After He Zhi led me to cut down a locust tree and a neem tree in the village, it was already Shen time. According to the time on the pocket watch, it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon.

We dragged two trunks back to He's yard non-stop. He Zhi arranged for me to shave off the branches and leaves of the trunks, while she started from the thickest poplar and cut out planks with a guillotine knife.

In the process, I couldn't help but secretly watched He Zhi several times.

She is thin and petite, but she is concentrating on cutting the board, which has nothing to do with her immaturity.

As time passed by, He Zhi's speed became faster and faster.

A rough coffin is gradually taking shape.

Simple wooden planks, smashed into the spikes made of wood to fix them.

Poplar is used as the bottom board of the coffin.

The left and right sides are pagoda wood and willow wood, and the front and rear coffin heads are all made of mulberry trees.

As for the top coffin lid, it is the neem tree!

The planks of the coffin, with bark on each side, looked rough and crude.

But when the five ghost wood coffin was fully formed, I felt a chilly aura, approaching it was like approaching an ice cellar...

At this time, the setting sun is like blood, and twilight is approaching.

He Zhi's face was slightly pale, and there were many small wounds on his hands, and several wooden boards were stained with blood.

I have a faint feeling of distress.

At the end, He Zhi wrapped the coffin with a thick hemp rope and was about to lift it up. I quickly grabbed the hemp rope from her hand and carried the coffin on my back.

Without further ado, I hurried towards Liu Linzi!

He Zhi lowered his head and followed me closely.

Her footsteps were slightly vain, and her expression was vigilant and frightened.

About a quarter of an hour later, we returned to the willow grove and hurried to the thatched hut where the hag was hiding.

I was also very nervous at this time.

Because I was afraid that it would be completely dark, and before I got the coffin back, there would be a big problem with that hag.

After another cup of tea, I finally saw the thatched cottage.

At this point I was even more surprised.

Ghost He did not lie down on the wooden canopy bed, but stood outside the thatched hut.

The body of the Hanba stood beside a bonfire.

The firelight mixed with the sunset rays that penetrated through the gaps in the willow leaves shone on it, making it look terrifying.

The bloodless dead face, the dim light, the wetter skin, and even the official uniform seemed to drip water...

Where his shoulders were, there was a dense row of ghostly symbols.

This should be what the hag did.

In addition, I found that Ghost He's other leg is not so bloated.

When I got closer, I saw that there was a paper tie that seemed to be made of human skin wrapped around his leg. At the knee, there was a paper tie face, two hollow eye sockets and a protruding mouth, which was extremely scary.

On the other side of the bonfire, the paper figurine Xu was using wooden sticks to set the fire.

I walked quickly to the front and put down the coffin on my body.

Ghost He raised her eyelids slightly, her eyes fell on the coffin, and then she glanced at me and He Zhi.

There was a look of satisfaction in his eyes, and he suddenly said, "Zhier, go and let the blood out, fingertip blood, a bowl."

This statement surprised me.

Blood on fingertips, or a bowl?

But He Zhi seemed to know it a long time ago. She bit her lip slightly, nodded slightly, and walked into the thatched cottage quickly...

The door of the thatched house was gently closed, and I could no longer see He Zhi in the house, and I felt an uncontrollable worry in my heart.

Putting so much blood... I'm afraid people will be weak for a long time.

What kind of trick is He Guipo, using the five ghost tree as a coffin, to prepare such a fierce corpse, and He Zhi's fingertip blood?

Just as I was lost in thought, the paper figurine by the campfire nodded to me, "Yin Yang, you've been tossing around all day, and you're still injured. Sit down, eat something, and take a breath."

He pointed to the side of the campfire, where there was a bamboo dustpan with some flour pancakes, dried meat, and a few water bags in it.

It has been tense all the time, and I don't feel anything, but now that I've relaxed a little bit, I'm really tired and thirsty.

It's just that I didn't think too much about it. He Zhi and I also tossed for a whole day, and now we're still bleeding...

I looked at the door of the thatched cottage worriedly for a while, then looked at He Guipo, and said unnaturally: "Old man, can I use mine for this blood?"

The paper figurine froze for a moment, and frowned, Ghost Pom He looked at me fixedly, he suddenly laughed, the coughing of Xi'er was mixed with laughter, the bellows-like voice almost coughed his lungs out.

I hurried forward, wanting to pat He Gui Po on the back.

He raised his hand, just blocking my movement.

The ghost woman glanced at me from top to bottom in satisfaction, and then said: "Yin Yang, grandpa is going to use the ghost woman's unique technique. This technique is to invite the souls of the five ghosts. You need to put the five ghosts in a wooden coffin and put them in the murderous corpse." , and then draw a talisman with the ghost woman's hard work, other people's blood will not work, the yang energy is too strong."

"Ten fingers connected to the heart, the blood from the fingertips is also called the blood from the heart, and now my health is not good, otherwise, it would be better to use my own blood, but juveniles have a special fate, and the effect of her blood will not be weak."

"This..." I was speechless for a while.

Ghost He has already explained clearly, and I can't help anything else.

But at this time, Ghost Woman He suddenly said: "Furthermore, if I can use your blood from Yin Yang, I won't use it, and you can be of great help."

"You can find this corpse. Feng Shui is definitely not weak. I don't know how it compares to Miao Guangyang?" He Guipo looked at me with burning eyes.

I lowered my head and pondered for a while before answering: "The feng shui Master taught me should be more subtle than what Mr. Miao learned. Maybe my entry level is much higher than Mr. Miao's. Now I don't know how it compares. It's just experience." In terms of quality, I am definitely not as good as Mr. Miao."

He Guipo still looked at me straight, and continued with a more serious tone, "Then let you use Feng Shui to deal with the watchman?"

"The paper figurine and I can fight it head-on, but the watchman also has very fierce methods. Once he lights a candle, the whole village will probably run into trouble. It's quite tricky. If you can use Feng Shui, you can get rid of it invisible." We have slandered him, this way, we will be more confident!"

I can't help but tremble slightly!

Feng Shui can indeed deal with people, but dealing with people is a big taboo, and there is also retribution from heaven.

Of course, in the current situation, if I can really deal with the watchman, I will definitely not hold back...

But the problem is, I can't handle it.

Now I haven't fully understood the house scriptures. Although I know many Fengshui techniques, I can't use them. What I can use now is to change people's houses and ancestral graves, and hurt people in terms of fate.

This is the truth that every Feng Shui master knows.

I really want to hurt people with feng shui out of thin air. I don’t know how Master Jiang Yihong is. At least I can’t do it for the time being...

In my thoughts, I didn't hide it from He Guipo, and told the truth.

He Guipo frowned even more.

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