Troubling is actually the resentment that persists even after death, disturbing the living, and even affecting the actions of the living.

The more unjustly dead the corpse, the more vicious it is, especially after the murderous corpse is broken.

Or some specific murderous corpses, such as the murderous woman, and many kinds of murderous corpses described in the Zhaijing.

As long as the yang qi sweeps across the Feng Shui Bureau, it will definitely affect the Zong Ke.

In fact, it's not that I haven't thought about drawing talismans, but I can only draw six talismans at most, and they are just evil spirit talismans.

If I draw a stronger talisman such as the Hekui Slaying Corpse Talisman, I can only draw one, and I will be exhausted.

So I can only pin my hopes on the Feng Shui Bureau.

The firelight reflected on the pages of the Zhaijing book, and I quickly scanned the words and patterns on it.

I turned directly to the last part that Jiang Yihong taught me, and started to read on.

But after only reading three pages, I felt a burning pain in my eyes, and a buzzing in my head, as if it was about to burst.

Those words, I seem to be able to understand, but in fact they are like chaotic symbols.

I wanted to understand, but my head became a mess in an instant.

At first, I thought that it was because I didn't have a good rest that day, and I was under a lot of mental stress, so I lost my mind.

I closed my eyes and concentrated for a while, then I looked at the Zhaijing again, and my head flicked, as if I was hit by a blunt object.

With a hiss, I slammed the pages shut.

This time, I even felt that I couldn't remember the original contents of the Zhaijing...

I tightly closed my eyes, but they were still hot.

After a long while, I struggled to open it, and when I looked at the cover of the Zhaijing, my hands trembled slightly, and I dared not open it again.

Only then did I understand why Jiang Yihong asked me to come out to practice when I was about halfway through learning, and didn't let me continue learning...

It's not that I haven't had a good rest, but that the content of this Zhaijing is too mysterious. I can finish half of the book in such a short time, and I have reached my limit.

Is this the so-called gluttony?

After a long silence, I took the house scriptures back to my body and put them away.

Paper figurine Xu has seen me several times during this period, but he didn't say much.

I tried my best to adjust myself, and after a while, I finally calmed down and suppressed the backlash I had just forcibly learned the Zhaijing.

It's just that I couldn't find a way to help, which made me feel more helpless.

The exhaustion and sleepiness combined with the dull pain in my head made it impossible for me to continue.

Lying down on the turf, I leaned my body, clasped my hands under my head, and slowly closed my eyelids.

Exhaustion made me fall into sleep quickly.

And this time, I slept very restlessly.

The consciousness was drowsy, half dreaming and half awake, and then when I became more conscious, I found that I was sitting on a wooden bed. The room was very old, but it was very familiar.

At this moment, I knew that I was dreaming, and I was back home...

I could vaguely hear someone talking in my ear, this voice was very familiar, it was my father's.

It's just that I can't understand what it's saying...

Even though I knew I was dreaming, I felt extremely sad in my heart.

I turned over tremblingly and got out of bed. I didn't even bother to put on my shoes, so I hurried to the door of the bedroom, opened the door and walked out!

A gust of cool wind blows on the face abruptly!

The moment the door opened, there was a blood-red face in the pitch black, with wide-eyed eyes staring straight at me!

He was wearing a green hemp gown, with a green hemp rope wrapped around his shoulders, his face was ferocious, his temples were knotted with veins, and he looked extremely fierce!

"Father..." My heart felt even more uncomfortable, like a needle prick.

But he suddenly raised his hands, and he strangled my neck tightly with both hands!

This tyrannical force made it impossible for me to resist.

I also clenched his forearm tightly with both hands, trying to push him away, but his strength was even greater, and he directly grabbed my neck and lifted me up!

A strong sense of suffocation engulfed me instantly. Even in the dream, the pain of not being able to breathe was very clear.

The last trace of air in my lungs was exhausted, and the suffocation made me faint. My father's hideous and deadly face kept flashing in my mind.

I suddenly felt that I had reached a critical point, my eyes went dark, and my whole body seemed to be soaked in water...

The neck that was tightly strangled seemed to be loosened all of a sudden, but I still couldn't breathe.

Consciousness has barely recovered, and eyes have also recovered their vision.

I just realized that I didn't know when I was in the water...

My face was icy and cold, and my face was being held in both hands.

In front of me is a woman floating upright in the water.

Her complexion was blue, and her hair spread out in the water, like countless tentacles.

I can't breathe, but I can feel that she is lifting me up slowly...

Suddenly, his head stuck out of the water!

I felt the air, and I took a big gulp to inhale, even more exhilarated with the ecstasy of the rest of my life!

"Mother..." After exhaling twice, I subconsciously called out.

But I was stunned to find that there was no one in front of me?

Where am I in what water?

At this time, I was sitting next to a bonfire, the flames were soaring high, and the orange flames kept beating...

wake up?

I patted my face, shook my head, and my head became clearer...

After two heavy gasps, I found that the night was still very deep and very quiet.

He Zhi was still lying not far from my side, showing no sign of waking up.

On the other end of me is the paper figurine Xu on the wicker hammock.

On the left side of the bonfire, there is He Guipo, who is leaning against a coffin and falling asleep with her eyes closed.

Even the wolf mastiff in the bushes fell into a deep sleep.

I took out my pocket watch and glanced at the time. It was two o'clock, almost half past the hour.

I didn't feel much sleepiness in my head anymore, I stared blankly at the bonfire, and the content of the dream made me very depressed.

Is it because of what the watchman said?

I was still vaguely affected, so I felt that my father's corpse had become terrifying?to hurt me?

Or, what did Wu Xianchang do to my father... Is this a sign?

But according to Jiang Yihong, nothing will happen to my father and second uncle until I go back to Jiuhe County...

In addition, when Meng was in the water, my mother lifted me out of the water...she was also saving me.

She does save my life every single time...

Faintly, there are rustling sounds in my ears, as if someone is walking in the willow forest.

I glanced up, but couldn't even see half a ghost.

But I quickly thought, it should be the white raccoon in Liulinzi?

Moreover, I also vaguely heard an extremely faint sound, like the beating of a gong.

After a faint panic, I accidentally touched something.

It was the dirty piece of cloth promised to me by the paper man.

After hesitating for a while, I turned to look at the paper figurine Xu again.

I pursed my lips, no longer hesitated, and threw the cloth into the bonfire!

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