." For a while, I didn't know how to speak to He Guipo.

What he said was too serious...

But at this moment, He Guipo suddenly said: "There is a saying that you don't get rewarded without merit. I was greedy and overcharged you with two big yellow croakers. This actually broke the rules of the ghost woman. You must pay for it." Give something."

"I haven't figured out what to give. If you don't want me to teach my granddaughter a lesson, then I'll let you take care of it. In this troubled world, human life has a price, so treat it as if you bought a pheasant."

The moment the words fell, Ghost He let go of her hand suddenly, and I grabbed the mourning stick in my hand and pulled it out.

But I was dumbfounded, and looked at He Gui Po with a blank face.

He Zhi also raised his head suddenly, and said in a panic: "Grandpa, what are you talking about?!".

"Huh?" Ghost He frowned, looking at He Zhi with cold eyes.

He Zhi shrank again, she wanted to speak, but was too frightened to speak again.

I was distracted by He Guipo's words, and my mind was flustered, and I immediately said: "Old man, how can this be said to buy and sell people, He Zhi, she..."

But before I finished speaking, Ghost He's expression suddenly became a lot more complicated. He looked at me deeply and said, "Yin Yang, my life is not long."

For He Zhi, He Guipo is strict, and a single eye movement makes He Zhi dare not speak.

As for him, his tone and demeanor were too much kind to me, and his words were full of resignation, and there were also sighs.

"Don't persuade me, don't say anything more, if you don't want to worry about the pheasant after I die, those two big yellow croakers are in the thatched cottage, you can just take them away."

"The pheasant was born with a lot of troubles, and it will not be easy for you to survive this life. You are alone, but two people can always support you."

"But you are already a gentleman, so it's normal to look down on mediocrity."

Saying that, He Gui Po lowered her head.

He sighed again, closed his eyes, and stopped talking.

"I didn't mean that..." I was sweating on my forehead, trying to explain.

Ghost He just raised her hand and made a blocking motion, without raising her head, keeping her eyes open, or speaking.

My heart was up and down, and my throat seemed to be blocked by a stone.

He Zhi sat on the ground and sobbed softly, his thin body trembling all the time, so pitiful.

I was at a loss and wanted to help He Zhi, but she shook off my hand.

But at this moment, the wolf mastiff walked up to He Zhi, rubbed its huge mastiff's head against He Zhi's face, and whimpered twice, as if it was slightly dissatisfied with Ghost He.

Ghost He still didn't respond, she hung her head and remained motionless.

I was silent for a while, and gently placed the mourning stick in my hand next to Ghost He's chair.

Turning around, I persuaded He Zhi in a low voice, saying that it was cold on the ground, and told her not to kneel all the time.

After a while, He Zhi bit his lip and stood up, sitting on the chair next to him.

I tried my best to clear away the chaotic thoughts in my mind.

After thinking a little bit more clearly, I stared at Ghost He again in a daze.

At first, I thought that Hag He did it too suddenly.

But after thinking about it, I realized, what ghost is asking Gu?

It's just that the way he uses it is much sharper and more extreme.

He is ready...he wants to change his life with his husband...

At this point in my thoughts, I feel that this is a ninety-nine percent possibility.

It's just that I wanted to help, but I couldn't. I looked at the door where the paper figurine Xu entered, and I could only hope that the paper figurine Xu would have more means and chances of winning.

At this moment, there was a sudden "bang" sound.

There were only a few of us in the room, He Zhi and He Hag didn't move from the corner of the eye...

I turned around abruptly and looked in the direction of the muffled sound.

It was Fang Zi on the side of the door, and his body fell to his knees heavily on the ground.

Its face, covered in black fuzz, became abnormally distorted.

I forgot whether he closed or opened his eyes before, but at this moment, his eyes are round, and there are actually two tears of blood flowing down from the sockets of his eyes...

He Zhi covered his mouth with fear and anxiety in his eyes.

The wolf mastiff even barked twice in a low voice.

I was also very depressed in my heart, I always felt that Fang Zi was looking at the door that the paper figurine allowed to enter...

And the room has become a lot colder.

That coldness seemed to be mixed with extremely strong resentment.

This resentment, on the contrary, is more condensed on me.

My heart skipped half a beat for no apparent reason.

I took out my pocket watch and looked down at the time. It was almost 11:30.

It was still half an hour before the time of Great Yin, that is, about two quarters of an hour.

Only then did I realize that I had overlooked an extremely serious matter.

In this haunted house, there are not only a pair of mother and son, but also a prescription.

Although he is only Heisha, he is also a murderous corpse, and this place is also the place where he died...

The paper figurines should be peeled before the time of the Great Yin to prevent the mother and child from making trouble.

If this Fangzi doesn't take precautions, if he makes a fuss, he will make a lot of noise...

Thinking of this, I quickly took out the ground pen and Tiangan inkstone, sharpened the ink, and started to draw symbols.

I keep my pocket watch by my side and keep an eye on the time.

This time, I felt that I drew the evil spirit talisman faster, and it only took about 10 minutes to complete one.

And the overall rune is smoother, and it seems to consume less for me.

It's just that I was afraid that one talisman would not be enough, so I quickly drew a second one.

After I wrote the pen, I quickly took the two evil-suppressing talismans and covered them on Fang Zi's head!

After doing all this, Ghost He finally raised her head and took a look at me. At this moment, he was obviously not emotional.

He Zhi and Wolf Mastiff looked at the door that the paper figurine allowed to enter.

Suddenly, the wolf mastiff let out a sharp bark, turned its mouth up, and showed its fierce look.

A sharp laughter suddenly came from the door.

My scalp suddenly exploded, because the laughter obviously sounded like a woman's.

Besides the paper figurine Xu and the mother's corpse, are there any other women in the room?

It was even colder inside the room, as if there was a light black mist lingering around the door.

I glanced at the time pocket watch, the pointer was just pointing to the twelve o'clock position...

Paper doll Xu, something went wrong? !

My heart suddenly hangs up...

[The author has something to say]

Ghost He: Make sure.Paper figurine Xu: I've made a lot of money!Li Yinyang: My hands hurt, my heart hurts, my brain hurts.Thanks to Ms. Hua'er for her rocket to the list, today's update is over.

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