Amidst the light snorting sound, the flame seemed to rise a little higher again.

Because at that moment, I suddenly figured it out, Jiang Yihong had no plans, wouldn't he know that my mother was following me?

He didn't arrange my mother's whereabouts, so how can I make a decision based on what the paper figurine says?

Paper figurine Xu is very kind to me, I trust him.

But I also know now that his ability is limited, and within his limited ability, perhaps this is the best way he can think of.

But that will definitely not be the best home for my mother...

Even if Jiang Yihong didn't think about how to help me settle down for my mother in the future.

My feng shui skills are getting better and stronger, and I also know that finding an excellent feng shui treasure will be much better than the way of paper figurines...

My mind is clearer now too.

This dream made me think a lot.

The flames completely burned the cloth, and I felt that an inexplicable pressure was missing from my heart.

I don't intend to tell the paper figurine Xu about this, lest I hurt his heart.

Similarly, I also thought of a way, maybe I can get rid of the watchman!

Although this method is a bit risky, it is more sure than the method of fighting for life.

It is even possible that the watchman will carelessly underestimate the enemy...

At this point in my thoughts, my heart beat wildly, I got up from the campfire, and I tiptoed towards the outside of the forest.

I moved very lightly and didn't wake anyone up.

After leaving the outermost paper figurine for some distance, I slowed down!

In the time for a cup of tea, I walked out of Liulinzi.

The cold moonlight shone on my head and face, stretching out my shadow...

I took two deep breaths and calmed down a lot.

The way I think of it at this time is very simple...

Because my mother is very fierce, she has been following me.

Right now, she is on the edge of the Xuanhe River, but she will be even more fierce anywhere near the water!

The watchman values ​​me because of the fate of my yin-born son and the existence of my mother...

If I go to the watchman and pretend to be a teacher, as long as I do it sincerely, he will definitely not doubt it and let his guard down...

As long as my mother takes action and restrains the watchman at the same time, this crisis can be resolved without any risk or casualties!

More importantly, the watchman, the corpse picker, and the ghost woman are just as low-ranking. He won't have Mr.'s compass on him. Once he is bumped into, there is no possibility of breaking free!

The night wind poured into my collar, making me shiver from the cold.

I think it's more feasible...

Taking a deep breath, I raised my legs again and walked towards the village with extra decisive steps!

I didn't stop along the way. After entering the village, I walked towards the entrance of the village. I was going to the bank of the Xuanhe River.

The watchman told me that when a man went out to look for him, he didn't say where he would be.

After what happened yesterday afternoon, I think the watchman should have followed me since he found me.

When I get to the edge of the hanging river, stop for a while, maybe call him, and he will appear...

But hanging by the river will make my mother even more fierce.

It's like a murderous corpse in a haunted house!

The dead in the water rely on the water, and they are equally fierce!

There are a lot of gravel on the ground of the village road, and there are many wheelbarrow ruts.

Under the moonlight, my shadow was stretched out, and I hurriedly walked, because it was too quiet, I could even hear my own breathing.

Hejia Village is not small, and it took me nearly two cups of tea to walk. I finally passed the village entrance, and I could already see the surface of the hanging river not far away...

The moon is reflected on the water, sparkling.

I walked all the way to the water, and felt the cool water vapor rushing towards my body, so I stopped.

After staring at the surface of the water for a while, I clenched my fists as a signal, and said in a very low voice, " me..."

Originally, there was no wind at night, but suddenly, there seemed to be a wind blowing in Xuanhe.

The quiet river water rolled towards the shore with layers of waves.

The waves hit my feet, and the coldness increased, making me shiver.

In fact, I still have uncontrollable fear in my heart, but I can hold it back.

At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps behind him.

My eyelids twitched wildly, and I turned around abruptly.

Under the dark night, the watchman with crutches has come out from the entrance of the village, only seven or eight meters away from me!

A thin layer of sweat suddenly covered my forehead, and my expression became even more vigilant.

The watchman's pointed head seemed to have become more slender, and there was a weird smile on his wrinkled face.

"Li Yinyang, you are a person who knows the current affairs."

"But if you are timid, you can find me when you come out of the woods. Are you afraid that they will find out that you are so far away?"

The watchman continued to move forward with his crutches on his crutches. He continued with a non-smiling smile: "They are hiding from me. I think they are dead. They will die now. How dare you come to stop you?"

I couldn't hold back my hands, and still clenched my clothes tightly.

The watchman had already walked up to me, only an arm's length away from me.

He glanced up and down at me with satisfaction in his eyes.

"You're my teacher, so you just tell me the secret?" My eyelids twitched a few times, and I spoke hoarsely.

"Not only will I tell you the secret, but I will also give you these two things. In Xia Jiuliu, the watchman will monopolize the Siliu bang. You are very talented. Before long, you won't even have to look at the ghost woman and the paper maker." The husband licked his chapped lips, and the emotion in his eyes turned into anticipation.

"Aside from these, what are the benefits?" I tried my best to keep my heartbeat steady.

The watchman's eyes suddenly lit up, and he suddenly laughed, laughing and laughing, the male duck's voice twitched, like a chattering ghost laugh.

"A courageous but greedy disciple. I like him very much. Kong Qing is not greedy or decisive enough. Otherwise, he would not be forced to death by you. What do you want?"

In fact, at this moment, my back is completely drenched in cold sweat, and the depressive feeling of communicating with the watchman in a few words makes it difficult to support...

Originally, I was just acting, delaying the time a little, wanting to wait for my mother to make a move.

But until now, she still didn't respond, which made me unable to hold my breath anymore, and there was more sweat on my forehead.

The watchman's scorching eyes suddenly became a bit suspicious, he frowned a little, and said: "It's just apprenticeship, why are you afraid of me?"

At this moment, I suddenly noticed that the water under my feet had increased, as if the water had filled my ankles!

Subconsciously, I suddenly looked down.

The water waves by the river had indeed rolled onto the shore.

In addition, there is a mass of black hair, mixed in the water, curling towards my ankle!

My head buzzed at that moment, and my whole body was icy cold.

This hair feels too cold. Although my mother is scary, she didn't give me this kind of coldness.

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