Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 218 The rules cannot be changed

"As for Liulinzi, it is for mourning sticks. Over time, it has become a habit of the ghost woman to have a fierce white raccoon in Liulinzi. The two depend on each other. hurt each other."

He Guipo spoke very quickly.

After I finished listening, my heart sank, and it was exactly as I guessed.

These trees are not inexplicably planted, but are helpful for the witch's spells...

But between the gains and losses, a powerful ghost woman will definitely kill many brothers and sisters, even parents and children...

Isn't this just fighting for your life?

Only those who have a hard life can become a ghost woman and can keep their lives. Once their life is not hard enough, they will die early...

I look extremely ugly.

After running through my thoughts in my mind, I spoke without hesitation, and directly told He Gui Po, that all ghost women have Feng Shui problems in their homes!

The five ghost tree belongs to the ghost tree, the big yin, and Sang will lose money at home, if it is in front of the door, it will invite funerals, kill grandchildren, and finally die.

When the wind blows poplars, ghosts clap their hands. Planting poplars at home means that every day they hope that their children and grandchildren will die.

In the end, Liu Linzi sucked his soul, and the desperate people would no longer have the chance to reincarnate.

I explained it to Ghost He in more detail than I did to He Zhi. In the end, I also said that people will return their souls from corpses, even to cats, and that dead person may also enter the body of a white raccoon, and be resurrected by a raccoon.

In addition, there is another point. After death, the obsession is the heaviest, and the cause of death will be discovered. There will be no rationality, and it will only become more and more vicious.

Coupled with the evilness of Liu Linzi himself, the white raccoon is so fierce.

At the end, I also made it clear that the ghost mother-in-law doesn't understand feng shui, and she made her offspring a desperate person by mistake.

The last one who survives can become a ghost woman!

But as long as you stop doing this kind of thing and plant mulberry trees and poplar trees elsewhere, if the ghost woman needs any materials, she can go get them.

If you want to sharpen, you can also have a dedicated cemetery or murderous place like a wolf mastiff. There is no need to turn your home into a haunted house.

At this point, my expression became more solemn.

A pimple formed between Guipo He's brows. He held the remaining half of the cigarette between his lips, and then took out the fire pocket to light it, but his hands were shaking all the time, and he didn't light it anyway.

In the end, the fire folder even fell to the ground.

He Zhi was going to pick it up, but I was faster. After picking it up, I carefully lit the cigarette for He Ghost.

The smoke was trembling slightly.

It was clearly the witch's lips that were trembling.

I was thinking of comforting the ghost woman, and it happened that the ghost woman would also gather, so the news could be passed on.

It's just that before I opened my mouth, Ghost He suddenly said: "Yin Yang, no one is allowed to talk about this matter!"

"There is also the pheasant, you should know about it too, right?" He Zhi beside her trembled, she bit her lower lip, and there were tears in her eyes.

But her eyes were full of confusion, and she asked uneasily: "Grandpa, there is a problem with Feng Shui, which has harmed our family. If you tell it, you can save people. In the future, our ghost mother-in-law's line will also be prosperous... …why……"

Ghost He interrupted He Zhi's words directly.

"The wolf mastiff is fierce. The one with a hundred dogs is one mastiff. The one who fights with his life is fierce."

"A ghost woman walks the road of death, pulls a cart with a dead body on her back, beats a wronged soul with a club, and tramples on a murderous corpse. If she is not fierce enough, how can she be a ghost woman?"

"If you survive, you will fight for your life! Only then can you have the qualifications and ability to fight with ghouls! The mulberry in front of the door, the willow in the courtyard, and the willow in the back wall, those are the rules of the ancestors! How can we change the ancestors' precepts because of fear?! Then I will die, and I will not rest in peace!"

At this point, Ghost He suddenly turned her head, stared at He Zhi sternly, and said, "Kneel down!"

He Zhi was so frightened that his face turned pale, his whole body trembled, and he fell to his knees directly...

"What is the ancestral training?" He Gui Po's tone was even colder.

He raised his hand and pulled out the slender mourning stick from his waist.

"The elders are respected, and the ancestors are respected. The elders speak up, but the younger generation dare not speak, otherwise they will be punished thirty times."

He Zhi's eyes were even more terrified, her body was shaking uncontrollably, obviously she had suffered enough from the mourning stick.

Ghost He said coldly: "I was asking you just now, so why did you dare to talk back and defend yourself?"

"I'm still angry, old man. It's not your turn to make decisions about the He family's affairs!"

He Zhi didn't dare to speak any more, just lowered his head, clutching the corners of his clothes with both hands, obviously extremely frightened.

He Guiba raised her stick and dropped it.

The stick hit He Zhi's buttocks directly.

Even through the clothes, the crisp sound made my heart tremble.

He Zhi groaned in pain, and there were bead-sized beads of sweat on his forehead.

He Guipo raised her hand, and wanted to take another stick.

I couldn't stand it anymore, so I subconsciously reached out and grabbed He Guiba's wrist.

He was so strong that it made me stagger.

"Old man, He Zhi is also thinking about the He family, for the sake of so many witches..." I firmly stopped the ghost woman's arm, and pleaded for He Zhi.

He ghost woman shook her head, her tone was quite solemn, and said: "Yin Yang, you have a kind heart, and your husband is kind in every relationship, but the ghost woman is different, the ghost woman must be cruel, if she is not cruel, she will definitely be invaded by external evils, live Renyangguan Road, Dead Man Naihe Bridge, if you are afraid of death, you will not be able to get out the next time you open the Yin Road."

"This is the fate of the ghost woman. The rules set by the patriarch cannot be changed! It's like your corpse hunter will not break the ancestral precepts of the corpse hunter, and the ghost woman must follow the rules, sir Even more so!" The ghost woman's words made my complexion change slightly.

If he said that, then it really makes sense...

But I also thought that there is something unfair about it...

Where is someone born who wants to fight for his life and wants to be a ghost woman?

It's not an option at all...

At this point in my thoughts, I also frowned and said my thoughts.

The ghost woman shook her head again, and said: "I was born in the family of a ghost woman, if you don't want to do it, then you can die, go to reincarnation, and be a human again in the next life. Since you want to live, you have to depend on your fate."

At this point, Ghost He shook her hand, the force was even stronger, I couldn't grasp his wrist at all, I was shaken away...

Ghost He hit He Zhi's buttocks and legs again with a stick, He Zhi let out a pained snort, her eyes were closed, her brows were furrowed, sweat mixed with tears rolled down her beautiful face in big drops.

Ghost He moved too fast, and in a blink of an eye, he slapped He Zhi with seven or eight sticks. I couldn't stand it any longer, so I reached out again, and this time I grabbed the mourning stick!

When the stick hit my palm, I felt like my palm was almost broken.

"Old man... It's almost... If you don't say it, don't say it. If I don't say it, He Zhi will listen to you."

As I opened my mouth, I hissed in pain at the same time, but this time I didn't let go.

My mood is extremely complicated at the moment. Since He Gui Po is so persistent, I have no reason to meddle in other people's business, so I can only give up.

If He Guipo continued to fight, He Zhi might lose half of his skin, and even walking would become a problem.

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