The strange thing is that after the corpse fell, not only did it not fall to the ground, but it stood upright...

A ray of sunlight reflected on its face, and that wet dead face made people feel even more uncomfortable.

I even faintly feel that its eyes seem to open at any time...

At this moment, He Zhi glanced at me and said, "Li Yinyang, carry the corpse and wait for me outside the forest. I'll come out right away."

My face changed slightly, and I said unnaturally: "Shall I carry the corpse?"

"I want to cut willows, do you know which tree to cut? I'm a girl, and I've already pulled out the corpse and tied it up. Do you want me to carry it?" He Zhixiu frowned, and continued: " When the corpse comes out, there is no guarantee that the yin will be too strong, and the white raccoon will want to chew on the corpse, and if the corpse is broken, we will be unlucky if we don't need a watchman."

I was shocked.

He Zhi was right...

This corpse is not simple at all, it is indeed more difficult to deal with if it is broken again, and the corpse is tall, there is really no reason for He Zhi to carry it...

I went straight forward, hung the big black wooden box on my chest, turned my back to the corpse, grabbed back with both hands, and tightened the rope that tied He Zhi to the corpse. The dead body leaned against my back, and suddenly It's a piercing chill...

My whole body was in a state of shock, resisting the uncomfortable feeling, and wanted to carry the corpse on my back and walk out.

At the end, I still hesitated, looked back at He Zhi, and said: "How about I send the corpse to the old man first? Uncle Xu can also look at it. We will take the corpse and cut down trees to make a coffin. I'm afraid of accidents."

This corpse must be watched at all times, and I am afraid that He Zhi alone will not have time to get out the coffin that the ghost woman wants before dark. In this way, if there is any problem with this corpse, it will be the enemy.

He Zhi bowed his head and thought for a moment, but didn't answer me for a moment.

I was a little puzzled at first, but soon realized, took a deep breath and said: "Don't worry, Uncle Xu will definitely not move the corpse. I doubted you before, but I was wrong. I also doubted Uncle Xu afterwards. The facts tell me that I was wrong again."

"Now I have learned to trust the people around me, He Zhi, I put my life on the line, Uncle Xu will not take this corpse." When I said this, my words were sonorous and firm.

When He Zhi looked at me again, his complexion became complicated.

She said "hmm" without saying anything else, and walked straight towards the depths of the willow forest. When she got there, she also said that she would chop off the willow tree that struck the tree and give it to me. .

I breathed a sigh of relief, parted ways with He Zhibing, and hurried towards the outside of Liulinzi.

It took some time to come in because I was looking for the dead door.

At this time, when I came out, the speed was much faster.

After about a quarter of an hour, I walked out of Liulinzi.

The wet corpse seemed to be still squeezing out mucus on its back, which was extremely uncomfortable, and even had an itching and tingling sensation. I don't know if it would be poisonous.

I turned around and walked in the direction of Liu Linzi where the ghost woman was hiding.

It's just that as soon as I took a step, I felt a weird feeling coming from behind, like a thorn on my back!

The sixth sense is too clear, and my whole body is covered with fine sweat.

At this moment, there was a slight clang sound, which made my legs almost go limp...

Watchman behind my back? !

The sweat on his body suddenly turned into cold sweat, and it felt like it was about to freeze...

My eyelids couldn't help beating wildly, and my heart jumped into my throat.

Standing stiffly in place, my breathing became more rapid.

With the fastest speed, I let go of my hand, took out the divination knife from my waist, and turned around suddenly!

The moment I turned my head, there was a person next to me!

We're so close, it's no more than a palm's width away!

This person is at most 1.4 meters tall, like a dwarf.

He was dressed in a jet-black cloth, with white cloth wrapped round and round around his wrists and ankles.

A thin head, gray hair, and inverted triangle eyes.

That wrinkled face can almost kill flies!

He supported the crutches with both hands, and the crutches were so old that they were already shiny black.

At the waist, there is a palm-sized gong hanging, and there is also a gong!

This person is the watchman!

When did he come behind me, I didn't even notice it at all!

My head buzzed, and I raised my hand subconsciously, and the divination knife stabbed hard at his chest!

But at that moment, I panicked again, because the watchman didn't dodge.

I was afraid that if I stabbed him to death, I would suffer retribution, so I swung my hand and stabbed him in the shoulder!

With this knife, one of his arms will also be crippled!

At such a close distance, I feel that it is impossible for him to dodge.

Unexpectedly, when I was about to stab his shoulder, the watchman raised his hand suddenly.

His crutch suddenly went up.

With a snap, the crutch just blocked the divination knife!

I almost slipped my hand and didn't hold the handle firmly.

The next moment, the watchman's other hand trembled slightly again.

I only felt a sharp pain coming from my waist and abdomen. The pain made my eyes widen and my mouth wide open, and I couldn't make a sound.

I lowered my head tremblingly, only to realize that another crutch of the watchman had hit me in the abdomen. I was in so much pain that my eyes were staring and my head was sweating profusely.

He couldn't even gather the strength to escape, and fell limply towards the ground...

The watchman's inverted triangle eyes were dead silent and indifferent.

He stared at me quietly, and said dryly: "The fetus in the river, the child born in Yin, has lived beyond the age of 22."

At this moment, he was no longer the hoarse voice with a high-pitched voice when he was playing the watch last night, it was completely like a duck's voice.

And his eyes also changed slightly, as if showing some interest.

"That little bitch killed my only apprentice together with you. I was supposed to kill you to avenge my apprentice."

At this time, I was still curled up in the whole body, like a shrimp in pain, with my back arched.

The watchman bent down and approached me, his face almost touching mine.

I instinctively wanted to back up, but because of the pain, I couldn't move my body.

He licked the corner of his mouth, and suddenly said quietly: "I'll give you a choice, if you help kill my apprentice, you will be my apprentice, and I will let you live, how about it?"

There was another buzzing in my head.

I didn't understand how the watchman could appear behind me.

Now he wants to accept disciples?This shocked me even more.

But how could I agree?

And the watchman seemed to have anticipation in his eyes, he said: "You have no other choice, if you refuse me, you will die with them, if you agree to me, you will have a mother demon to follow, no one can walk you at night. "

"I can also tell you a secret, about your secret of giving birth to a baby."

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