I clutched the turf on the ground tightly, originally I wanted to directly refuse.

How could I give up the paper figurines Xu, He Guipo and He Zhi because I was afraid of death?

But the secret that the watchman told me made me suffocate.

About my secret, what is it?

For a while, there was more sweat on my forehead, and I stared at the watchman so hard that my eyeballs were about to protrude.

"What secret?!" I asked hoarsely.

"I know where you came from, why was that poor dead woman sent to the Hanging River as a sacrifice."

"I know more about your father and what he lied to you. You are very pitiful. You have lived for half your life and still don't know anything." The watchman said quietly again.

But just at this moment, there was a burst of barking from behind me!

This barking sound was extremely ferocious, it was clearly He Hag's wolf mastiff!

The watchman raised his head coldly, stared at me behind me, and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"You need to sharpen your knife to kill people. The faster the knife, the more blood will flow. The longer you sharpen the knife, the more panicked the person waiting to be slaughtered will be. Li Yinyang, if you want to find me, do it alone." After finishing speaking, the watchman straightened his body , with a cane, quickly left in the other direction.

His speed was much faster than normal people, the two crutches seemed to be blown by the wind, and disappeared from my sight in a blink of an eye...

There was a rapid kicking sound behind him, like a horse's hoof.

I struggled to look back, and saw a figure like a calf jumping up behind me.

This is the wolf mastiff!

Its scarlet eyeballs stared straight at the direction the watchman left, and barked fiercely twice.

But he didn't catch up...

At this moment, my mind was buzzing, and what the watchman said made me even more confused.

The pain in my waist and abdomen got better, and I struggled to get up.

The blood-red eyeballs of the wolf mastiff cast a cold glance at me.

It licked the corner of its mouth, and then turned its gaze to the wet corpse standing beside it.

Suddenly, the greed and ferocity in its eyes almost burst out!

I immediately thought, what He Zhi told me, corpses are just food for wolf mastiffs... Every wolf mastiff survived by digging up graves and eating murderous corpses.

Shocked, I shouted in a low voice: "Don't move, the old man wants the corpse!"

Faintly, I turned sideways to block it.

The wolf mastiff barked twice again, as if threatening me.

I didn't get out of the way, I was still staring at it!

There was a sudden sound of chaotic and hasty footsteps behind him.

Soon, the paper figurine Xu came into sight.

He frowned, his hands tensed in front of him, and the steel wires reflected in the sun.

"Yinyang, what's the matter? This big mastiff suddenly rushed out, and the ghost woman said that the watchman is coming?" I pursed my lips and replied in a low voice: "I just walked out of the forest, and he came. He gave me two crutches , beat me to the ground." I said so much, and then kept silent.

Paper figurine Xu's slender cheeks seemed to be sunken by two more points, and his eyes were full of doubts.

"That old thing, has he changed his nature? If he wants to kill you, you are already a corpse." The paper figurine Xu's brows formed a pimple.

I was wondering how to explain it to the paper figurine Xu, but his face suddenly changed slightly, and he asked eagerly, "Where's He Zhi?"

I hurriedly replied: "He Zhi was cutting trees in the willow grove, I was thinking of sending the corpse I found to you and the old man first." I tried my best to calm down, but my voice was still hoarse.

The paper figurine Xu's gaze fell on the wet corpse.

Its eyes immediately showed fear.

But in a blink of an eye, all the emotions in his eyes were gone.

The paper figurine Xu licked his lips, and murmured: "In this willow grove, there is actually a scorpion buried. This is an official uniform...official hat.... This corpse must be at least four or fifty years old. I don't know when it happened. The annual drought..."

My heart skipped a beat again, because I didn't know what Hanba was.

But the paper figurine Xu's eyes made me feel a little dangerous.

Of course, it is the dead body that is "dangerous."

"Uncle Xu... the old man wants to use this corpse to deal with the watchman. I will send it there with you first, and then go to He Zhi and work with her to make a coffin." I said immediately.

The paper figurine Xu shook his head and said, "I'll just take the corpse there. The sudden appearance of the watchman should be the cause of the drought. He has a weird temper. He should disdain to kill you first, so he didn't kill you. He was waiting to kill He Guipo before he did it."

"Go and help He Zhi."

With that said, the paper figurine Xu stretched out his hand to pull the rope around the corpse.

My body just froze for a moment, but I didn't block it anymore, and moved aside.

During this process, the paper figurine Xu also moved the basket in front of him, and directly carried the corpse on his back.

He glanced at me from the corner of his eye, and his eyes obviously softened even more.

I know that this emotion is called trust.

If I had doubted the paper figurine just now, I am afraid that there would be an irreparable rift between the two of us.

Similarly, what I said to He Zhi earlier also strengthened my belief that I will not doubt or "injure" the people around me.

The paper figurine Xu walked quickly towards the direction he came with the wet corpse on his back.

The wolf mastiff stared at me again, then turned around and left with the paper figurine Xu.

I stood there for a moment.

When I raised my leg again, I didn't enter Liulinzi...but walked towards the yard of the ghost woman's house.

In about a quarter of an hour, I was outside the yard.

There are several mulberry trees planted outside this courtyard, and there is also a poplar tree in the courtyard.

I went straight into the yard, found a hatchet, and started cutting mulberry trees when I came out!

In fact, my mind is very confused at the moment, and all I can think of are the few words that the watchman said to me.

My mother, is it a sacrifice?

And my dad, what is he hiding from me?

Where am I from?

More importantly, how would the watchman know my background?

I cut down trees just to distract my mind, because I was afraid I couldn't help it, so I went straight to the watchman...

In the sound of "click", every cut I made was extraordinarily ruthless!

Soon, I cut down a mulberry tree, and then I cut down the second one!

I didn't want to cut down the tree in front of the witch's door directly because I didn't want to find it.

It's about not planting mulberry in the front and willow in the back, and not planting ghosts in the courtyard to clap hands.

Ghost He directly took all three of these points into account, which was enough to make the He family's yard a murderous house. When I learned this, I thought about coming back and telling Ghost He that the tree would definitely be cut down!

Otherwise, Sang Tong's funeral will make the He family have no successors.

Yang is like a ghost, but there are little ghosts applauding all the year round, waiting for the He family to end their children and grandchildren.

The Liulinzi behind the hospital is even more soul-absorbing. After a person dies, it is impossible for the soul to reincarnate. They will enter the Liulinzi and become a lonely ghost, and they will not even have the next life...

[The author has something to say]

renew!renew!renew!Thank you for Tranquility and Zhiyuan's masterpiece certification, and thank you Miss Hua'er for your big rocket!Thanks to many book friends for their support to Mr. Yin Yang!If you are a new book friend, you can also read the main story (Records of Folk Mysteries) and you can find it by searching on Qimao!

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