I was startled.


But I didn't hesitate, I got closer first, and put the two large yellow croakers on the wooden canopy bed. Immediately afterwards, I took out the remaining two large yellow croakers and put them on the wooden canopy bed as well.

So far, there are only about 100 yuan left in my wooden box.

After all, it was a long journey to Tang Town, and the journey cost a lot.

Now the big black wooden box is much lighter.

He Ghost Possessed herself and got up a little bit. He brought all the big yellow fishes in front of him, stared at them for a while, and then smiled and said: "Mr. Yin-Yang in the future, very good, very good what."

What he said was full of exclamation, and even somewhat relaxed and relieved?

It's just that I really can't understand how the witch can get up so easily.

Even if he's happy for me, that seems a little too much?

But his expression was very sincere, without any falsehood.

I didn't want to interrupt He Guipo, so I glanced behind me from the corner of the eye and found that the paper figurine Xu was still in the distance, but he didn't mess with his back basket, but was lying in the air between two willow trees... …

After taking a second look, I realized that there were a few wicker strands under his body, which were simply tied into a hammock.

But I still haven't seen He Zhi.

I couldn't help but feel worried, so I interrupted Ghost He and asked him in a low voice, where is He Pheasant?

Ghost He's expression recovered a lot, he put a few big yellow fish on the side of the bed, looked at me, and said: "It's dawn, I'll go back and get some food, don't worry, she will be very careful, that old man When the thing started, a group of people blocked me, but now they don’t chase us, waiting for me to fight him.”

I pursed my lips and fell silent for a moment.

At this moment, I feel a little relieved. He Zhi's skills are much stronger than mine, so there shouldn't be any serious problems.

He looked at Ghost He's face, and then at his crooked leg.

After one night, Ghost Pom not only didn't get better, but his face became even more bloodless.

Even from the position of that leg, there was a faint stench, as if it was rotten...

If he didn't go out to find a doctor quickly, his age and this worsening leg injury would kill him.

"Ghost woman, do you have a medicine box at home? My father taught me some ways to clean wounds before, I can..." My brows were frowning, and I couldn't help but speak.

Ghost He coughed loudly, he groped around, took out a rolled leaf cigarette, lit it and held it between his lips.

His lips twitched, and he said, "You didn't call the ghost woman. From now on, I will call you the old man, or just call me grandpa."

I was stunned again, but I didn't think much more about it, I just thought, maybe Hag He felt that this title didn't respect him enough?

Before I could speak again, the ghost woman said again: "This leg is useless, you don't have to worry, the old man's life is still very useful, he can't die. When Zhier comes back later, I want you to do something .”

At this point in the words, Ghost He's expression suddenly turned a lot sharper, he opened his eyes wide, and seemed to be looking outside the thatched cottage.

The wolf mastiff under the wooden frame suddenly bared its teeth and stood up, it whimpered and barked, also showing fierceness.

"What's the matter?" I think this matter must not be simple, otherwise He Ghost would not have such an expression.

"In the willow forest, a corpse was buried. Many years ago, a fortune teller and a businessman came to do it. I don't know where it is. It's a murderous corpse, very powerful."

"I don't have the energy to look for my leg. Go and dig out that corpse, and then chop down neem, mulberry, locust, willow, and poplar. A child can make a coffin, and let her make a mouthful of five ghost wood." coffin."

"Does the paper doll think that my ghost woman will be forced to death by that old watchman? Hehe, Yin Yang, I'll let you see what the ghost woman's method is."

Saying that, Ghost He took a puff of the rolled leaf cigarette even harder.

Half of the cigarette was smoked in an instant, and Ghost He coughed hard again, almost coughing out her lungs!

I wanted to step forward quickly to pat him, but the wolf mastiff poked out half of its head and stood up, baring its teeth. I was afraid that it would bite off my leg with one bite, so I was so shocked that I quickly backed away .

"Wolf mastiff doesn't look at people, it only sees sneakiness. You are a child of the underworld. It sees you as a corpse, so it naturally wants to eat it." Saying that, the ghost woman slapped the wolf mastiff's head again, and said in a deep voice : "Big Mastiff, if you want to eat Li Yinyang again, I will pull out your teeth and make them into beads for Li Yinyang to take with you."

The wolf mastiff whimpered aggrievedly, and immediately retracted under the bed again, not daring to poke its head out again.

At this moment, the sound of small footsteps came from behind.

I turned my head subconsciously, and at a glance I saw He Zhi came back.

She carried a few packages on her arm, and held a pot in her hand, walking in a hurry.

In a blink of an eye, He Zhi arrived at the thatched cottage.

She glared at me, and before she could speak, the ghost woman coughed twice. She immediately put away that look, carefully put down the pot, and put down the wraps on her arms one by one.

She entered the hut, supported the ghost woman to sit up a little higher, and took out some bowls and chopsticks from the other side of the hut, first made a bowl of porridge for the ghost woman, and then gave me a bowl, He said angrily, "Eat!".

At this time, the paper figurine Xu also came over, and we sat in front of the thatched hut to eat porridge, and He Zhi took some pancakes for everyone to share.

After eating nothing, my spirit has improved a lot.

The ghost woman called He Zhi into the thatched cottage again, and whispered beside He Zhi.

He Zhi's face changed again and again, she pursed her lips, looking like she was about to cry.

The ghost woman was very strict, and He Zhi didn't dare to cry at all.

At the end, He Zhi came out of the thatched hut. She was depressed and said in a low voice, "Li Yinyang, come with me."

The paper figurine Xu glanced at me and nodded at me.

I followed He Zhi and walked straight forward, and soon I came to the front of Liu Linzi from this trail.

At this time, the sun was glaring and made people feel warm, but my heart felt chilly and fearful, because I felt that after I walked out, I felt as if I was being stared at.

It seemed that the watchman was hiding in the dark, looking at us carefully, watching us struggle...

He Zhi stopped right in front of Liu Linzi, and she whispered, "Look, Grandpa said you know where the dead body is buried in the woods, dig it out first, and then we'll cut down the tree."

I regained my composure a little bit, and glanced at Liu Linzi.

Quickly throwing away the messy thoughts, I began to concentrate on analyzing this willow forest.

I narrowed my eyes slightly and took out the fixed compass from my waist.

I didn't know Fengshui before, but when I saw Liu Linzi, I felt very gloomy, giving people a feeling of darkness.

Looking at it now, the moment Liu Linzi entered my goal, I thought of a Fengshui bureau in the Zhaijing!

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