This kind of resemblance is similar to that of a ghost, a living person feels like a dead person, and the appearance of a person will not change.

I thought it was a shock, and then I thought, is this people lighting candles?

Thinking back to the description that the paper figurine promised me, the watchman can use someone to light a candle to destroy the whole village. Those few villagers just now were actually struck by this person's candle? !

So they are going to the river to save the watchman? !

Thinking of this, my scalp tingles!

Everyone is happy if the watchman dies this time. If he can't die, one can imagine how crazy it will be!

I suddenly turned around and took a look. At this time, I could no longer see those villagers. It must be too late to chase them now. Estimating the time and distance, they may have all reached the entrance of the village, or even the river.

My heart was ruthless, and I went straight into the yard!

In three or two steps, I arrived at the person lighting the candle.

There is a scent of wax oil coming from the person who lit the candle. It is hard for me to describe what it is like, it has a feeling of sluggishness.

As he got closer, his face became even more terrifying, but there was a painful emotion in his eyeballs, as if he was suffering extremely because he could not find peace even after death.

I pursed my lips, stared at the person lighting the candle, and quickly took out the last evil spirit talisman in my hand.

People lighting candles are the source of collisions, wouldn't it be enough to just calm down this person and light candles? !

Without hesitation, I slapped the evil spirit talisman on the forehead of the person who lit the candle.

A strange scene happened, the spark trembled, and a little flame came out, just falling on the talisman paper.

Amidst the chi chi sound, the entire talisman paper was burned!

Sweat dripped from my forehead, I only have this talisman left...

People lighting candles are so weird, talismans are useless...

My eyes were hardened, I let out a breath, and went straight to blow out the candle.

I blew this breath quite a bit, but the flames flickered, but they couldn't be extinguished no matter what.

But I didn't give up, I took out the gray fairy gloves, and after putting them on, I reached out and pinched the wick.

With the gray fairy skin between my fingers, when I pinched the wick, there was a sneer, and I felt a little hot!

The next moment, the flames went out.

My heart jumped into my throat, and I retracted my hand, only to find that Gray Fairy's glove had also been scalded with two holes, and my fingers were pitch black. I don't know if he was injured.

But when the candle was lit and went out, it made my heart ecstatic!

Without people lighting candles, those villagers should not be bumped into trouble, right?

The watchman is helpless!

Suppressing the panting and nervousness in my heart, I pulled out the divination knife at my waist and stared at the wound on Ren Dianzhu's neck.

In the end I cut it hard!

The head of the person who lit the candle fell down... gurgling and rolling towards the yard.

Wiping the sweat off my brow, I put away the knife.

As a result, as soon as I turned around, my legs were numb all of a sudden...

Because in such a short time, there were at least a dozen villagers standing sparsely on the village road behind me.

These villagers all scratched their heads, stretched their necks, and stared at me.

That look, don't mention how weird and creepy it is.

There are even some villagers, the corners of their mouths are curled up, and their smiles are even more astonishing.

Besides them, there seemed to be villagers approaching mechanically in the distance.

But this man's candles have all gone out, what's going on with them?

The next moment, I figured it out.

My heart trembled, and that panic rose again, and I couldn't suppress it...

I remembered that Ghost Woman He had killed five watchmen in total and abolished two, so there were at least five dead people in total.

The wound on Ren Zhu's neck just now can fully illustrate this point, which was one of those killed by He Guipo.

Then there are other people lighting candles.

Before entering Liulinzi, I vaguely saw a few people lighting candles on the side of the road.

Pursing my lips tightly, I stared at these villagers, the first ones, they were already walking into the yard...

These people who run into trouble are far less vicious than the women who ruin their lives and run into trouble.

But there are too many of them!

How dare I sit still and wait for death!

And the watchman may not be dead yet... I have to go back to Liulinzi quickly!Notify the news!

I turned around and ran towards the other side of the yard!

At the same time, I pressed the fixed compass on my waist with one hand, ready to use it to protect myself at any time!

After a few breaths, I climbed directly over the fence wall.

The villagers behind were very slow, and they didn't even catch up with me as I ran wildly!

The night is getting darker, and I can't see my fingers!

The night before dawn is the darkest, at this juncture, it is almost dawn...

When I rushed back to Liu Linzi and staggered to the front of the thatched cottage, the wolf mastiff had already woken up, circling around the coffins of He Guipo and Wu Guimu.

When it saw me, it barked its teeth and barked.

I was about to wake up the paper figurine Xu.

When he turned around, he had already supported his head and got off the wicker hammock.

Xu, the paper figurine, was still a bit sleepy. He rubbed the center of his brows, and asked in confusion, "Yin Yang, what's wrong? You woke up before dawn?"

The movement of the wolf mastiff also awakened Ghost Pom He, who coughed loudly and stood up holding the coffin.

Even He Zhi woke up and got up sleepily.

I couldn't contain the panic on my face.

Obviously, this look of mine was also seen by the paper figurine, Mrs. He.

Ghost He's face was serious, and he held his chest to relieve his cough.

He frowned and asked me what was going on, as if he was shocked out of his wits.

The paper figurine walked to the side, narrowing its long and narrow fox eyes cautiously.

He stared at my ankle and said, "Have you been out? To the water?" I tried my best to smooth my thoughts, and then I told what happened last night.

Now, I stopped hiding it and told them that the watchman wanted to take me in as an apprentice...

I take advantage of this, trying to deal with the watchman...

After I finished speaking, He Zhi woke up, and she looked at me in astonishment.

The face of the paper figurine Xu was incredulous, and that of Ghost Woman He was even more so.

I glanced back outside Liu Linzi uneasily, but I couldn't say anything else at the moment, but I was unwilling.

"Yinyang, you're too reckless this time." Paper figurine Xu's voice was deep.

I pursed my lips, feeling a little annoyed.

If I called the paper man Xu yesterday and told me about the plan in advance, wouldn't it be much better?

It's just that I instinctively don't want him to have contact with my I didn't think about that possibility at all.

But Ghost Woman He suddenly said: "It's not reckless, the old watchman has suffered a lot. If he doesn't die, he will choke half of his stomach."

"You still want to compete with Mr. Yin Yang as an apprentice? Hehe."

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