Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 205 Python Robe, Dai Hualing

There are five elements in Feng Shui, and thunder is one of the changes of the five elements, which has the effect of warding off evil spirits and frightening the soul.

The grave was struck by lightning, no matter what kind of ghoul it was, it would lose half of its skin if it lost its soul.

In the eight trigrams, thunder belongs to the hexagram Zhen, and among the five elements, wood belongs to the two hexagrams Zhenxun.

The wood energy is weaker than the thunder, that is, the thunder suppresses the wood, and the wood has endless life, so the thunder energy is endless.

Jiang Yihong taught me that lightning strike wood is a natural thing to ward off evil spirits. If you have the opportunity, you must take a piece of lightning strike wood as a talisman and carry it with you to prevent external evil from invading.

I didn't expect to see the Lightning Strike Wood in this place!

Looking at the grave mounds under the willow trees struck by lightning, and then looking at the rapidly turning needle on the compass, my heart sank even more...

Ordinary corpses, lightning strikes will dissipate their souls.

The corpse in this tomb was not only struck by lightning, but even formed a lightning-struck log that penetrated the tomb. It has not yet lost its soul...

The reason for my judgment is also simple. If the corpse in the tomb has already lost its soul, the fixed compass will not form a turning needle with eight tricks.

The corpse in this tomb is definitely not trivial.

I even think that Miao Guangyang's wife may not be able to survive in this situation...

At this time, He Zhi put down the hoe instead, and pulled out the ghost knife. She walked quickly to the grave, raised her hand and started cutting trees!

I didn't stop He Zhi. To dig a grave, you must cut down the tree first. This corpse is the murderer, so it should be fine during the day.

I also stepped forward to help her chop together.

The divination knife was too small, so I used a hoe to hoe it. After a while, several crooked lightning strike willow trees were cut down. He Zhi carefully stacked them together, with uncontrollable joy in his eyes.

I can also clearly see that the Lightning Strike Wood is probably of great use to their witches.

Soon, He Zhi put away the expression on his face, took the hoe, and started digging the grave!

I was also on full alert and cautiously helped He Zhi dig the grave together.

After digging for about half an hour, I noticed that the sunlight in the gaps between the willow leaves above my head became more dazzling.

I immediately told He Zhi to stop, not to continue digging the grave, and let her come to me.

He Zhi didn't know why, so he frowned and asked me why I wasted time.

I briefly explained a few words about the Great Yin in a low voice, and then asked He Zhi to hold the compass with me.

He Zhi was shocked, but he didn't say much.

She reached into her pocket and took out a silver object.

I recognized it at a glance, isn't this the pocket watch that Huo Kunmin got at the beginning?

He Zhi was obviously a bit reluctant, but she still pushed the pocket watch towards my chest.

"Take it, keep an eye on the time, don't let us die in front of the grave. Don't mother-in-law say that you don't want it! And point out that you can take me and grandpa out." He Zhi bit his lower lip slightly and continued.

I glanced at He Zhi gratefully, quickly opened my pocket watch, and looked down at the time.

The time on this watch is different from the time, it is 24 hours for foreigners, and it is noon at this moment, pointing to the twelve o'clock position.

While looking at the watch hands, I glanced vigilantly at the grave from the corner of my eye.

A few rays of sunlight reflected on the grave, I didn't feel anything else at the moment, but now I feel that the grave is terribly gloomy, and the soil has become much darker, as if there is blood seeping out, and it seems that it will suddenly pierce at any time. Give an arm!

Cold sweat broke out on my forehead, and my spirit was on high alert.

Time passed bit by bit, and finally, the gloomy feeling dissipated a lot.

And the thin needle on the pocket watch just finished a circle.

I let out a heavy breath, relieved.

"never mind……"

While talking, I wanted to return the pocket watch to He Zhi, but just as I raised my hand, I saw her slightly frowning and displeased eyes, my hands froze for a moment, and I subconsciously put the pocket watch in my pocket.

He Zhi let go of the fixed compass, picked up the hoe again, lowered his head and continued digging the grave.

I also put away the fixed compass and dug the grave with her. At the same time, I was also thinking, with this pocket watch, I have to give He Zhi another thing?

About two quarters of an hour later, there was a light click, and it was He Zhi's hoe that hit a hard object first...

Hearing that voice, it should be the coffin board!

Immediately, both of us became more careful, no longer digging hard, but digging gently.

Soon, a thin coffin was dug out by us...

This coffin is not ordinary black, but rather dark red, with many complicated lines on it.

The years are too long, and the coffin has corroded too much.

What's even more weird is that the coffin lid on the right side has been pried open...

Looking at it twice, I feel a chill in my heart.

Inside the gap in the coffin lid, there was an extremely thin hand that curled into a claw...

It was as if he was going to stick out and push open the coffin lid!

He Zhi moved sharply, hooked the hoe forward, inserted it into the gap of the coffin lid, and lifted it up fiercely!

With a creaking sound, the lid of the thin coffin was immediately lifted!

A few pieces of sawdust flew up and hit me on the head!

The first subconscious action I made was to cover my nose first, and at the same time I reminded vigilantly: "He Zhi, be careful of the corpse poison!" This was my instinctive reaction after experiencing Mrs. He's incident.

But He Zhi replied softly: "The lid of the coffin is open, and the smell of corpses has dissipated long ago, stupid!" The moment he finished speaking, He Zhi jumped lightly and jumped directly into the coffin.

My body froze suddenly, and I was shocked.

As far as the eye could see, inside the coffin was a wet corpse...

Logically speaking, if the age of death is long, the corpse will definitely become a mummy, and this corpse is not only not dry at all, it seems that water can be squeezed out of it.

The blue-black oversized robe has a square pattern in the middle of the chest, and there are blue and white patterns on it, which seems to be embroidered with a bird.

It has a round face with closed eyes, a high forehead, a small nose, and thin lips that are red, as if stained with blood.

The front half of the head is bald, and a braid is wrapped around the neck. The rough hair, the wet pale skin, is eerie.

On the head of the corpse is a crown of flowers.

He Zhi raised his hand and grabbed his shoulder, and lifted it up vigorously!

The corpse sat up straight away, its neck still stiff.

I don't know if I didn't pay attention at the first glance, or because the corpse has changed now, its thin lips are slightly raised at this moment, as if laughing that we dug it out?

He Zhi moved without stopping, and took out a roll of black and red thin rope that seemed to be mixed with cinnabar in his hand.

She quickly wrapped the rope around the corpse from the chest to the waist.

Immediately afterwards, a few black wooden nails were found, and they were slapped into the forehead, the center of the body, the temples on both sides, and the top of the head...

After doing this, He Zhi immediately grabbed the corpse's shoulders and jumped out.

The entire corpse was directly lifted out of the coffin by her and landed on the open space.

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