Seeing that it was about to hit me, I raised my leg suddenly to avoid it.

But the water was already up to his ankles, and his hair was tangled up.

The watchman suddenly yelled, and said viciously: "I am accepting apprentices, don't you even want any ghosts that can't be conceived?!"

Immediately afterwards, the watchman stabbed hard with one hand, and a crutch was planted firmly on the ground. His free hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me out violently.

I staggered, and was pulled out directly. My hair didn't wrap around my legs. I staggered forward seven or eight steps, but I still couldn't stabilize. Stone, a burst of pain.

But when I turned around, I saw that the watchman's legs were entangled in a large piece of hair.

The water in the Xuanhe River suddenly became extremely turbulent, and a tumbling wave swept out the body of the watchman whose hair was wrapped around him...

The corpse's pale face and wide-open eyes stared straight at the watchman, and half of its body hit the watchman's leg!

I feel a chill in my heart!

It was clearly a female corpse, and the familiar feeling it gave me made me think of this female corpse, wasn't it the one that my second uncle and I crossed the river with every time we followed the boat? !

I didn't wait for my mother, but this female corpse wants to take me into the water?

Do not!

If you die, you won't pull people's ankles...

Is it because of my mother?

The next moment, the water wave rolled back, and the female corpse was also pulled back underwater by the river!

Straightened hair wrapped around the watchman's legs, so hard that the watchman rushed towards the water!

I was even more shocked.

If the watchman fell into the water, even if he was extremely vicious, he would also have walked into the waterway!

Longyou Shoal was caught by shrimps, and the watchman fell into the water, which is not even as good as a tiger falling into Pingyang!

It all happened in an instant.

Half of the watchman's body was submerged in the water, but he was not slow to react, holding the crutches with both hands at the same time. At this moment, both crutches were deeply inserted into the ground, fully half their length.

It's just that he was pulled more forcefully, I could tell that his hunchback was almost straightened!

Being pulled into the water a little bit more, the strength of the watchman and the strength of the water seem to have reached a balance.

Veins were bulging on his thin head, and his face was so ferocious that he wanted to jump up.

After a few breaths, it really made the watchman come up a little...

My complexion changed again.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If the watchman comes up, there will be no way to attack him, and it will be difficult for me to get away!

Even though I wanted to know the secret about me that the watchman told me, I made up my mind quickly.

Quickly turn over and stand up from the ground.

I walked quickly towards the watchman, and after three or two steps, I ran back to the watchman.

A look of joy suddenly appeared on the watchman's wrinkled face: "My good apprentice, pull me up! I'll kill that damn thing in the water right away!"

"I only have one master." I stared fixedly at the watchman, and at this moment I couldn't care less about retribution.

Lifting my leg violently, I kicked hard and stepped directly on the watchman's face!

My foot was so hard that I even heard a crackling sound, as if the bridge of my nose was broken by my step.

I only heard a muffled groan from the watchman, his whole head tilted, and the two crutches were pulled out of the ground, leaving only half of his body on the shore, and he was directly dragged into the water!

With a whoosh, a splash of water was splashed on the surface of the water...

The next moment, the watchman's body was completely pulled underwater!

I feel like my heart is about to jump out of my throat.

The moonlight became colder and colder, and clouds and mists appeared in the sky, faintly covering the moon...

After the splash disappeared, the underwater ripples surged, as if the watchman was struggling...

But I know that the probability of him surviving is almost zero...

Suddenly, I found a woman floating on the water a little far away.

She was wearing a yellowed white dress, her hair was scattered on the water surface, and under the reflection of the dark moonlight, her face floating on the water surface was faintly blue.

At this time, she was drifting towards the position where the watchman fell into the water!

"Mother..." I couldn't control the weakness of my legs and feet, and yelled a word tremblingly, and then I didn't dare to stop in place, and I pulled my legs suddenly, and ran towards the village!

When I rushed to the entrance of the village, I stopped panting and looked back.

My mother has already floated to the place where the watchman fell into the water. I can't see other details clearly at this moment.

My heart was beating like a drum, and it was only at this moment that I felt my legs and feet go weak. Thinking of the courage I had aroused just now, my breath was suffocated.

After a short pause, I continued to run towards the end of the village!

At this moment, I have suppressed a little bit of fear, replaced by bursts of ecstasy!

Because I can't wait to tell the paper figurines Xu and Ghost He!

I got the watchman into the water!

He is finished!It is impossible to stop us, we can leave Hejia Village immediately!

Soon, I ran to the center of the village.

It's just that after arriving here, I suddenly saw a few villagers walking out on the village road in the distance...

They faltered like marionettes.

As they approached, I noticed that they were all expressionless and their eyes were slack.

I was slightly startled, what happened to these villagers?Where did you crash?

Soon, they passed me...and continued to walk forward...

I thought it was so abnormal that I wanted to stop them.

But I was afraid of getting into other troubles, so I had to tell the paper figurine Xu and Ghost He the news quickly...

With my thoughts up to this point, I didn't care about these few bumpy villagers, quickened my pace, and continued to rush forward in a hurry.

When I was about to reach the end of the village, I passed the yard of another villager's house.

The family's courtyard door was open.

I subconsciously stopped and paused, because I saw someone sticking in the yard.

Moreover, there was a cluster of faintly shaking flames on the head of this person.

But the moment I stopped, my head buzzed and my scalp exploded!

Because I saw clearly that the man in the yard was not a living person.

His stature is also very short, about 1.5 meters to 1.6 meters, and the clothes he wears are similar to those of a watchman.

The forearm and calf are all wrapped with white cloth belts.

There was a gash on the neck that went down to the throat, and the broken muscles could be seen inside.

Besides, his face was very stiff, blue, and had the face of a dead man.

Horribly, his head was chopped off from the top of his forehead.

I could see a solidified, grease-like thing in his head, and a wick, which was lit, and a faint flame was beating.

What's even weirder is that his appearance makes me think, why is he so similar to the villagers who just walked past? !

[The author has something to say]

Thanks to Miss Huaer for the rocket x2, thanks to Ning Jing Zhiyuan for the certification of the masterpiece, and thanks to the rest of the readers for the flowers, gold coins and other gifts.Brewing, brewing, brewing!Today's update is over!

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