Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1063 Fanwai: Qingshan Chapter Zhongshantan Asks the Heart, Green Corpse Road

Time, between the third and fourth legs of this ghost with long hair, seems to pass without meaning.

Sunrise and sunset, daylight and nightfall.

The mountain pool is still so quiet, and the corpses on the shore are still so shriveled.

It did not return to its original shape or swell due to soaking in water.

I don't know how many times the day and night have changed.

I don't know how much time has passed

In the evening of one day, when a faint, angry and condensed mist floated on the mountain pool.

Change happened.

The mist no longer appeared and dissipated as it did every day, but slowly flowed towards a shore.

There is a white marble coffin lid obliquely pressed there.

A hand was exposed outside the coffin lid.

False grasping fingers, as if to grasp this piece of sky

But he couldn't grasp the sky, he could only touch the flowing mist.

The weak breath seemed to come from under the lid of the coffin.

It's just that the breath is too weak, as if it will disappear and stop at any time.

it works hard to survive

The mist followed that hand and spread towards the coffin lid.

Since then, every day, whenever there is fog in the mountain pool, the fog will definitely move to this place.

Even when there is no mist, the invisible and qualityless anger is still flowing here

That hand was gradually covered with red fluff.

After that, the fluff clings to the skin, and slowly changes to a light blue color.

From light green to dark green, the fluff completely dissipated, leaving only the blue-haired gray skin.

Time, I don't know if a year has passed or two years.

Suddenly one night, that hand moved, from a virtual grasp to a tight grip!

Under the reflection of the moonlight, this scene looked extremely terrifying!

The next moment, the lid of the white marble coffin popped up suddenly, and fell heavily towards the coffin not far away!

There was a muffled bang, and the coffin lid pressed tightly against the coffin.

Under the previous coffin lid, a person stood upright.

The blood on the light blue Taoist robe has completely disappeared.

Yang Qingshan's face showed a light bluish complexion, and his eyes contained a faint blue color.

The slightly sunken cheeks now give people a rather dark and mean feeling.

Yang Qingshan stared blankly at everything in front of him.

He didn't move for a long time.

Time passed slowly, and the mist on the mountain pool gradually formed, flowing towards Yang Qingshan again.

After wrapping around his body, it slowly entered his body.

Feeling the anger slowly nourishing his dry body, Yang Qingshan bowed his head, raised his hand, and moved his five fingers slowly.

In my heart, there is a haze like a huge mountain.

Then he pressed his hand on his chest, the weak breath that would stop at any time made him struggle and suffer even more.

As the most outstanding Taoist priest of the Liu family, how could he not know what happened?

Being pressed under the coffin lid, he was dying.

But the unwillingness in his heart made him dying for a long time.

It stands to reason that inviting the gods should have ended long ago.

But he never died.

It stands to reason that this breath should have been swallowed long ago, but he never swallowed it.

He took another thing out of his body.

It was a rattle.

However, the rattle has been broken.

"Xing'er..." Yang Qingshan's hand shook again.

Now that he has become such a ghost, I don't know how long it has passed.

What happened to the Qiang people?

What's the matter, Liu's family?

The only son left by Jin'er to follow his father

What will be the result?

"Chess piece" Yang Qingshan muttered in a low voice.

He took a step and crossed the mountain pool easily.

It fell into the big house in the center.

At a glance, he saw a heavy coffin inside the house.

"Qiu Chudao?" Yang Qingshan murmured again.

He closed his eyes and opened them after a long time.

Taking a step, he walked to the coffin, raised his hand, and was about to slam the lid open.

He saw through his father's true face, especially now that he didn't know how long it had been.

Going back at this time is probably of little significance.

Another point, he might not even be able to enter the Liu family, let alone the Qiang clan, in this green corpse.

He knew all the Taoist priests of the Liu family very well, as long as he appeared within their range, before he saw Liu Sanyuan, he would definitely be mobbed and attacked.

Corpse and Tao, not accomplices.

The members of the Liu family will act on behalf of the heavens and will destroy all demons and monsters!

What he has to do now is to do one more thing for the Qiang people and the Liu family.

Open the coffin and take out the burial shadow to watch the mountain!

However, this burial shadow viewing mountain cannot be given to his father, but to find a way to give it to his master!

The Qiang people need to set the record straight!

Thoughts come quickly, almost instantly.

His movements were faster, and he had already landed on the coffin.

However, his hand passed through

Yang Qingshan was stunned, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the tiled roof above.

The refracted moonlight seems to be swaying on his body

"Fake?" Yang Qingshan's bluish face instantly became darker, as if an unknown fire ignited from his chest.

He flicked his hand hard to the right.

There was a loud bang, and a huge splash was blasted in the water!

The originally peaceful mountain pool is no longer calm, and ripples are everywhere.

He passed the big house again, and looked around the entire interior of the Zhijiao Mountain Range.

The Feng Shui technique of the Qiang people can't tell where is the real place to hide the grave.

This, I'm afraid this is what his father was looking for.

hand, pressed against the chest.

The nameless fire could not be suppressed for a long time.

The emotions in his heart also became extremely depressed.

Unexpectedly, with his current appearance, he couldn't even control his emotions?

In this case, once out

Once you meet the Taoist priest of the Liu family.

That's not just the work of Taoist priests of the Liu family.

The consequences of this are already unimaginable.

Yang Qingshan turned his head again, and looked at the white marble coffin.

This time, he finally saw those words.

"Yin dragon water, and the sun is moving, and those who see the coffin will die."

He jumped, and the next time he landed, he stood directly on top of the coffin.

He sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

What came to mind was what Li Yinyang said to him back then.

His mother is also a green corpse, but it is a harmless green corpse.

The corner of Yang Qingshan's mouth became extremely severe.

He murmured: "Human poison is unbearable, father, planning for more than 30 years, fetching water from a bamboo basket."

"You won't be reconciled." "Next, who will you be prepared to sacrifice and take advantage of?" Yang Qingshan wasn't ready to leave.

At least, when he can't control his emotions, when he can't understand his body as a living corpse, he won't leave Shantan for half a step.

He knew at least one more thing he could do.

Because of his father, he will definitely come here again.

He wants to clean up the portal!

Just like what he and Liu Tianniu said at the beginning.

Everything is for the Qiang people!

The cold night became day again, and the day became night again.

Yang Qingshan sat like that on the white marble coffin, no longer moving, like a sculpture.

It's more like painting the ground as a prison.

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