Xu, the paper figurine, lowered his head, thoughtful.

At this moment, the door of the thatched cottage was pushed open, and He Zhi walked out with her head bowed. She was holding a crescent-broken earthenware bowl in her hand, in which was slightly shaking viscous blood.

He Zhi carefully held the bowl with both hands, for fear of knocking it over.

I can see that her ten fingers are slightly deformed, the fingers are pale, and her complexion is even paler.

"Grandpa." He Zhi carefully handed the blood bowl to He Guipo.

After Ghost He took it, she turned and walked to Wuguimu's coffin.

He suddenly raised his hand, actually bit his index finger, dipped it into the blood bowl and stirred it, and then directly used the blood-stained index finger to draw a symbol on the coffin lid!

The flames shook even more violently, and at this time the afterglow of the setting sun dissipated, and the sky was completely dark...

The ghost woman is obviously not ready to put the Hanba in the coffin.

I cautiously looked at the Hanba, it became wetter now, its face was paler, even the firelight reflected it, but it didn't bring any orange color, and the deep red of its lips seemed to be dripping blood.

It's just that the nails on the center of the brow, the center of the chin, and on both sides of the temple also seem to become more conspicuous, and they are obviously pushing outwards slowly, as if they are about to fall off.

In addition, the talisman paper on its shoulders was slowly turning black.

This speed is very slow, but if the nail falls off and the talisman paper is completely blackened, this Hanba will definitely cheat!

The paper figurine looked at He Guipo for a moment, and then looked at the path coming in from the other side.

At this time, I also found the wolf mastiff, hiding in a bush behind Hanba.

He Zhi sat weakly by the campfire. She reached for the water bag, but when she touched it, her hand trembled and she let out a painful grunt.

I reached out to pick up the water bag, unscrewed it, and carefully handed it to He Zhi's mouth.

He Zhi glanced at me out of the corner of her eye, but the emotions she had towards me before were no longer in her eyes, and she became more relaxed.

After a day of fatigue and excessive blood loss, I was afraid that I would lose my energy due to anger.

I fed He Zhi with water very lightly, then washed my palms, took a few clean hemp papers, moistened them with the paper, and wanted to wipe He Zhi's hands.

This time, she took the paper and gently wiped the stains on her hands.

At the end, He Zhi said in a low voice: "Li Yinyang, don't think that you will be forgiven just because of this." I smiled wryly, and handed another piece of dried meat to He Zhi, who took it and sipped it eating.

At this time, I was a little relieved, and I also ate the noodles with big mouthfuls, and I took a sip of water, almost gobbling it.

Because He Zhi was looking at He Guipo, my gaze also fell over.

At this time, Ghost He had already begun to draw symbols on the side of the coffin.

I couldn't understand those runes, but I could see the sadness in He Zhi's eyes at this time.

My mind is also a little complicated, He Zhi should still be thinking about their family's feng shui.

Time passed bit by bit, I just ate, and the ghost woman hadn't finished her work yet.

Since the five ghosts' soul-invoking technique is the unique secret technique of the ghost woman, it must not be that simple.

In addition, with him and the paper figurine Xu watching, I am not so worried about Hanba.

Adding some firewood to the campfire, I felt a dull pain in my chest and abdomen, and at the same time, I also felt sleepy.

"Go to sleep." The paper figurine Xu suddenly reminded me.

He Zhi next to him fell asleep at some point and lay slanted on the ground.

I shook my head to force myself to wake up. After hesitating for a moment, I asked: "Uncle Xu, just now you said that when someone lights a candle, the watchman can make the whole village run into trouble. What does that mean?"

Zong Ke, I have faced it many times.

With such a vicious corpse, the thieves knocked out are all too vicious.

The murderous woman ran into the woman, making the paper figurine Xu almost exhausted all his strength

I met He Zhi, and my second uncle was bumped into, as well as those things in the village, which gave me a deep memory.

It's no small matter that the watchman makes the whole village run into trouble.

"People light candles, ghosts eat incense, this is the housekeeping skill of the old watchman. He can turn the dead into human candles. When the candle is lit, it is the time when ghosts are unwilling to wander."

As he said that, the paper figurine Xu raised his hand. He pointed to his celestial spirit cover, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Pry open your head, it's filled with corpse oil. Of course, that's all I know. How do people light candles? The watchman knows it himself."

"Anyway, the five watchmen killed by Ghost Pom and the two maimed, as long as they didn't knock off their heads, they would definitely be used by the watchmen. The villagers are definitely not as fierce as Miaojia Village, but they can't be killed. Didn't they?"

As he talked, the paper figurine Xu smiled again: "In the past, if you killed someone, you would kill him. Now I listen to you. You can't do immoral things indiscriminately. Naturally, you can't kill casually."

Obviously, the paper figurine Xu smiled back, but his brows were frowning, but it was obvious that the paper figurine Xu couldn't deal with it.

Not only did my scalp tingle and my skull ache when I heard it, but I also felt that this method was really vicious.

Use people to make candles, pour corpse oil on your head...

Isn't this person lighting candles to torture the soul and prevent him from rebirth?

Suddenly, I remembered those people who were standing on the side of the road at the beginning of the day.

Their heads are missing a piece...

I suddenly changed face.

But at this time, the paper man Xu's eyes became more serious, and he said: "But Yin Yang, Uncle Xu has to tell you first, if he fights with the watchman, he will really attract the whole village. As a last resort, Uncle Xu can't Keep your hands, He Guipo will definitely not be merciful. If you cut off the head of the person who was bumped into, it will be useless."

I was suddenly covered in cold sweat.

"No..." I clenched my fists, my nails almost sinking into the flesh.

"If you kill so many people, you will definitely be punished. Not only will you die suddenly, but you will never be seen again! Uncle Xu, this is absolutely impossible, and those villagers are even more innocent..."

However, the paper figurine Xu didn't take my word for it anymore, he just sighed lightly, shook his head and continued:

"Maybe people like Uncle Xu and Ghost He are not born to be good people. There is no need to discuss this matter. At least we have to deal with that old thing, or we will die." The eyes of the paper figurine Xu became much more decisive. , obviously refusing to negotiate.

I frowned, pursed my lips, and looked at him for a while, but he took out a piece of paper and gently stretched the wrinkled paper.

My heart sank suddenly, and I felt a faint sense of powerlessness.

Paper figurines also have the same reasoning as paper figurines. If we don't kill those villagers who run into trouble, we will definitely be disturbed. If the watchman kills us, he may not spare the whole village.

This is a desperate struggle...

There was a dull pain in my head, and even more anxiety in my heart.

After a while, I didn't care about anything else, I found out the Zhaijing, and quickly started to turn the pages!

What I have learned so far has not been able to help me, but Fengshui is mysterious in the house classics.

I can't say that I went to the doctor in a hurry, but I can only embrace the Buddha again.

What I think is, if there is a feng shui bureau, I can change it, and in this feng shui bureau, I can protect ordinary people and make it difficult for people to be bumped into? !

[The author has something to say]

A related character will appear these days, and a very powerful person!The update is over!

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