I mechanically repeated the action at hand, and without knowing it, I felled three mulberry trees, and my mood finally eased a little.

After calming down, I also thought clearly!

I definitely can't be with the watchman, even if he has the information I want to know, my life experience, I can't be his disciple.

That would not only break the promise, but also let down the teaching of Master Jiang Yihong!

The watchman is a villain who kills without blinking an eye. If he colludes with him, he will definitely be punished by heaven!

What he said may not be true, maybe he just wanted to disturb me?

Wanting to accept me as an apprentice means that he has plans for me!

I slashed down fiercely again, cutting a mulberry tree in half.

The fate of Yinshengzi, the first 22 years, caused me to suffer a lot, but after getting through, it gave me even greater opportunities.

Uncle Xu, Miao Guangyang, Master... I was even faintly vigilant, and I deeply warned myself not to go the wrong way...

Even if you just take half a wrong step, you will be doomed forever!

And I also made up my mind, I will definitely figure out my life experience, find out the truth of what the watchman said, but it is absolutely impossible to be bewitched by the watchman and driven by him to do evil!

The first thing I have to do now is to deal with him with He Guipo and Paper Doll Xu, and take him down!

After thinking of this, my mind is completely clear.

Just at this time, a voice of surprise and uncertainty suddenly came from my ear: "Li Yinyang! What are you doing! How did you cut down the tree in front of my house?!"

This crisp and sweet voice was full of anxiety and anger!

I looked up, and in the direction of Liu Linzi, He Zhi was holding a rope, and the other end of the rope was tied with a handful of charred wood, and a tree trunk about the thickness of a thigh and more than two meters long!

She is walking towards me in a hurry!

I took a deep breath, stopped what I was doing, and waited for He Zhi to come over, trying to explain to her.

Unexpectedly, when He Zhi came close, he threw the rope in hand, pointed at my face and reprimanded me:

"Do you know that these mulberry trees were all brought down by my grandma! They are half of my grandpa's lifeblood!"

"After delivering the corpse, don't wait for me outside. If I didn't come out immediately when I heard the sound, you would have cut down the tree!"

"Can you stop doing things indiscriminately just to claim credit!" He Zhi's voice was crying, and his pretty face turned pale with anger.

But I was stunned when I heard it, and the hatchet in my hand almost fell off.

I frowned, my heart flustered for a while, and I was a little at a loss.

But He Zhi squatted beside the mulberry tree that I cut down, with his head down, weeping all the time.

She sobbed softly, choked up and said: "Li Yinyang, why does it always make people feel uncomfortable when I see you?" , but it made me feel like a needle was pricking my heart.

I opened my mouth, as if my throat was blocked, and I couldn't make a sound.

Seeing that He Zhi was getting more and more uncomfortable, I managed to squeeze out a sentence: "I don't know...it's just that I learned Feng Shui, and there is something wrong with your family's Feng Shui. There are so many mulberry trees in front of the door, and there will be no future generations. First die the grandson, then the children..."

After saying this, the knife in my hand could no longer be held tightly, and it fell directly to the ground.

I am even more at a loss.

But He Zhi froze. She raised her head and stared at me blankly, her tear-filled eyes were full of astonishment.

This scene lasted for a long time, until I felt like I was sitting on pins and needles, there was a trace of fear in He Zhi's eyes.

"Li Yinyang, what are you talking about? First kill the grandson, then the children?"

"Is it because of the mulberry trees planted in front of the door?"

I didn't realize it at first, but soon I felt that there was something wrong with this matter.

He Zhi opened her eyes wide and stared at the fallen mulberry trees. Her lower lip, which she was biting tightly, had turned a little blue, even bloodshot.

My pupils constricted, and I asked tentatively: "The He family, has something happened? Tell me about it?"

After a while, He Zhi said with a hoarse throat, sadly: "Before me, I had a few older brothers, and they all died when they were very young."

"My mother died suddenly after giving birth to me, and my father was pierced through the heart by a corpse that was suddenly fake. After that, not long after that, grandma passed away from grief."

"For more than ten years, my grandfather and I have come here together. Although my grandfather is strict with me, he told me that the ghost woman's lineage has five disadvantages and three shortcomings in life. It is difficult to survive. He is strict with me. Hello, I have suffered a lot in my life, maybe I won't encounter other disasters so easily..."

When the words came to this point, He Zhi looked at me in a daze, with more fear in his eyes.

"Is it really because of these trees? Is it because of Feng Shui?"

For a while, I didn't know what to say, because I never expected that He Zhi would live even more torment than me in this life...

At least I didn't own it, she was watching her disappear...

After being silent for a long time, I nodded and said: "It is indeed because of Fengshui, the way of Fengshui is closely related to fate. If there is a problem with Fengshui, it is too common for family members to wither..."

As soon as I finished speaking, He Zhi's eyes closed.

After a long time, she opened her eyes, and when she looked at those mulberry trees again, the emotions in her eyes were not only complicated, but also filled with hatred and suffering.

The next moment, He Zhi directly raised his hand, drew out the Guillotine Knife from his waist, and slashed!

Her movements are extremely fierce, and her strength is much stronger than mine.

I wanted to help, but she cut down the remaining mulberry trees in two or three strokes.

I set my eyes on the poplar tree in the courtyard, reached out to pick up the hatchet on the ground, raised my legs and walked straight into the courtyard.

When I got to the poplar tree, I chopped it down without hesitation.

Not long after, He Zhi also entered the yard. She didn't ask me anything else, but started cutting the poplar from the other end.

I couldn't bear to talk about the taboos of poplar at this time, for fear that He Zhi couldn't bear it in his heart.

Soon, the poplar tree was also cut off.

He Zhi asked me to go with her. She knew where there were neem and pagoda trees in the village.

I nodded and followed He Zhi to the village.

Along the way, we walked along the side of the road, trying to stick to the courtyard wall of the earthen house in the village.

He Zhi was obviously very cautious, always on guard for the existence of the watchman.

I also always felt that there were pairs of eyes staring at us, and even when I looked up several times in the direction of the line of sight, I could just see a dwarf figure hiding in a dark corner...

This caused me a lot of psychological pressure...

I think the watchman doesn't take Hegba seriously at all, even if we do these things, he doesn't feel the slightest threat.

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