Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 202 Two large yellow croakers are not enough

During the questioning, I looked nervously at the paper figurine Xu.

The paper figurine Xu licked the corners of his withered mouth, and said quietly: "The watchman walks in the middle of the night. If it is common, he will carry a lantern. If it is unusual, he will carry a personal candle. People will light candles, and ghosts will enjoy the fragrance. The watchman's ability is not just about beating gongs." .”

I still want to ask a few more questions, because I am still in the fog of what the paper figurine Xu said.

Xu, the paper figurine, shook his head, saying that I would probably see it, and I would know it at a glance.

Pausing for a moment, the paper figurine Xu continued, from now on, no one can leave the area of ​​the hut, first think of a way, how to avoid the watchman, and leave Hejia Village safely.

What he said made me even more suspicious.

The paper figurine Xu actually wanted to back away.

What kind of fierce is that watchman's ability... It makes the paper figurine Xu even have no intention of fighting.

For a moment, the atmosphere froze.

Ghost He's closed eyes didn't open again, he leaned against the head of the bed all the time, as if falling asleep.

Xu, the paper figurine, put the pannier on his chest and looked down, as if he was thinking.

I looked at the ghost woman, then at the paper figurine Xu, and finally my eyes fell on He Zhi next to him.

I don't know why, but my messy mood suddenly stabilized a lot.

He Zhi lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking, his face turned pale.

I took two steps closer, suppressed my voice, and said sincerely: "I'm sorry about the previous incident. I was too self-righteous and misunderstood you."

He Zhi raised her head, bit her lower lip tightly, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and said in a low voice: "Who wants you to apologize, you are hypocritical."

But I didn't know what to do for a while.

He Zhi suddenly took two steps forward, ducked his head into the thatched cottage, and sat down leaning against the wooden canopy bed.

With red eyes, she glanced at me again, but this time, her eyes seemed to be complaining and wronged?

I stared at her blankly, and the moment I met her eyes, she turned her head, leaned on the edge of the bed, closed her eyes, and stopped looking at me.

After a while, He Zhi seemed to be fast asleep, breathing evenly.

But even at this moment, her furrowed brows still didn't disperse, but her pretty face was full of exhaustion.

In addition to apologizing, I also felt a trace of pity.

"Let's rest for a while, wait until dawn, the watchman is not so fierce, we should be able to enter the village for activities, but it's not easy to walk." The paper figurine Xu's eyes fell on me.

I hesitated for a moment, and said, "Then let's find a way to leave at dawn tomorrow? The watchman is not so fierce during the day, so it should be easy to deal with, right?"

"It's a little bit easier to deal with. Once we meet head-on, we will be the ones to die. We must leave during the day." I pursed my lips, but couldn't catch up with the words.

During the day the watchmen are so fierce...

A trace of anxiety began to appear in my heart.

Hejia Village is like a cage, if you want to go out, you will face the watchman's gongs, and there are even more terrifying things.

During the day, being able to move around a little bit is a bit hopeful.

At night, when the watchman beats the gong, he can only hide and suffer psychological torture.

Until the point where I can't bear it anymore, I will either have a mental breakdown, or fight to the death with the watchman!

Thinking of this, I feel a little regretful.

At that time, maybe I should have carried Zhou Zi's gun with me?

In this way, no matter how fierce the watchman is, he can't jump a few times under the gun...

Suddenly, there seemed to be a dull pain in my waist, as if I had been pinched by something.

I quickly reached out to feel for it, and there was a Tiangan inkstone and a ground pen in that place, and now I don’t know why, the ground pen is sticking to the edge, and the part of the pen sticks to my ribs.

My heart missed half a beat, and I shook my head vigorously. I was faintly aware of it, and quickly dismissed the idea...

Among Jiang Yihong's teachings to me, human life is very important. The only time he looks serious is to teach me, Mr. Yin Yang, to remember cause and effect.

Kill people to pay for their lives, debts to pay back money, the dead to return to the underworld, and the living to be sent to hell.

After all, there is a rule in everything, if Mr. Yin Yang or Mr. Feng Shui kills someone, he must be punished by God...

"Yinyang, don't think about it anymore, you are not capable enough now, it is our business to deal with the watchman, so let's rest."

The paper figurine got up, he patted my shoulder, and signaled me to rest again.

I lowered my head and squatted down by the wall of the thatched hut.

At this time, I noticed that the paper figurine was walking far away, and it stopped when it was almost at the edge of my line of sight, and squatted down with its back to me.

I vaguely guessed that the paper man Xu should be making paper sticks?

The tired consciousness began to erode the body, I was very sleepy, but I couldn't sleep, my head was dizzy, I wanted to think of a way to deal with the watchman, but I didn't have any good ideas.

Apart from knowing some Feng Shui, I am not proficient in it. Apart from that, how can I have other skills...

The spells in feng shui can suppress corpses, and some can hurt people, but those conditions are very harsh, and Jiang Yihong also told me that once I use feng shui to harm people, I will definitely get retribution.

Drowsy, I finally thought of my mother.

My body and consciousness could no longer stretch, I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

I had no dreams all night, but I was blown by the wind all the time, and my body was chilly.

When I woke up again, Liu Linzi was still very dark, and there was sunshine outside, penetrating down slowly, and it had already lost its warmth.

I first took a look back. Inside the thatched hut, Ghost He was leaning against the head of the bed and smoking a cigarette, staring at her broken leg.

A huge, pitch-black head protruded from under the bed, with a pair of scarlet eyes staring straight at me.

The wolf mastiff's mouth was trembling all the time, and the glistening halazi kept flowing down...


Because I still feel that the wolf mastiff's eyes are treating me like food...

There was no sign of He Zhi in the thatched hut, so I don't know where she went.

He Guipo's eyes fell on me, and his eyes were a lot more peaceful, even showing a bit of desire and appreciation.

This was an expression He Ghost had never shown before.

"Yin Yang, children are stubborn by nature and have a savage temper, which makes you suffer a lot."

Ghost He sighed softly, and said, "Please forgive her more."

I froze for a moment, then shook my head quickly.

I seriously told Possess He that although He Zhi has some tempers, don't ordinary people have tempers?

When she handles things, she is very careful, and she doesn't make any mistakes. I don't think I can do it.

Moreover, we had to rely on He Zhi's help to deal with the Huo family's affairs before, so we solved the matter.

Having said that, I suddenly realized that I quickly put down the big black wooden box, opened it, and took out two big yellow croakers.

I handed it into the door of the thatched house, and said solemnly: "The Huo family gave four big yellow croakers, these two are the rewards that should be given to He Zhi!"

Ghost Woman He didn't look at the big yellow croaker at all, instead she looked at me and laughed again, her face was full of satisfaction.

"Two big yellow croakers are not enough, take out all four." Ghost He suddenly said again.

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