The corpse is buried in the willow forest, and the willow forest is the cave.

There is a small river outside the cave, and walking outside, after a section of open space, there is another hanging river!

In Feng Shui, this is called rebellion!

I quickly recalled the direction of the small stream I walked after I left Liulinzi, and the direction of the hanging river outside.

I squatted down, took out the divination knife, and drew a simple pattern on the grass.

After a circle, there are two arc-shaped traces.

I was sure again that my analysis was correct, and put the divination knife back on my waist.

Looking down at the compass again, I recalled the description of rebellion in the Zhaijing.

The mood that had calmed down suddenly became uneasy again.

The reason is that this heavy rebellion is a serious evil point in terms of Feng Shui.

If the water is reversed twice or three times, the family must be fierce.There are two waters flowing out to the side of the tomb, the master's descendants are unfilial and disabled!

It stands to reason, He Guipo said that the murderous corpse here was buried by Mr. Feng Shui and the fortune-teller together. They shouldn't have buried the corpse in the cave of great evil!

Fengshui is a yin technique, and fortune-telling is a yang technique. The two gentlemen know better what will happen when the corpse is buried in the murderous cave...

They can only do it on purpose, so what grudge does this murderous corpse have against them?

So much so that after death, he will die in peace, and even make him a disaster for future generations?

The more I thought about it, the more I frowned, and my face darkened.

Digging up this corpse, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble. Even if it doesn't cheat the corpse during the day, I may suffer some backlash, or even retribution.

"Li Yinyang, have you become dumb since we haven't seen each other for two months? I'm thinking and don't say anything." He Zhi pouted and kicked me.

I exhaled heavily, brows were frowning, and I still couldn't let go.

Shaking my head, I said with a wry smile: "I don't know what kind of enmity the two gentlemen mentioned by the old man have with the people buried here. They won't let him be at peace after death."

Slightly smoothing out our thoughts, He Zhi and I explained the feng shui situation of rebellion and the fate of this corpse.

He Zhi was shocked when she heard that, she didn't lose her temper, she just grabbed the corner of her clothes subconsciously.

While I was stilling, I told He Zhi that the entire willow grove is a hole, but the hole is at the final position of the evil spirit. We have to go in and find the hole before we can dig the grave.

He Zhi asked me to wait, she went to get some tools like hoes.

After saying that, He Zhi hurriedly walked towards her house.

While waiting for her in place, I analyzed the specific location of the hole in my mind.

The feeling of being stared at suddenly became stronger.

I subconsciously looked in the direction of the thorn coming from behind.

That side is the path from Liulinzi, and the other side is the courtyard of He Guipo's house.

Indistinctly, I caught a glimpse of a few people, who were wearing dirty and old cloth clothes, or drooping their shoulders, or crooked their necks, staring at us.

Under the sun, those people were like black shadows.

I always feel very weird, as if there is something missing from them...

And a little chilling.

After staring at them for a long time, I was shocked all over.

Because I found out that what they lack is like a head.

It seems that their hands and feet are sound, but the top of their heads seems to have been cut off abruptly.

The sun made them all black, so the missing piece was hard to see without looking carefully.

The head has been chopped off... Can people still live?This watchman murdered people and started attacking ordinary villagers?

"Li Yinyang, what are you looking at, so preoccupied?" Suddenly, someone patted on the shoulder, and He Zhi's crisp voice came into his ears.

I recovered from my shock, only to see that He Zhi had come back with two hoes in hand.

I pointed to the direction I was looking at just now, and wanted He Zhi to look at it, and at the same time I said: "There are a few people over there, it's strange..."

Before the voice fell, I looked back, only to find that the place just now was empty, where is anyone still there?

He Zhi's eyes also fell over, and he asked suspiciously: "Who is it? No one, Li Yinyang, are you dazzled?"

He Zhi muttered in a low voice: "In broad daylight, you can't live to hell."

My face suddenly became extremely ugly.

It's neither night nor cloudy, so it's impossible to live to hell...

That is, when you bow your head, how many people walk away?

With a piece of head missing, there is a high probability that they are not alive...

Or, did someone remove them? !

"It's not easy to dig graves when it's dark, and we still have to cut down trees. Grandpa told us to be quick, so as not to have long nights and dreams." He Zhi urged me.

I didn't look any more, but my heart was more vigilant. I took the hoe in He Zhi's hand, turned around, and walked directly towards the willow forest.

I held a hoe in one hand and a fixed compass in the other.

At this time, what appears on the fixed compass is the turning needle, and the turning needle is the intervention of evil yin.

This Liulinzi itself is all white raccoons, full of yin.

Burying a murderous corpse is also a murderous cave, so it is naturally a sinister haunt!

Ordinary people living in this place for a long time will hurt their souls.

He Zhi and I walked in for seven or eighty meters before we discovered another weird problem.

The white raccoon actually didn't show up...

It was broad daylight outside, and the inside of the willow forest was gloomy. The sun shone in through the branches and leaves, but it didn't bring any warmth.

I can also figure it out, this is what He Guipo explained before, with cold lips and teeth.

The needle of the fixed compass began to turn faster. I carefully discerned which direction to go, and the speed of the needle would be faster.

Where the murderous corpse is, there must be more ferocious resentment, and the needle will naturally turn faster.

As I walked, I discovered that this direction was southwest.

Immediately my heart sank again, and I murmured: "The southwest is Kun, the five elements belong to earth, Kun is to Gen, death is to life, all things live in spring and die in autumn, this place is the gate of death." It is advisable to hang people for mourning, torture and fight, and hunt and kill animals."

"I should have thought of it...the grave is at the gate of death."

When I whispered, He Zhi kept looking at me. I noticed that He Zhi's eyes were full of surprises, even a little strange, as if she knew me for the first time.

Soon, I stopped.

At this time, Liu Linzi came to an extremely dense area. About three or four meters away in front of him, there were several willow trees, which grew very strangely, crookedly, as if they were entwined and coiled together.

And under the willow tree, there is a dirt bag, which is obviously a grave bag!

What's even more weird is that those willow trees are all the same, and some of them are as black as charcoal, as if they have been burned by fire.

After taking a second look, I felt that the eyeballs were burning a bit.

He Zhi's face changed slightly, and he said in astonishment: "Lightning strikes wood?!"

What she said immediately made me change my face.

[The author has something to say]

Three shifts after three shifts, Lao Luo chirped.

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