At this point, Ghost He paused for a moment, and continued: "During the day, it is very difficult to use the five ghosts to invite souls, but during the day, it is useless for people to light candles."

"Originally, what I thought yesterday was that before it gets dark, I should fight with the watchman first. It would be best if I can get out. If I can't get out, I will use the five ghosts to summon the soul after dark."

"The old guy may not climb up right now, let's go straight away! If we see him at the entrance of the village, we will give him a ride!" Ghost He's voice was full of murderous intent.

The paper man Xu didn't say anything else, he quickly picked up the pannier on the ground and carried it on his back.

"The paper piercing technique is not bad. It is weak during the day and can be used, but it can't be used on the upper body. The watchman is old and should be injured. This is also an opportunity!" said the paper figurine Xu.

He Zhi is smart, she is already packing up things quickly.

Only now did I see that Ghost He carried that coffin on her back!

Although it is a thin coffin, it is also a coffin, and there is a corpse of Hanba inside!

At He Guipo's age, if that leg hadn't been tied up with paper, it would have been a broken leg...

Not only was he able to carry the coffin on his back, but he was also blushing and out of breath?

"Go." The paper figurine Xu said in a deep voice.

He Zhi also packed up all his things, with a Guillotine Knife and a mourning stick pinned to his waist.

The paper figurine Xu walked in front, and we followed, and the group hurried out of Liulinzi.

A touch of fish-belly white on the horizon dispelled the night, and the sky began to brighten.

When we hurried to the gate of He Guipo's yard, we saw many villagers sticking to the side of the road.

They all stood there dumbfounded, motionless, or some of them collapsed to the ground.

Ghost He coughed a few times, and said in a low voice: "It's dawn, people lighting candles won't work, this trouble will be less, I hope that old watchman will be hurt more seriously."

At this moment, I also want to understand what the ghost woman means.

He left before dark because he was not confident that he could beat the watchman, so he had to use the five ghosts to invite souls as a last resort.

It was dawn at this time, not to mention it was dark, it was several hours away from the time of the Great Yin, and the five ghosts' soul-inviting spells just didn't work for the time being...

It is equivalent to that we can only fight the watchman hard!

After walking another distance, the paper figurine Xu suddenly said in a low voice, let us slow down a little bit, he walked ahead to see the situation first.

After speaking, the speed under his feet was even faster, and he disappeared from our sight in a blink of an eye.

About one-third of the distance to the entrance of the village, there was a figure running towards us in the distance!

From a long distance, I recognized it, this person is the paper figurine Xu!

Soon, he came close to us, stopped his body abruptly, and stopped.

Paper figurine Xu's face was livid, and there was even a bit of fear in his eyes.

I also panicked at the time and asked him what happened?Aren't you going to see the situation?Is there nothing wrong with the watchman? !

The paper figurine Xu said hoarsely: "He's coming up, where is he alone? A group of watchmen came outside, hurry back."

Before he finished speaking, the paper figurine Xu shook his head decisively, and said with a frown: "No, that old bastard got caught in your way, and he will retaliate, and he will definitely go straight into the forest. We have to change places, or we will just sit and wait, let alone wait for death now." Go fight hard."

My face also changed, and apart from the astonishment, a faint sense of fear also rose in my heart.

There are a large number of watchmen, I already knew it.

And he brought seven people to besiege He Gui Po at the very beginning.

After his seven people were wiped out, he was like a hunter, teasing He Guipo as a prey, forcing him to hide, and forcing him to come out to fight to the death.

The paper figurine Xu said that the watchman would never change his nature. In fact, in my opinion, he was also very cautious. First, a group of people severely injured He Ghost before he did that.

I have completely ensured that nothing will happen to me.

Now his manpower just happened to come, and with the trick I tricked him into last night, he definitely couldn't wait...

While I was thinking, Ghost Pom He suddenly said: "The watchman is here, and the ghost women from other places should also come. Maybe the legs and feet are not as fast as the watchman, and they must be behind. You can't touch head-to-head. Find me Hide somewhere first, it’s getting dark, wait for the signal.”

The paper figurine Xu looked at He Guipo with burning eyes, and asked him where else he could hide, which was safe enough.

I didn't dare to talk in disorder, but the word "signal" He Guipo said made me think a little more. Is it the signal that the ghost woman will give when she comes?How did it get into the village?

Ghost He is also bowing her head in thought.

During this period, I couldn't help looking towards the direction of the village entrance. At this time, I could see the village entrance from a distance, but the morning fog had not cleared, so I couldn't see clearly.

But I'm also afraid that if a group of watchmen come in later, we will have no place to run.

Ghost He's brows are also tightly frowned. Obviously, even I, an outsider, knows that the most difficult place to enter in Hejia Village is Liulinzi, where there are many white raccoons.

Where else could there be safety?

But at this moment, Ghost Pom He suddenly raised her head and looked in another direction. He coughed twice and said, "The watchman beats the gong, and the soul of the living is fixed, but he doesn't like to provoke the dead. There's a place ahead, and he definitely doesn't want to go."

I was startled, but Ghost He had already taken a step towards that direction.

The paper figurine Xu immediately followed, He Zhi also followed He Guipo, and the wolf mastiff walked close to He Guipo's side, only about half a meter away.

I quickly followed behind.

Not long after, we walked from the winding village road to the front of a family's yard.

There is a stone mill on the ground in this yard, and there is a well next to it. There are still many traces of fighting in the yard.

A faint mist lingers in the yard, and it also gives people a gloomy and oppressive feeling in broad daylight.

Sure enough, I was right...

What ghost woman He is talking about is Fang Zi's family!

There is a mother and son Sha in this yard, and it is the mother and son Sha who killed her own man!

This is not only a haunted house, but also a murderous corpse lying in bed.

At that time, witch He didn't dare to deal with her, but sealed the yard with things, and it was Miao Guangyang who stuck the ground talisman in the end.

At a glance, I saw a piece of obscure runes pasted on the eaves, but the words on it, I can already understand, are related to the heavenly stems and earthly branches.

This is a symbol of town house!

In addition, there were two rusty guillotine knives inserted alternately on the ground, sealing the courtyard gate.

Ghost He glanced sideways at the paper figurine Xu, then her eyes fell on me again.

He seemed to see my worry, and said: "This mother and son are vicious. Grandpa didn't do anything before, because he didn't want to mess with this old bone."

"The big mastiff is also getting older. If necessary, it can still handle it. Besides, carrying the wooden coffin of the five ghosts, this mother and child are more fierce than me."

The paper figurine Xu shook his head and said, "She has no chance to be fierce. In broad daylight, she just skinned a set of mother and child corpses, and then packed us a neat hiding place."

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